Message From the Universe — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading with a message from the universe. This is whatever helpful advice the universe thinks would be useful for you to know right now.
All you have to do to receive this message is pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Starseed Oracle deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s see what the universe has to say to you.
Pile 1: Books

Seeing Things Clearly
There’s something in your life that you’re rejecting that you shouldn’t. Instead, you cling to something else. This either doesn’t fit you or you’ve outgrown it.
The first card, Lifting the Veil, has the wisdom message of “Questioning everything. Anything unaligned must go.” The universe believes you have clouded vision and the best way you can see things clearly is introspection.
Try spending a day or two observing things you experience, decide, and are around. Don’t pass judgment yet, but write them down. Then, once you have a collection of evidence, parse that data and analyze it using your intuition.
Some of you may find it helpful to rank things one to three by how aligned it feels to your greatest good.
Not everything can be let go, but if you can or if you can move into a direction where that’s possible – do so. The veil is lifted for you and your life can be better than it is now.
Letting Yourself Grow
You’re going to struggle to accept the new reality. You’ve gotten comfortable with the way things are and for some of you, that life may not be bad. But if you realigned yourself, you know it would be even better.
The second card, Fall Into My Arms, has the wisdom message of “Surrender. Holding the opposites. Extremes of life.” Your complacency will be difficult to overcome because you’ll need to surrender to your intuition and the universe’s goodwill.
It may be especially hard if you know getting what’s better aligned requires some work or quest. And changing course isn’t always going to be fun – but it will be worthwhile.
Trust what your intuition taught you when you lifted the veil. It’s hard to go back to what’s unaligned when you know the truth. It’s just you’re scared of accepting the fact you deserve better. But you do deserve better.
Your Spiritual Team Cares
Anytime you make a radical change in your life, it’s like being born again. Like an infant, you’ll feel vulnerable and not know everything you need to for success: but you’ll be eager and willing to learn whatever will get you there.
The final card, We the Hathors, has the wisdom message of “Deep love. Mother’s milk. Birth as a portal.” Everyone has at least one spirit guide, usually more, and they want the best for you.
Some of them, like your ancestors, might have opinions that aren’t correct, while others are very on the nose. Either way, they have great love for you and want to protect you along your journey.
Even when you feel alone, you aren’t. Your spiritual team is with you and providing whatever support they can in the spiritual realm. Some of this will cross over into the material realm and cause miracles. That’s how supported you are.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Fairy

Taking Ownership of Your Life
Everyone makes mistakes in life, but few people accept the reality of their failures. Even fewer seek to make amends. You’re one of the rare people who can see their faults and grow from them. Because of that, you’re going to change your life for the better in the process.
Your first card, I’m Sorry, has the wisdom message of “Defenselessness. Righting past wrongs. Uprooting.” Some in this pile may have been victimized from others or hurt themselves during the course of making their mistakes.
Part of you righting wrongs is recognizing where you’ve been hurt, but also where you’ve been responsible for that hurt. This isn’t meant to disempower you, but to help you see how you can prevent misfortune in the future.
The person who always picks the wrong lover will understand how to pick better. The person who is a habitual liar will learn how to tell the truth. The person who can’t control their spending habits will make a budget and stick to it.
The universe wants you to know that whatever went wrong in your life, even and especially if you were responsible, will be resolved in your favor. You have become a blessing.
You’ll Touch Others
You’re in a spiritually higher place, especially when you admit your mistakes and look towards rectifying them. This will help you to heal yourself but also heal others – even those entirely unconnected to the mistakes you made. That’s how powerful you are.
The second card, Deep Cellular Healing, has the wisdom message of “Arcturus energy. Physical and emotional healing.” Some in this pile may find themselves attracted to health careers, counseling, or coaching, but be open to how your healing energy may manifest.
For some of you, this may have a creative bent: you manifest beauty or novelty that inspires others. That inspiration spurs them to feel or do something they wouldn’t otherwise.
Some may take a more temporary healing role. You may find yourself infused with spiritual energy and heal someone in an unexpected way. In essence, you’ll be the avatar of a miracle.
Passing Judgment
It goes without saying that you’ll be rewarded for your good actions and behavior. This will heal karma in your life and help you have a better future life. But there are immediate benefits you’ll experience now too.
The final card, Portal, has the wisdom message of “Doors are opening. You decide. Rewards. Wild card.” You’re going to co-write your future with the universe and get a lot of say that people usually don’t.
That choice will permit you to change your life purpose, alter your current circumstances, or perhaps manifest something you’ve always desired. You’ll know when this portal happens even though it’ll occur in the spiritual realm with your higher self: you’ll feel an intense desire to make a choice or earnestly wish for something to come true.
That will attract what you desire to come towards you, either in full form or by an opportunity.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Castle

Belonging to Something Greater
Things are going to get busy for you. At times, you’ll be overwhelmed, but that’s because your environment will be changing into something more positive.
The first card, You’re Not Alone, has the wisdom message of “Isolation. Physical connection. Community.” Something in your environment is going to change, either by you moving, someone moving near you, or the community undergoing a change. For example, a new park being built.
You won’t initially take advantage of this, but once you do, you’ll find a kindred connection that you always wanted.
This connection will even be prominent soon and be very important to your growth or it will be lifelong – perhaps both since there is some indication you’ll meet multiple people.
This card indicates prosocial relationships including family, friendship, romance, and community engagement.
Do Things At Your Own Pace
It’s okay to not thrust yourself into your community at first. It can be scary or you simply don’t have the time to spend to get to know a bunch of strangers.
That said, your second card, Baby Steps, has the wisdom message of “Action. Follow your intuition before it makes sense.” If you’re an extrovert, you have some pretty good ideas on how to meet people and probably just needed this card as a nudge.
But introverts may find this more challenging so I’ll address them. Advice often given is not to go to third-place environments (like a bar or a park) but one catered to a special interest, like board games, yoga, or an art class.
A hypothetical introvert who has a child may find that joining a local group on Facebook is a good first step. Then they can join a parent group at the school or meet other parents at a local playground for a play date. Eventually, they can open up to the other parents and meet them socially.
Use interests, or traits, to find a reason to meet others. People are more like you than you think: you just need something to bond over initially.
Make This Place Your Home
It’s important to feel a spiritual connection to where you live. As an Appalachian, I know my ancestors bled for these hills. I just feel a deep connection that is transcendent. And that means I see the people around me with more good feelings than I do elsewhere.
Your final card, Star Keeper, has the wisdom message of “Cosmic ancestor. Seed the light by staying grounded.” Even if you don’t have a family connection to your community, future you does have a connection – and that’s what you can lean on.
Make it a point to commit yourself to your community, even if its temporary, and see it and the people around you as personally meaningful.
This is a decision you make that will change how you engage with the community and environment going forward. You don’t simply have to be passing through: it can be a destination that you hold in your heart.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Thank you for the read Emmarie. I have a lot of nightmares & weird dreams. Weird dreams are commonplace, but it’s scary, confusing & make me feel really uncomfortable. So I wanted to hit your page to see if anything weird (aside from the usual weird in my life) was going on, so I picked from Messages from the Universe. My pile was very comforting & hopeful; Thank God! You’re a True Bestie w/ the advice you give in your pick-a-cards, bc the advice is Useful to ppl w/ more complicated lives. I’m so glad I found your channel & online site! Keep up the great work babe!❤️
I’m happy it could help and I wish you happy dreams in the future. 🙂