January 2023: Tarot Pick a Card
Are you ready for the beginning of the next year? The universe wants you to be able to manifest the life you want. Knowing what’s coming your way can help you embrace the good and push out the bad.
All you have to do is to pick the pile that sticks out to you the most. Which animal inspires your intuition? That’s the pile and your tarot reading.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Muse Tarot and the Queen of the Moon Oracle decks while the animals are from an Acekar sticker pack (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading. Now it’s time to peer into your future for January of 2023.
Pile 1: Dog

Your year is going to have a beautiful and unexpected start. The first theme card in your spread, Thunder Moon: Change indicates that a sudden storm in your life is going to strike. It’s likely to be something that causes you some amount of dread, but it’s going to be a storm in which the skies clear and something wonderful remains.
The next theme card is Waning Gibbous: Beauty, and I see this as the sun shining on your life after the stormy event. Now the storm I’m talking about may not necessarily be an actual misfortune, but it’s likely to be something that causes you to worry and then experience an important perspective that will brighten up your life.
I think you should consider that the current goals you have for the year may radically change. Your last theme card, Blue Moon: The Unexpected seems to suggest that you don’t have all the information you need to move forward with something in your life. But in January, that unexpected knowledge is going to fall in your lap and cause you to live differently than before.
Week 1: January 1st to January 8th
Your first week is Strength. This is a card of inner strength, and because of the rest of your spread, I think the storm you’re going to experience will be brief and primarily internal. Even if things happen in the outside world, most of the struggle and then revelation you’ll experience will be within your own head. The people around you may not even notice the transformation you go through.
Some who chose this pile may have a spiritual awakening or it could be that something finally clicks into place that makes your life make more sense. Enjoy this inner transformation because it’s going to make you powerful and in more control of your life.
Week 2: January 9th to January 15th
In the second week, you have the Awakening card. For those who are having a more spiritual revelation, expect to feel more in tune with the universe. However, everyone should expect their awareness of the world to be more potent.
I don’t think you fully understand how much of your life experience was in shadow and how many things were left a mystery to you. But now you’re going to know more. And what you don’t know – you now know you don’t know it. Which means you can start the journey to uncover it fully.
This puts you in a good position because you’ll be able to see how your life can be lived in whatever direction you decide to take.
Week 3: January 16th to January 22nd
Next, you have the Four of Voices, Reversed card. To me, this symbolizes waking up from a dream. It may cause you to be a bit anxious to “live in the real world” but now you can make meaningful changes to your life.
Whatever goals you set in January, be open to changing or adjusting them. That’s because your awakened experience will not be a singular event, but something that’s likely to last all month and perhaps extend into the next.
Week 4: January 23rd to January 31st
January ends with The Chariot, Reversed card. I sense two very clear, but different meanings here. For some of you, this means you’re going to stall in your progress. Don’t feel weird about that: you probably spent the last few weeks pretty enthused about your future which can be pretty exhausting in excess. This would be a good week to relax and unwind so you don’t burn out.
But for some of you, this does indicate a possible obstacle. Make sure that you’re fully taking advantage of your awakened self and considering the ways it’s asking you to make changes. You may need to be a bit more radical in your approach to life than you realized.
Overall, this is shaping up to be an amazing month.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Owl

