Attract Financial Abundance — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on how to attract more financial abundance into your life.
All you have to do to receive this message is pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Energy Oracle deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading. Also, I’m not a licensed financial advisor so be sure to consult one if you’re planning to do anything major financially.
Now let’s attract more money into your life.
Pile 1: Zebra

A Liar or a Lying System
Your solution is a simple and common one, but first you have to identify the Deceit we see in the first card.
Someone or something is causing you to believe in a lie. This is warping your mind and making you doubt yourself. For some of you, it might be someone taking direct advantage of you and siphoning off funds (like a thieving partner).
But, in general, the effect is likely psychological more than anything else. If you believe you can’t, then you won’t, as the saying goes. So it’s like believing you can’t ever succeed in life because of what people told you growing up.
This siphoning or lie is causing you to doubt your abilities. Because of this, you’re ignoring paths or opportunities to make more money. That’s because you’re in a scarcity mindset that’s causing you to believe anything new is a threat or a risk to what you currently have.
Relationships Matter
Once you identify the person or system taking advantage of you, the goal will be to push them out of your mind. But once that takes place, you need to see the economic benefit of a Happy Family.
Households are economic collectives. Your household might be large with many extended family members contributing. Or it could be much smaller, like you and a pet.
When there’s a social relationship at play in a home, it encourages everyone to contribute. Even a dog protects the home while the owner works to feed the dog.
Consider how you can use your household as an economic engine for success. For example, you’ll sometimes see depressed people talking about getting a pet and then being inspired to improve their own lives because it will help them provide for that pet.
You need someone in your life to work for. Yourself alone isn’t enough. Focus on the relationships you already have or create a new one and that will help you attract abundance.
And if you have someone in your household siphoning off money, it might be time to confront them or kick them out.
Just be aware that everyone has different levels of contributing power. Don’t focus on someone being an equal to you, but contributing what they can and having a positive emotional relationship with them to bond you together.
Money Matters, But Align It
The final card, The Temple Path, highlights the power of a higher purpose. This higher purpose could be very specific or it could be a vague framework.
For example, someone might have a life purpose to cure cancer while another person might be to provide for their family. Someone else might be to pursue joy.
Don’t judge your higher purpose too much – if it motivates you and inspires you to attract financial abundance, you’ll feel satisfied with your progress in life.
Nobody’s dream life is one with money problems. Seeking and having abundance is a valid desire and aligning that with your higher purpose somehow will be useful to you.
The person who pursues joy will need either a career that pays the bills and is fun or a career that permits them an abundance of time to pursue a passion on the side.
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Pile 2: Dog

Full Steam Ahead
It’s all within you, according to your spread. The first card, Sixth Chakra, Archangel Metatron, indicates you’re being blessed with a clear vision. Now’s the time to sit down and do a planning session for your future.
Don’t do it hastily – set aside some dedicated time in your schedule. It should take at least a few hours, but multiple sessions are best.
Think long-term, even if your future plan is flexible, so you have a clear vision of where you’re planning to go.
The sixth chakra is the third eye and this indicates some level of psychic ability or seeing beyond what’s obvious now. You’re able to visualize a possible path or destination forward. The archangel will help bless that plan for financial abundance to make it more likely to come true.
Deep in the Brain
The next card, The Thinking Woman, either represents you or a specific woman in your life, but I lean more towards you. In pick a card readings, female figures represent my audience and their internal state.
You need to really contemplate your plan. For those who have an intelligent woman in your life, this could be running that plan by her to see what she says.
Either way, the personal consideration and contemplation is an important part of your success. The third eye is symbolically located on the forehead, but many believe it’s deep within the brain in the pineal gland. This regulates hormones, specifically melatonin, the sleep hormone.
There’s a possibility that sleeping on your plan will be fruitful. Read your plan before bed and then journal on what you dreamed of when you wake up. You can also try lucid dreaming or even daydreaming to explore possibilities.
Dreams represent you in totality across many dimensions and there may be evidence or data points that you can receive to help inform your plan that way.
Trust Yourself
With your last card, Woman Holding a Heart, it’s a reminder from the universe that a logical plan isn’t enough: you need to be emotionally involved.
There are many ways to make money, but not all will resonate with you. While you can compromise or do small things you dislike now and again, framing your whole life around a plan that makes you grind your teeth is a recipe for failure.
Your dreams help tap into your subconscious desires, but a lot of your desires are readily apparent. Hate public speaking? Making a career on speaking tours isn’t a good idea.
Make sure to revise your plan with your preferences in mind. Your plan to attract financial abundance is complete when you look at it and are in love with the possibility.
But keep your plan close to you. Your desires change as you get more information and even once you achieve something. The closer your plan is to you, the more willing you are to revise it as needed to reflect your current desires.
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Pile 3: Parrot

Look at the Successful
There’s strong Four of Pentacles energy in your spread even though this is an oracle card. That’s a tarot card about stability and greed. These traits aren’t a bad thing for attracting financial abundance when channeled appropriately though.
The first card in your spread, Man Holding a Coin, represents a financially savvy person in your life. They hold the key to financial success and if you copy them, you’ll have more abundance.
Now this person could be someone you know personally or they could be an inspirational influence, like an accountant, financial advisor, or even personal finance content creator. Just make sure that you aren’t led astray by false promises: filter this influence by people who are trustworthy like the credentialed or those whose wealth seems obvious rather than a shallow act on social media.
The best way to get wealthy is often to do what has worked before. Don’t reinvent the wheel, at least not all the time.
Stabilize Your Life First
You can make a lot of money with risky investments, but the second card, First Chakra, Archangel Michael, indicates you need a safe financial foundation before you even consider anything else.
This is slightly different depending on where you live, but in general, 50% of your income should go to needs, 30% to wants, and 20% to investments. In cities, housing alone is often 50% or more of your income. Make sure that your needs are taken care of first and then work towards securing your retirement. The sooner you save, the bigger a retirement nest egg you’ll have.
Michael here is going to try and inspire you to create a safe foundation for yourself. It’s going to be different depending on your needs. He’s a pretty active angel, so he’s probably at work often in your life already and you can ask your angels, especially Michael, for assistance when you’re feeling insecure.
Some of you may find it helpful to have an angel token like a small figurine somewhere in your home or an image in your wallet.
Learn to Love the Hunt
The final card, Envy, indicates you may have a wandering eye when it comes to lifestyle creep. When someone has something, you also want it.
If this inspires you to work hard, great, but for some, it makes them feel like they’re missing out and they buy things on credit or with a loan that they can’t afford. Keeping a budget is absolutely necessary for you, just make sure that the budget has room for fun spending.
There’s a phenomenon with vacations where planning is often more enjoyable than packing, getting on the plane, and traveling from one destination to another. You can use a similar process with lifestyle creep: plan for it. Enjoy the planning process, not just the receiving of the reward.
Instead of impulsively splurging on a weekly meal delivery, plan to rearrange your budget or earn extra money to afford it. While creating your plan, imagine the different types of food you can order.
Splurging can’t be an impulse for you – it has to be a reward following a successful planning stage to afford it. That will attract a lifestyle of abundance for you in the end.
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