Your Spiritual Resources: Tarot Pick a Card
Everybody receives help from the divine. But it can be difficult to access that help sometimes. Perhaps you’re going through a hard chapter of your life or you feel disconnected from spirituality.
If you were drawn to this reading, then the universe thinks you need a little guidance with this tarot pick a card.
All you have to do is look at the piles of cards above. Which animal stands out to you the most? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading!
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Here I’m using the Good Tarot and the Yogic Path Oracle decks while the animals are from an Acekar Sticker Pack (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase).
Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to open your spiritual toolbox. Let’s see what’s inside.
Pile 1: Dog

Already In Your Possession
I see that your first card is Empress. This is a card of fertility and abundance. This is both an external and internal reflection: the woman on this card represents Mother Earth and from her, all life is born.
The spiritual resource the universe wants you to use right now is already within you. Don’t worry about studying or finding a mentor – everything you need already exists within.
But what does that mean, exactly?
There’s something you’re nurturing. It could be a spiritual practice or it could be the fruit of a spiritual path, such as your higher calling. Regardless, something that you’re in the progress of is about to be born.
This is something you need to tend to as it gestates within you. You may not manifest it right away, but you’re going to feel the potential within your mind, body, and spirit.
Power of Love
Your second card is Yamas. This is a card of compassion and morality. You shine brilliantly in this sometimes dark world. There’s a reason why Mother Earth is associated with the Moon – she’s illuminated even at night.
When you tend to your work in progress, be mindful of the love that you’re capable of. You aren’t letting something grow and transform in the void but through your careful cultivation.
Direct your focus with sincere kindness toward yourself and the world. The reason why this is a spiritual resource for you is that you have the power to bring into the world something you truly care for.
And that love that you show in the gestation of your project will define it. Every child that’s born deserves a loving relationship with their mother – and what you’re bringing into the world is the same.
You won’t be abandoning this project after it manifests. Instead, you’ll continuously and joyfully nurture it so it blooms into something even more brilliant than you can imagine.
Positive Detachment
The third card is Asana. I’m especially drawn to the image here of two composed women and the hawks. Although the card has a meaning of sitting in stillness, the imagery is a powerful reminder that it’s meant to be a stillness of clarity.
As you nurture your project, there will come a point when you “let go.” This is where you let your project take on a life of its own. You watch with a hawk’s eye, ready to intervene if necessary, but you let things happen as they may.
Don’t let yourself become so attached to your project that it becomes you. It comes from you, but it’s separate and unique. The reason it’s a spiritual resource is that it’s something distinct from you.
A good example of this would be a career. Eventually, you have to leave the door open for serendipity and not try to control every aspect of your path. A little bit of chaos is renewing for growth.
Allow what you nurture to detach from you and mature. Only then can you have a real relationship with it.
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Pile 2: Monkey

Find Your Fire
Your first card is the Queen of Fire. This symbolizes the power of inner fire and can be quite magical. What this means is that your spiritual resource is an inherent motivation that will allow you to manifest what you truly want in life.
Yes, the Law of Attraction should work very well for you, but only if you identify what it is you want so you can be in pursuit of that fire.
It’s not enough to have a goal or even an ambition. You must be on fire and passionate about what you wish to manifest.
You must work to identify your motivators in life. But if you don’t have one, it’s a good idea to start exploring.
As a child, I had no dreams for my future and it made it difficult for me to be serious about anything. I became lazy. While creating a goal and being disciplined helped, it wasn’t until I found what I was passionate about that my life truly changed.
Pursue what you love. If you do that, you’ll be unstoppable.
Your True Passion
The next card is Sita. This refers to the goddess who stayed loyal to her husband even when she believed he was dead. Upon his return, he questioned her devotion and she proved it by walking into fire.
The best way for you to prove your devotion is to throw yourself on that passion even if you aren’t entirely prepared. When I started as a tarot reader, I was recently disabled and had just a few hundred dollars left in my bank account. I would never be able to do live readings since I wouldn’t know when I’d be awake and couldn’t make appointments. But I found a way to pursue tarot reading in a different format. And it worked.
When you really want something, you’ll hunger for it and fight for it even when the odds are stacked against you. That’s not because you’re more competent than others (though perhaps you are), but because you’re more resilient in the face of an obstacle when you’re fighting for what your heart believes in.
Sigh in Relief
The final card in your spread is Sattva. This is about purity. Nothing is purer than a fire. It burns everything in its path. Your passion will do the same.
One of the reasons why people are unhappy and unable to tap into their spirituality is because of the clutter of their lives. They know that minimalism and mindfulness can help, but they don’t realize why: it clears away everything that doesn’t matter so you can focus on what does.
As you pursue your passion, you’ll experience a purity of purpose that will empower you and help you manifest what you want in life. You’ll also feel closer to the universe because you’ll feel as if you’re on the right path and co-creating your destiny.
Know that whatever is cluttering your life will start to fall away as you pursue what you love. And it will be a relief.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Meerkat

What You’re Worth
The first card in your spread is the World. Your spiritual resource is the world around you. There’s a treasure trove of spiritual possibilities if you choose to engage with nature and other people.
That’s because you’re just one person in a sea of energies. Instead of making you feel small, this should let you see how expansive the universe is and all the possibilities that exist.
You don’t just have one path, though you’re welcome to just take one, but a plethora of possible paths in every direction. What you choose to do today doesn’t have to be what you do tomorrow.
And you yourself are significant because there is no one else in the universe like you. No matter how far you look, you will always be unique and important in your own way. You exist in the world which means you exist in the world of every other person who has ever lived or will live.
The world itself is staring back at you. Don’t be shy or anxious – you’re a compelling individual. You have meaning and value.
You Aren’t Alone
Your second card is Dhumavati. She’s the goddess of disappointment and letting go. If you lived in a dimension all by yourself, the sorrows you encountered in life would seem pointless and overwhelming.
But you live in a wide universe of possibilities. You’ve also witnessed how things can go right or how there can be healing even after true difficulties.
Your spiritual resources are learning from the example of the world or even engaging with the world so you don’t have to be so alone.
For you, letting go is about letting go of your isolation. I think that sometimes your uniqueness can feel suffocating. How can anyone ever understand me? You think. But even though the world is so different, it’s vibrant too.
You have the capacity for love. But the world and what’s in it has the capacity to love you back.
You Can See
The last card in your spread is Ajna. This references your third eye. You’re welcome to look at the world as you see it, but there’s so much more than is visible with your normal sight. The universe isn’t just our dimension, but all dimensions.
That means there are doors to other ways of being that can be opened. Some of those doors aren’t welcoming of course, but you can use your third eye to find the ones which will enlighten you.
I don’t consider our dimension as being insignificant or lacking spiritual beauty. It’s just one type of spiritual dimension and others make up the layers of the universe. You do have the ability to see that.
So as you gaze upon the world and see it as an example to expand your consciousness, know that there is even more you’re not physically seeing – and part of your spiritual resources is an inherent clairvoyant ability to perceive higher planes of consciousness. It just takes practice.
Your first step of practicing is looking at the world around you for what it is. In time, you’ll notice the vibrance of other dimensions poking through.
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