Judging by your spread it seems like you’re headed into a bad month, but the universe is trying to reverse course and protect you as much as possible. The first card, Waxing Gibbous: Action means that something big is going to occur in your life or could occur. This is likely to overwhelm you whether it’s good or bad.
But the second card, Waning Crescent: Surrender is the universe telling you that it has your back. From the rest of you’re spread I’m not seeing the universe telling you to accept that something bad is going to happen to you, but that there’s going to be an opportunity to avoid it and the universe doesn’t want you to miss that chance.
This is going to come in the form of your third theme card, Waning Crescent: Protection. Your spirit guides, perhaps a spirit animal in particular, are going to appear and guide you to a better life. The sooner you recognize their signs, the better. Consider doing a spirit animal meditation to get in touch with them this month in preparation.
Week 1: January 1st to January 8th
We really see the tone of your month in the first card, Ten of Emotions, Reversed. There’s a potential for you to be very unhappy, especially around your home or in close relationships. To some degree this could just be the aftermath of any holiday season, however, it could be a sign that something is afoot.
Remember though: the universe is trying to prevent this from happening entirely, so just be mindful of any signs from your spirit animal and be very discerning in your home and close relationships right now.
More than anything you’ll read in this spread is this overall sense that you’re at risk of being discouraged by something this week. And that’s what the universe wants you to avoid: if you get too discouraged by life, you’re going to give up and drown. That doesn’t have to happen. This can be an amazing month for you.
Week 2: January 9th to January 15th
The second week card is the Seven of Materials, Reversed. Something you previously invested time or attention in isn’t going to manifest. But I mainly see this energy as an indication to not be too strict with yourself when it comes to resolutions.
Make sure that you aren’t tiring yourself out with goals. It’s very tempting to start something new at the beginning of the year and try to stick to it even when life gets in the way. But if you do this, you’re likely to cause burnout because you have too many responsibilities to attend to at once.
If life is getting in the way, take a break from those resolutions and look towards what’s of more immediate importance.
Week 3: January 16th to January 22nd
Next, we have the Page of Inspiration, Reversed. I see a lot of unfocused energy this week, and considering your last card, I think you’re at risk of being untethered from reality.
If anything is upsetting you or causing you stress, it may be time for you to take a step back and take a break. There’s just something about mid-month for you that seems to suggest you’re going to be worn out. This could be because of the bad thing that’s at risk of happening to you, but it could also be because you avoid it and just need to decompress afterward.
Give yourself permission to rest and have fun when you need it.
Week 4: January 23rd to January 31st
Your month ends with the Eight of Emotions, Reversed. This is a card of return, and I see this as a positive card in your spread because you’re returning to how you were before things got difficult.
If you weren’t able to avoid the bad this month, this is a sign that the end of the month will be a “fix it.” And if you were able to avoid the bad this month, expect to be in an emotional place where you are comfortable and not uneasy.
Don’t fear this month. It really does seem like the universe is looking out for you and all it wants you to do is be aware and willing to make changes if it comes up. If you do that, you should have a great month because I’m not seeing any indication in your spread that this month is destined to be bad, just that there’s a possibility and it’s one you can definitely avoid.
Otherwise, the only other thing you need to know about this month is that getting in touch with a spirit animal is likely to be very productive.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Octopus

It seems like you have a tumultuous month ahead of you, but it will generally be a good one. The first theme card in your spread is Waning Gibbous: Pleasure. This is a sign that your month is going to be one that you enjoy, though it’s likely to be very kinetic and high-impact.
The second card, Waning Gibbous: Fear gives some insight into why. Imagine a passion: it burns hot, but sometimes it can get out of control. I believe that your attention is going to be directed toward something wonderful, but you’re going to be afraid to lose it. Perhaps because this is a new thing or the pleasure you’re getting from it is better than what you’d had before.
Your last theme card is Waxing Gibbous: Focus. This is a sign from the universe that your key to being in control of this month is being mindful of what you’re doing. Try not to get distracted and consider having a hierarchy of goals that you’ll pursue. Spend an appropriate amount of time on each level. Your top goals need the most of your time. If you set out with a plan, you’re unlikely to lose track of yourself.
Week 1: January 1st to January 8th
Your first week card is The Tower. I got the sense when I saw this card in your spread that this is about restructuring. Often this card has negative connotations, and I think you may fear that something bad will happen to you.
However, that’s not what this card indicates at all for you this January. Instead, it’s indicating a need to reorganize your priorities. Some of what you were previously doing is deadweight and that’s going to fall away this week.
Week 2: January 9th to January 15th
The next card is the Muse of Inspiration. Because of the layout of this card, I like to interpret it as a reorganization of motivation. I believe you’ll be very decisive about what you want this week and it will be very good for you.
Just be aware that you may be making a big shift in your life. Yes, you need to focus, but I think this week is you recognizing how that needs to take place and then shifting your life to match that realization.
Week 3: January 16th to January 22nd
Around the middle of the month, you have The World Cosmos, Reversed card. Your life is going to be turned upside down and I think that’s because this month is all about setting your life right.
That’s not to say your past was necessarily bad, but that you’re looking forward in January to new and exciting possibilities for how you can live.
Week 4: January 23rd to January 31st
Your last week card is the Queen of Materials. This is a nurturing and tangible energy. You’re going to come into your power and start manifesting the life you wish to live. This is a very positive and balanced energy.
It’s also an indication that you’re going to start investing in your future in a way that’s long-term. This card has a slow, but mindful energy that you need to be aware of. Consider reviewing any goals you have this week and creating a long-term plan, such as a three or five-year plan, on the areas of your life you would like to see have more direction.
Overall this is a happy, and exciting month for you. And I think that’s where the fear primarily comes from: sometimes when things get really good, we’re afraid of what that could mean if it slips away. But as long as you focus on the priorities you set for yourself, you should be golden.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
This website is the best so informative and so accurate as well such s amazing 👏🏻 readings as well love it!
Thank you so much, Purcifany! 🙂