When You’ll Meet Your Twin Flame — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on when you’ll meet your twin flame. This person is your other half and is usually a romantic soulmate.
All you have to do is follow your intuition and pick the pile that sticks out to you the most.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Good Tarot deck (affiliated link). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to meet your twin flame.
Pile 1: Owl
Already Met
You may or may not be surprised by this, but you’ve already met your twin flame. The first card in your spread, Four of Earth, Reversed, indicates that you met this person four years ago or less.
One thing to know about twin flames is that they’re different from soulmates. A soulmate is someone you can grow with while a twin flame is your other half: they can make a more powerful soulmate, but if you’re on different wavelengths because of choices during life, it can be easy to miss out on each other.
I think that’s what happened here. This person may have had the elements of a twin flame, but you and they were separated by individual life circumstances.
This may have led to a toxic or unsatisfactory relationship if you did come together. For those who did not, this person could be someone you were attracted to, but you or they became “the one that got away.”
Too Hot, Too Soon
There’s a good reason this happened. The Six of Fire, Reversed card suggests that you met at a really bad point in one of your lives. This was a time of shame or disappointment as one or both of you were unable to meet the expectations you have for your own lives.
When this happens, people aren’t eager to invest in their relationships, especially a twin flame one. Twin flames are powerful and can feel like a candle burning at both ends. If one person of the two isn’t ready for that frantic energy, they may not only want to step away… they have to step away.
So have compassion for yourself and your twin flame for this occurring. It’s better for you two to have missed each other or gone separate ways to avoid creating an even more destructive relationship.
It May Be Possible
Your final card, Six of Air, Reversed, can mean two things in your spread. The first is that some who chose this pile may go the rest of their lives without uniting with their twin flame.
This can be a sad thing as you will feel a longing in your heart. However, this absence is better for you in this lifetime and you will meet your twin flame again in the next life, hopefully under better circumstances.
But some will discover that this twin flame will return. I do think this return will be dependent on the person who walked away as it will require them to make a move. So if you walked away, you’re going to need to reach out first.
If it’s dependent on the other person, however, you need to decide under what conditions you’ll accept their advances should they appear. You need to make sure that you can grow with them instead of just hoping things will work out because of your attraction to each other.
Look for a good heart that hasn’t been tainted with time.
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Pile 2: Lobster
You Decide When
You have a lot of power and self-determination when it comes to meeting your twin flame. Your first card, Fool, has the numerology of zero, which I take to mean this person is either already in your life or close enough to you that you can meet them if you start looking.
That could mean a single in your area that you’d encounter through friends, social locations, or online dating.
Although twin flames are often attracted to each other by some unseen force, that doesn’t always happen. You both have free will and can make choices that result in you being out of reach of the other.
That said, you can reach this person by putting yourself out there. You’ll know this person is your twin flame because you’ll feel a pull to them unlike anything you’ve ever experienced.
Refusing the Obvious
Unfortunately, the Four of Water card does indicate you will refuse this person’s advances towards you. Perhaps they aren’t what you wanted them to look like, they aren’t wealthy, or any number of disqualifiers you would give to someone else.
While most twin flames are romantic and that’s probably the case for most who chose this pile, recognize that you can disqualify someone as a friend too.
To some degree, your spread indicates your refusal of this twin flame is superficial. You aren’t giving this person a chance, and because of that, you’re missing out on someone who would bring you a lot of joy from knowing them. People are complex. Sometimes they may be lacking in an area you wanted, but have an abundance in other areas you need too.
Make it a point to not disqualify someone right away. Let them try to woo you first. If it’s a romantic partner, go on a date and perhaps meet them a second time if you feel a strange pull even if they aren’t “on your level.” A friend? Don’t try to collect social trophies: seek relationships with those who want to be around you.
The number one thing you should look for in a relationship of equals is someone who likes you back. Like the person who likes you.
Twin Flame Soldier
This spread is a very positive one. Your final card, Messenger of Water, is a card of love and romanticism. Although I think you’ll initially turn down your twin flame, they’ll fight to be with you.
That insistence on their part will help break down the walls you build against them. And since this spread is overall quite positive, I do suspect that your twin flame is going to be a positive relationship – and that’s not always the case for twin flames.
What this all means for you is that your twin flame is going to be someone you’ll meet when you go looking for them (so start looking when you’re ready). You will also initially turn them down despite being attracted to them, but you’ll eventually end up together.
Did your reading resonate? Let me know! And don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter to receive e-mails when new tarot pick a cards are published. If you really liked your reading, you can also tip me on Ko-fi or book a private reading on Etsy.
Pile 3: Rhino
Waiting Time
Judging by your spread, meeting your twin flame is somewhat out of your hands. The first card in your spread, Patience, makes that very clear. Your twin flame seems to be either far from your reach or is in a situation that would result in a relationship with them right now being negative.
The numerology of this card, fourteen, could indicate possible timing. The card suggests a wait, so it’s likely to be about fourteen years at the greatest and fourteen months at the smallest. Even so, I don’t see this number as representing a true indicator of timing.
You’re likely to feel a lot of frustration when it comes to meeting your twin flame. I see this energy often in people looking for the perfect romantic soulmate (a romantic twin flame) that they end up missing out on a lot of life opportunities such as having a child.
Maybe they can be a romantic partner, but if you don’t want to wait for them, it’s okay to accept them later in life as a friend. It’s up to you at this point.
How to Speed Things Along
There are some things you can do to perhaps attract them to you sooner. Your second card, Nine of Water, is a card of wishes. I think the Law of Attraction and other energetic pulls like good luck charms or love spells will help you here.
Your twin flame is under powerful life forces that serve as an obstacle to you right now. But you can use your psychic energy to support them in the spiritual realm or at a quantum level.
Traditional religions like Christianity often had the power of prayer which worked similarly. People would pray for someone to be blessed and many people have reported that it sometimes works.
There’s no guarantee that your energetic pull through the suggestions I offered above will help, but it’s likely. And that could result in you meeting them sooner than is indicated in this spread right now.
Reach Out If Possible
But what the heck is your twin flame doing right now? The third card, Page of Air, Reversed, seems to say that they’re unprepared and struggling due to their life choices. Things are very challenging for them and they aren’t yet in a position that’s advantageous for them.
This may cause them to block any new relationships or choose not to pursue them. They may also be in a financially precarious situation. Some may even have health issues. The point being, things aren’t easy for them right now and being with them could be a burden.
There is also the possibility you know this person and if so, your proximity to them right now allows you to offer a helping hand. Maybe they aren’t yet able to be your friend or romance you, but that’ll be more likely if you can lift some of the burdens from their shoulders.
For some of you with existing significant others reading this spread… have you considered that your current partner could be your twin flame after all, but they can’t show the love you want from them because they’re overwhelmed with life?
Did your reading resonate? Let me know! And don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter to receive e-mails when new tarot pick a cards are published. If you really liked your reading, you can also tip me on Ko-fi or book a private reading on Etsy.