Your Career Path – Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on your career path. You can use this to find out what new direction to go in or how you can modify your current career path to your advantage.
All you have to do is follow your intuition and pick the pile that sticks out to you the most.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Wild Unknown Archetypes Oracle deck (this is an affiliated link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s walk down your career path.
Pile 1: Dinosaur

Contain Yourself
Some part of your career path requires structure or normalcy. Your first card, The Box, indicates that there are clear guidelines or boundaries you must follow if you want to succeed.
This can be frustrating at times but know that it can also result in a comforting predictability and financial stability. That said, you need to be willing to embrace the box for this to take place. Fighting it is fighting reality.
Know what your limits are, but consider expanding them instead of breaking them. A good therapist knows they can’t become a parent for their patients or directly intervene in their lives. This is both for the good of the patient and the therapist.
But that same therapist may decide that simply meeting for standard appointments isn’t sufficient. Perhaps the therapist also does weekly group meetings in a fun location for patients with similar problems so therapy can have a new dynamic.
That’s what I’m seeing here with your career path. Have limits, but feel free to expand those limits in a new way.
Deep Wilderness
Even though there are boundaries to your career path, there is something wild too. The next card, The Forest, suggests that within your boundaries magic can take place.
Every forest has outer limits and it’s darker on the inside: just like a box. There’s also a lot of potential and even trepidation about what might be inside.
You can see the boundaries of your career path on the outside, but you haven’t considered the potential within that strict path. Consider romance writers: many of them pick a handful of tropes inside a very narrow genre to write… yet romance readers are some of the most voracious. Respecting these limits empowers a writing career instead of weakening it.
Don’t focus on being so original that you discount the basics. Doing what you do as best you can with minor changes can create a lasting and compelling career.
You’ll also be surprised by how much freedom you’ll feel working within the limits you set for yourself. You can get wonderfully lost in the details of what you do.
Monsters in the Shadows
No career path is without its trouble. Your third card, The Venom, indicates you’ll deal with toxic people and it’s going to be normal for what you do, meaning you can’t avoid them entirely. Teachers have to deal with difficult parents and pop singers struggle with people invading their privacy.
That doesn’t mean you won’t have the good of your career, but you must be realistic and aware of the inherent problems that exist within it.
Learn to make peace with the inevitable toxic people in your field and then develop strategies for how to deal with them. It won’t be easy, otherwise such toxic people wouldn’t be a widespread problem in the first place, but it is possible.
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Pile 2: Whale

Acorn and Tree
There’s something about your career or you following the career path you end up going down that is new. Perhaps the career is part of an exciting industry that just popped up or you plan to manifest a different journey than most workers would.
Your first card, The Seed, indicates that you can predict the entire course of your career, including how it ends, at the beginning. Your intuition might give you a clue or its sequence is well known.
Some careers last entire lives, but not all. A programmer who specializes in a particular language will need to accept that a new language may replace it in a decade or so. Meanwhile, a cancer researcher with an exciting idea on how to tackle research actually wants to reach the end as soon as possible. Their ultimate goal is to become unemployed as quickly as possible.
The point being, knowing the end doesn’t have to be a bad thing at all. Choose to predict your future and draft a plan on how you plan to meet it. And if that end comes sooner than most careers, have a plan for what to do next.
Confront the Darkness
With your second card, The Shadow, it’s clear there’s a problem on your career path. However, this card calls to mind shadow work in which you tackle what you’re repressing so you can take command of those negative traits and put them to good use.
Most jobs and products in society tackle a problem someone has. Hunger led to agriculture. Sickness led to doctors. Someone who wants to text while walking their dog creates a leash that can be worn around the waist.
Problems big and solve lead to thriving commerce and problems you see in life or on your career path are beginning to be solved. Consider brainstorming what problems you encounter in everyday life that you wish there was a solution to: this may be a service or product you can provide if find out a way to solve it.
Be Serious About Your Career
I sense that there’s something within you that is brave or entrepreneurial. You want something more than a life of complacency. But to live that life, you need to embrace the energy of your final card: The Vow.
There’s some spiritual about making a promise to the universe that you’re going to see something through. Know that for your career path, you need to make a vow to succeed.
This is different from a plan. A vow is a contract with the universe and yourself that you’re going to push until you can’t – and then push just a little bit more in case you’re wrong about the obstacles being insurmountable.
There’s no guarantee this career path will be a success, but it’s those who take a career path like yours that change the world.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Bear

You’re Magical
Your spread is very magical and clearly suggests a career based on spirituality or benefitting from spirituality. For example, an astrologer or a holistic therapist.
The first card in your spread, The Mystic, indicates you’ll use spiritual practices in your work. For those interested in being a spiritual teacher or pursuing a directly spiritual career, it’s obvious what this card means.
But know that this card doesn’t just indicate the type of career you’ll pursue. It also suggests incorporating aspects of spirituality in your life outside of work.
As for those who will pursue a career benefitting from spirituality, your private practices and research interests will inform how you help others. A doctor, for example, might advocate for mindfulness practices to help their patients heal.
Arm Yourself
The next card is an aggressive one: The Hunter. This could indicate starting your own business, delving into spiritual depths beyond the surface level, or arming yourself to protect others against threats.
Regardless, you need to embrace a sharper side of yourself to accomplish this. If you start a business, you’re going to face immense financial challenges. If you delve into spiritual depths, you’re going to be shaken to the core. And if you protect others against threats, you have to be in a position to act as a guardian.
I thought a lot about Artemis here and I think it’ll help you to have someone in mind. This could be a deity, but it could also be a mentor or someone who inspires you. The best hunters had teachers, after all. You’re part of a tradition even if you don’t know it yet.
You need a spiritual hunting party. These may be real people who support you when times are tough, but also consider communicating and forging relationships with spirit guides, ancestors, and higher powers.
What You’re Meant to Do
Fate is strong and being aware of divine timing is critical to your career path. The third card, Kairos, is about that mythic time. If you’re a diviner or spiritual coach, it’s obvious why this is important.
But let’s dig deeper. Many of the shamans of Korea don’t consider their career path an option they can reject. The more they refuse it, the more in their life goes wrong. This can be seen as refusing your destiny because you were chosen to do it for a purpose.
You likely have some leeway when it comes to the details of your career, but rejecting the spiritual elements entirely would lead you to ruin. You can fully embrace this and enter into a spiritual career, but if not, make sure that your spiritual practices inform your day job in some way.
You have immense spiritual power or connections to the divine that shouldn’t be ignored.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Hi Emma :). Thanks so much for the read, I’m really glad I found it! I totally resonated w/ my pick, & saving this read. Thank you so much for the advice!!
I’m glad it could help, Erin! I wish you happiness and abundance on your career path. 🙂