Hidden Depths of Your Soul: Tarot Pick a Card
You’re a complex person. There’s a hidden depth to your soul that is not easily apparent to other people (and sometimes yourself). If you were directed to this tarot pick a card reading then the universe has a message for you about what that is.
All you have to do is pick the pile that sticks out to you the most. Which animal inspires your intuition? That’s your pile and tarot reading.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Wildwood Tarot and the Seasons of the Witch: Samhain Oracle decks while the animals are from an Acekar Sticker Pack (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s get to the bottom of the hidden depths of your soul.
Pile 1: Pterodactyl

Past Karma Haunting You
It seems like the hidden depth of your soul centers around karma. The first card is The Wheel, Reversed, indicating some misfortune in your family line or past lives.
That doesn’t mean misfortune is always going to manifest in this life, but you may feel the wounds of that karma lingering around. At times you may feel cursed or that you aren’t as lucky as you would like to be.
But at the same time, you don’t feel doomed. Rather, The Wheel as a card is cyclical and what goes up must go down – and vice versa. So while misfortune was present in a past life or is somehow tied to your karma, you aren’t likely to have a lot of misfortune in this life.
That just doesn’t seem readily apparent to other people or yourself. The stink of that past karma is still there and it’s hard to wash off. But you will wash it off.
Connect With Spirit
Your next card is Elders with the wisdom message of “Birthed from seed within the belly of the moon, they are the wise felt touches over our hearts and felt deep within the marrow of our spirit.” This card is why I see the misfortune as being karmic from a family lineage or past life.
Whatever happened, justice is being done. While you may benefit from a past life regression, know that your ancestors or spirit guides are watching over you now and trying to heal what’s broken within you in this life.
One or more of your spirit guides is likely an ancestral spirit or somehow connected to a past life (such as a spirit guide from a past life returning to this one). Whenever you feel misfortunate, know that this spirit guide is responsible for your healing and is working towards it every day.
Building a happy relationship with this spirit would benefit you. Consider an ancestor or spirit guide meditation practice.
Do Good Ahead of Time
The final card in your spread is Witch with the wisdom message of “Grab hold! Allow the dwelling fire within the belly awaken all that is. A mere glimpse, a delicate pull at the very roots living within the alchemy of self.”
One way I’ve heard witchcraft being different from religion is this: witchcraft will use the natural leftovers within this material world to call upon innate spiritual qualities instead of calling power from heaven. In that sense, the way that you can use your innate spiritual abilities is to work through your karmic connection in a magical way.
You’re welcome to embrace traditional witchcraft, but I think understanding how karma works and using leftover karma would be beneficial. To put it simply: do good ahead of time to attract good to yourself.
If you’ve done bad, work to correct it with good acts or reconciliation. The leftover energy in this world is powerful, so use leftover karma to your advantage.
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Pile 2: Labrador Retriever

Your Wants Are Different
Your first card is the Six of Bows, Reversed which has the wisdom message of “Abundance.” As a reversal, this indicates that it’s more difficult for you to attract abundance naturally. However, because of the rest of your spread, I think it’s an indication that you don’t attract the stereotypical abundance people want.
This card can also mean not being in the public eye or not living for glory. I think this is a sign that you’re a very unique person. While this could be apparent for some of you, others appear very normal but have some delightfully eccentric qualities when people get to know you personally.
But regardless, know that what you want and what other people want are very different. You may be tempted to try and match your desires to them, but that’s never going to manifest what makes you happy. There’s just something so unique about you that even your desires for abundance take a different form.
This is probably not true for all in this pile but it’s an excellent example of what I mean: most people want to get married. But not everyone does. Just because a desire is standard doesn’t mean it’s your standard.
Put Yourself in a Different Situation
The second card in your spread is Coming of Winter with the wisdom message of “It comes in lullabies deep within your mirrored flesh. Alas, it is time to lay your quivering chest upon winter’s coming.”
Here I think of windows and how people tend to gaze out of them at the snow as it falls. You can see your reflection then and I think there’s a part of you that sees your true self in unexpected situations.
Because you want different things you recognize a need to be in a different circumstance than other people. Being unique means living unusually. The reason this is hidden deep in your soul is that you’re repressing this desire.
Now being different doesn’t mean changing everything about yourself. What makes someone unique isn’t that they’re different in every way, but that they’re different in a consequential way.
And in your case, your difference would doom anyone else to a life of scarcity – but for you, it’s one of abundance. Think of the person who doesn’t want to get married and then uses that freedom for other interests. Some marry other people. Others marry a passion.
Embrace Your Wild
The last card is Wolf with the wisdom message of “Devour the ferocious calling within the howling of your spirit. Run wildly into the freedom of your knowing.”
Stop trying to redefine what you want for your life with external frameworks. Trust your instincts, however wild and unusual they might be, and pursue your passions. The unique is giving your permission and encouragement to recognize who you really are.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Tyrannosaurus

Precision and Control
I see that the first card in your spread is the Queen of Bows, Reversed which is represented by the Hare. This is an inner passion, but as a reversed card that passion is muted.
This can be a good thing, however. While there are many positive qualities to this card it’s often associated with vindictive people or someone who is sex-crazed. That means you’re far more in control of yourself than people realize, perhaps even yourself.
You may feel that you’re impulsive or shallow. However, a person can be passionate and casual without the negative associations of those traits.
So what I’m seeing in your spread is that the hidden depths of your soul is one of personal precision. Instead of proliferating wildly like the hare, you’re more careful in how you live your life. Maybe not in every area of life, but in what matters to you at least.
I sense this isn’t readily apparent and you’re going to be able to use it as your superpower. You may not be an artist, but this is an excellent example: the artist who doesn’t rely on passion alone but plans ahead for their success tends to have a more controlled and powerful career.
You don’t leave anything to chance. You intend to succeed and you will.
Be Ready to Change Your Mind
Your next card is Apples with the wisdom message of “To taste, one must swallow it whole, and beneath the satin flames hides drowning waters.”
This is a mysterious card for me in your spread and I think it’s implying two things: with precision comes the possibility of choosing wrong since you get fewer chances and it’s going to take some time to manifest your plans in life.
I want you to recognize that you need evidence before you commit to a path. I think you’re at risk of pursuing an ideal and then finding out later you didn’t want it. Think of the child who dreams of becoming an actor, but when they actually succeed realize they hate being on set for ten hours a day and then in makeup for another two.
Be comfortable with changing your mind and starting over. This may frustrate you at first, but your ability to focus on a passion means you may ignore everything else in life in the meantime. So don’t become a victim of the sunk cost fallacy. Just because you start something doesn’t mean you should finish it.
Unknowable, But Fascinating
The third card is Spider with the wisdom message of “What a wild web we weave, dear child, a delicious mystery untamed.”
There’s an overall sense in your spread of uncertainty. You may not feel that yourself, but I think you’re difficult to get to know fully. Instead of despairing over this, lean into the fact that you’re interesting and it’s going to take a lifetime to know everything about you.
In life you’re going to have many projects, and perhaps they’ll all be related in some manner, but they will all be connected to you. Think of the renaissance men and women who have so many interests yet they have a clear, if mysterious identity. That’s you.
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