What You Need to Escape: Tarot Pick a Card
Our future is undetermined. Because of our free will and the free will of others, it’s easy to end up going in the wrong direction.
If you were drawn to this tarot pick a card reading, then the universe thinks you’re at risk of going down the wrong path. But you can avoid it!
All you have to do is look at the piles of cards above. Which animal stands out to you the most? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading!
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Here I’m using the Crow Tarot and the Dark Mirror Oracle decks while the animals are from an Acekar Sticker Pack (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase).
Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s see about helping you escape from misfortune.
Pile 1: Dog

Limited Perfection
The first card in your spread is Bride in a Cage. I sense that you’ve put yourself in a box and you’re unable to escape. To be a bride is wonderful, but to be a trapped bride is horrific. I think you had a vision for your future that seemed wonderful and it’s no longer a fit.
There are two reasons this may be the case. The first is that your vision for the future was unreasonable. Think of the bride who assumes a fantasy version of what marriage would actually be like.
If this is you, you created a fantasy version for your future. It was great to aspire and work towards, but once you start manifesting that future version of yourself, the fantasy has to transition into a realistic life.
The other reason is that you put yourself on a pedestal. A bride is a temporary state of being. Ideally, she’s pure and beautiful, but that perfect woman is usually artificial. It doesn’t represent the woman as she truly is.
Yet many women struggle their entire lives to match that perfect self. Some are even afraid to gain weight and no longer fit into their wedding dress. As if they’d ever wear it again!
You need to ask yourself if you created an unrealistic personal standard and now you can’t grow or reflect your true desires in life.
Abundance of Possibilities
The second card in your spread is the Two of Pentacles. You’re taking on a lot right now. While it’s easy to get overwhelmed, I don’t necessarily think your approach is the wrong one.
By taking on a lot of responsibilities, what you’re actually doing is diversifying. Whichever reason you resonated with the most in the last card, there’s this sense of idealism that has to be shattered for your own good.
You doing more, perhaps more than you’re even capable of, allows you to try new things. Be patient with yourself though: you’re bound to fail or even get frustrated by how much is going on in your life. But that’s normal when you try new things.
This card especially speaks on physical matters, such as health, career, and the world around you. Expect tangible benefits and milestones to be reached, but also some physical failures too.
However, this card is upright which does indicate an overall abundance. You will create possibilities for yourself – even out of thin air!
Your Heart Will Change
Your last card is Knight of Cups, Reversed. Your idealism and romanticism about this perfect vision of yourself or the future must be shattered.
I don’t think that you can’t ever be idealistic again, but that your idealism can’t be a foolish one. You should see your future as malleable and ready to take on new shapes.
One thing you may find that will help you is regular check-ins. This is especially true if you’re working on any long-term plans or you’re using the Law of Attraction.
Just because you’re successful at manifesting doesn’t mean you’re manifesting something you want. If you don’t check in and regulate your desires, you’re going to manifest something that you envisioned, but something you no longer care for.
Always remember that your dreams change as you live your life.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Horse

