Relationship Red Flag: Tarot Pick a Card
The universe sees that one of your relationships, romantic or platonic, is threatened. You can find out what that threat is with this tarot pick a card.
All you have to do is look at the piles of cards above. Which animal stands out to you the most? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading!
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Santa Muerte Tarot and the Wisdom of the Oracle decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now to find out what your relationship red flag is.
Pile 1: Capybara

This Person Wants Who You Have
I never like to see the Queen of Wands in a relationship reading because it usually indicates a sneaky character trying to start an affair. However, this card is upright, so I interpret that to mean this could be easily avoided.
For those of whom this relates to a romantic relationship, be wary of anyone who is spending an unusual amount of time with your significant other – especially if they’re a woman. This person is very charismatic and is likely to fool your significant other by love-bombing them.
However, their feelings aren’t genuine. This person’s goal is to please themselves only.
As for platonic relationships, it seems as if someone in your life may find themselves drawn to another person. This will be especially painful if you have a best friend or family member who seems to abandon you for a “more interesting” person.
Most of what this Queen of Wands is doing is out of your sight, so you need to make sure you reclaim as much of your relationship’s time as possible. Don’t try to be “nice” so you don’t offend. This person will happily offend and steal from you.
Destiny Stings
Your next card is The Fates. I think the Queen of Wands may be a karmic relationship for either you or the person you have a relationship with.
If this refers to a past life, you may have unfinished business. Perhaps this person is a former enemy who is trying to get revenge or they had a relationship with your connection.
That means the pull the Queen of Wands has is unusually and mysteriously strong.
Alternatively, this person could be related to karma you’re experiencing in this life. Have you done something that would be perceived as bad? A really good example of this is ignoring your connection. The Queen of Wands could be karmic justice for not appreciating your person.
That’s why it’s so important to strengthen your relationship by spending more time together. Otherwise, the Queen of Wands is going to swoop in and use their energy to take what’s yours. And they’ll feel justified doing it whether or not that’s true.
End the Chapter
Your last card is By the Book. I’m drawn to the elephants here and the concept of them never forgiving… and never forgetting. The karmic relationship that exists here will likely be a problem for the rest of your life or lifetimes. But why?
You need to close the karmic loop. To do this, you should determine why this person is being drawn into your life so you can change the conditions that are permitting it.
But you can’t act like the Queen of Wands does. That person is willing to act unethically – you can’t. You have to make sure you’re earning good karma.
So strengthen your connection to your relationship, but do it with honest love and kindness to the person you care about. That’s the only way you close the karmic loop the Queen of Wands has over your life.
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Pile 2: Skunk

Someone You Know Is Closing Themselves Off
Your first card is the Page of Swords, Reversed. I think that a younger person you know, especially if you’re a parent with a child or someone who has authority over another, is going to see that person as powerless.
It’s not easy to watch someone you care about or are responsible for having a difficult time. Sometimes you can’t do anything for them, and at other times, they don’t want your help.
When a person in our lives has a difficult time, they may close themselves off from other people. You’re bound to feel the strain of this relationship and may even think this person doesn’t like or trust you.
However, understand that your connection is in a lot of pain right now and they may think they need to go at it alone. And maybe they do.
What you need to remember is that people need time and space to process what they’re going through. Even if this person won’t let you in, be there for them when they’re finally open to the connection.
It’s Not All On You
The second card is Breathe. See how the woman on this card is in a meditative position? A lot of advice people receive when meditating is to just let distractions flow past you.
I want you to know that you can’t always help someone in life. As you watch this person struggle, you may feel powerless and guilty for not being able to lend a hand.
However, it’s not cruel to withhold your support if it wouldn’t be received by the other person or you’d be unable to give it anyway. Sometimes, no matter how much you care about someone, you have to let them work through their own conflicts.
Be ready to lend a hand if they do come your way, but be prepared that they won’t. And that’s okay. You don’t have to be responsible for everyone all the time. People eventually have to be responsible for themselves. And you’re not at fault if they can’t succeed.
Relationship Rebuilt
Your final card is Regeneration. I think the reason why this reading is coming up as a red flag is simple: someone in your life is about to have a hard time… and intervening will probably make it worse.
No matter what happens, your relationship with this person is likely to regenerate in time. That means it may break down, perhaps seriously, but it will grow like an island after a volcanic eruption. Life will persist. And so will your connection.
That relationship may be changed because the person involved will have grown in response to whatever challenge they faced. That means they may be different than you remember and how you communicate with them will also change. However, the value of that connection will remain or perhaps even get stronger.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Hamster

Leaving, At Least For Now
I see that your first card is The Hermit, Reversed. Your connection is going through a personal journey right now and needs to have some sort of enlightenment.
I sense that they’re going to seek enlightenment in a way that will distance your relationship. For a romantic connection, this person may want to separate or “explore” to find themselves. It may not even be related to a romantic exploration (think a spouse going on a solo trip).
A platonic connection has a similar energy, though the distance may not be purposeful and rather a side effect. Such as a best friend focusing on work and not having time to hang out.
Either way, your relationship is bound to suffer because this person’s goal isn’t strengthening your tie, but something else. They may even realize how painful such an action would be for you. So be honest about your feelings if it does hurt you.
You’re Not Their Answer
The second card is Unfinished Symphony. I see this as both your perspective and theirs. On your end, you’re feeling as if your relationship hit a frustrating obstacle. Progress isn’t being made and it’ll feel like you’re abandoned.
As you can imagine, this can cause real damage to your connection and you need to ask yourself if this personal journey is an ego trip or something that’s necessary. A spouse may be okay with their partner taking a summer course far away… but not be okay with their spouse exploring polygamy when they had both vowed monogamy ten years ago!
Some personal journeys are unfair to the people we have relationships with and you have the right to consider your feelings just as much as you should consider theirs.
Now from their perspective, this person feels as if there’s some need in their life not being met. And they don’t feel as if their relationship could ever fulfill this need. So they have to look outside of it.
That’s why it’s so important you evaluate what kind of journey this person is going on and if you want to be waiting for them to figure it out. Don’t feel guilty for wanting the sanctity of your relationship to be secure and honored. It takes two in a relationship to tango and you can’t be the only person expected to dance.
Defining Moment
The final card is Truth Be Told. With the mask here, I sense that the truth is something obscured. I think why it’s obscured differs for everyone in this pile, but I do believe that when your connection discovers the truth it will be a defining moment in your relationship. And one neither of you can reverse.
That’s why I think it’s really important you consider the morality of their personal journey. If this person is doing things only to benefit them at an unfair cost to you… they may lead you on for months or even years and suddenly break things off. It’s also possible they decide to lead a secret life so they get the best of both worlds.
Honor your connection if they’re acting in the light… but be prepared to confront the issue if they’re only acting on their ego. And for some who chose this pile, that’s exactly what’s happening here.
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Thanks very much for this wounderful insight, really I enjoyed and learned a lot.
I always looking for your future insight, with much love and God bless you
Thank you so much for your kind words, Alfred! 🙂