An Admirable Person
I see that the first card in your spread is Downcast Pride. There’s some disappointment here and it’s a particularly potent one. You either had success in the past or had reasonable expectations that something was going to take place.
This caused a shift in how you perceive yourself. Think of the person who studies to become a doctor, graduates med school, and then becomes disabled. They see themselves as a doctor, but that’s not actually who they are.
There’s some sort of disconnect between your life and how you’d like to see yourself. You may even be a bit ashamed or depressed, causing you to retreat from others.
It’s one thing to fail – it’s quite another to have valid expectations of success and then witness that future being foiled.
But I want you to know something: think of that doctor again. Yes, maybe they can’t become a doctor after all, but everything they are and have learned can translate into a new and related profession. Perhaps they’ll be a popular medicine educator on social media or they take their skill of studying and applying it to a new field.
Your pride is not unfounded. There’s something incredibly worthy about you.
Vulnerable, But Not Defeated
Your next card is King of Cups, Reversed. I interpret this card two ways. The first may or may not apply to you. It refers to a person who is emotionally satisfied because they succeeded instead of you.
This person is in stark contrast to your own failures. They may even be purposefully antagonistic against you and a clear enemy. But regardless, you’re seeing a person who has what you have and it’s driving you crazy. It may even be unfair!
The second meaning is that you’re emotionally vulnerable. I think this second meaning applies to everyone here. When you fail to meet your own expectations, one rarely handles it well.
You need to be compassionate with yourself right now. Don’t give in to the temptation of becoming an eternal victim who has no control over their life.
There are always things in our lives we can’t control. However, there’s usually something, even if it’s just one small thing, that we can use to our advantage. That’s what I want you to focus on. That is where I want you to direct your self-worth.
This will be your secret weapon against an unfair world.
Embrace Who You Are
The third card in your spread is the King of Pentacles. If you have an enemy in your life or someone who you’re envious of – know that you too will rise just as high as they do and probably higher.
I see you as the King of Pentacles here and it’s about using your secret weapon. This weapon is of a physical nature, such as your health, career, or your environment. There’s something tangible that you can use to your advantage which will have clear and physical effects.
You may be emotionally vulnerable right now, and that’s okay. If you’re struggling to regulate your emotions, find your personal totem for the next few months that you can lean on.
It’s going to be relatively unique and something only you can do or have. It might even be what you think was once a weakness.
Think of the character actors in television and movies. Some of them aren’t traditionally good lucking, but because of their unique qualities, they fill a niche in the market no one else can. And that? It keeps them continuously employed in a volatile industry.
Figure out where you’re unique… and then use that as a foundation to define your success.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Sasquatch

The Eye of the Storm
With your first card being Calling the Storm, it seems like you’re inviting disaster into your life. While this could be accidental for some of you, I primarily think you’re doing it willfully.
But why?
Most are inviting disaster because they think that they can handle it. You’re aware of the danger and the possibility of things going wrong, but you believe you’re stronger. Think of the person trying to “fix” a toxic relationship when it should just be ended or someone who goes hiking alone and ends up trapped.
Any reasonable person would tell you that it’s a mistake, but you’ve either done it successfully before or you’re too courageous for your own good.
However, some aren’t directly confronting the storm, but allowing it the time and space it needs to invade your life. This is because of inaction or negligence on your part. It’s good to be optimistic, but even Floridaman takes precautions when a Category 5 hurricane is coming his way.
Take a good look at your life and consider where you’re being needlessly reckless. Because right now you’re taking a big chance that your luck isn’t going to run out.
Chaos At Your Door
The next card is The Hierophant. One of the reasons I believe you feel prepared to withstand the storm coming your way is that you feel that you have everything you need at hand.
This is a card of organization, especially one backed by tradition or mentorship. The storm that’s on the horizon seems like something you can handle because you feel very competent and resourceful.
However, and this is important, you can’t predict the future perfectly. No matter how prepared you think you are, sometimes the storm is stronger than expected and that’s the case here.
While I think some of you can take a deep breath, shore up your defenses, and confront the storm anyway, the majority would do better by bunkering down and letting it pass.
To figure out which one you are, it would help to catastrophize the future. Normally, I would not recommend this, but it can be helpful to think about what the worst could happen would be like if you’re immediately planning to take action.
If it’s something you can handle with some adjustments, then prepare yourself for the storm. But if it’s not, choose to protect yourself or even flee if necessary.
Cleansing the Skies
Although a storm is coming your way, I don’t sense that your suffering from it is inevitable. Your final card, The Sun, Reversed, usually indicates a temporary shadow. However bad this storm may be, it will pass and you will come into the light again.
But until it does, you need to be careful. This may mean retreating from the public eye or going into a temporary hermit mode.
You don’t just want to disappear, however. Be vigilant and curious about the storm as it passes. Think about it, and integrate lessons that you can use in your life in the future.
While this storm may be something you can’t handle right now, you will be able to handle it in the future with the perspective you gain right now.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Wow I really needed that and I do believe I’m ready for the storm🙏🏽
I’m glad it could help! I think you can handle it. 🙂