What’s Next in Love: Tarot Pick a Card
Whether you’re single or in a relationship, the universe has a plan for the next chapter of your romantic life. This is the momentum you’re moving towards. Knowing what’s coming your way can help you embrace that destiny or make changes.
All you have to do is look at the piles of cards above. Which bear stands out to you the most? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading!
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Ethereal Visions Illuminated Tarot and the Work Your Light oracle decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s see what the passion in your life is going to look like soon.
Pile 1: Bear Holding Heart

A Pause
Your first card is the Nine of Wands, Reversed. This is an indication that hard times are going to soften, but so too will passion. However, because of the rest of your spread, I don’t see this as a bad thing.
Think of it like this: the card here indicates that you avoid injury. No doubt you either recently avoided something bad in your romantic life or you’re going to soon. This will be a near miss and something you’ll be painfully aware of.
If you’re single, you’re likely to avoid or fail to start a new relationship. Don’t mourn this: for some reason, this person wasn’t your match. Either they’re a toxic person or just not meant for you.
If you’re in a relationship, you may feel a bit distant from your partner for a while. People often think that intense passion is required in a relationship 24/7, but sometimes, one or both partners need a break. When things get too intense, both love and hate collide and that can be the death of a relationship. We only have so much mental and emotional bandwidth, after all.
Time to Think
The second card is The Crumbling with the wisdom message of “What are you clinging to?” This is where you need to do some work. The universe did what it could to soften hard times with a little bit of separation, so now you need to introspect.
There’s something about the way you’re approaching romance that isn’t working. If you’re single, this is likely because you’re looking for the wrong type of person or going about it the wrong way. This crumbling for you is about helping you see where this failure lies. Where is the friction when it comes to finding the one? Where are you disappointed? That’s a sign that you need to reconsider things.
As for those in a relationship, the crumbling for you is about breaking down towers that were already leaning over, threatening to fall. This is your chance to rebuild that tower with your partner. However, you need to make sure that you’re in a good place yourself. Are you standing up for yourself in the relationship? Are you showing your partner compassion and not just lust?
See Where the Love Is
Your final card is Starseed with the wisdom message of “What lights you up?” This is an encouraging reminder from the universe. Although the near future in your romance may seem dark, this is really about casting light on your life. Where there’s light, shadows also appear.
It’s important you recognize the shadows, but also see this as an opportunity to highlight what matters most to you in a relationship. If you’re single, start prioritizing what you’re looking for in a relationship, not just first impressions when you meet someone.
If you already have someone, consider where you feel gratitude in that relationship. No one is perfect and no relationship is without flaws. However, there is something beautiful and unique in what you have. Hold onto that. You won’t have it in any other relationship. Every partnership is unique and special.
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Pile 2: Bear With Garland

Someone Powerful
With your first card being The Emperor, this is a clear and positive sign for romance. For those who are single, this suggests someone who is a fire sign, like an Aries, may be coming into your life. But don’t just restrict the possibility to a zodiac sign: who you’re looking for is someone powerful, ambitious, and direct.
This person will make an amazing and interesting partner for you, so if this person is in your proximity, start showing interest. There’s a good chance that’ll be receptive and ask you out. So great for you introverts out there!
As for those of you in a relationship, I sense that your partner is going to take a commitment seriously. For those not yet living together or married, this can signal that a formal commitment will take place. Expect this person to lead that decision.
This could mean they may walk over you, but that’s just their personality. Show that you’re interested too and that you want to be a partner, not a subject to their whims. Your partner just wants things to go well and if you do too, this will be a positive change for you both.
Your World Will Get Bigger
The next card is The Great Gathering with the wisdom message of “It’s all coming together. Intuitive hits. Soul tribe.” For those who are single, I think this person you may end up in a relationship with may be part of a greater community. That means uniting with them is going to broaden your perspective of the world.
Chances are, they may have interesting or empathetic family members. Alternatively, this could be a sign that they have friends you can bond with. Always realize that any relationship carries with it the relationships of your partner. You don’t have to be friends with their friends, but a new opportunity will arise.
For those in a relationship, this can indicate the family you’ll be joining in marriage or, if your partner has children or pets, those who will become family with you in your household. This will go far better than you think, although it won’t be perfect. Your family is now bigger and more chances to love are possible.
Those in more established relationships may feel the potential to pursue more time with family or friends surrounding your household. Just because you didn’t start a relationship early on, doesn’t mean you can’t change things now. Consider hosting a dinner party or spending time with these people.
A Dream Will Come True
The third card in your spread is Trust the Niggle with the wisdom message of “What is the niggling feeling trying to tell you?” In your spread, I read this card with a lot of positivity. So while you may have concerns and anxiety which is present with any romanticism, that’s not what the universe wants you to focus on here.
Instead, there’s a piece of optimism bubbling in your subconscious that’s begging to get out and manifest. Trust that optimistic intuition because it’s telling you how to improve your romantic life, whether you’re single or in a relationship.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Bear With Flowers

Something Is Breaking
I see that your first card is the Knight of Swords, Reversed. Either you or a romantic interest is going to act or say something hastily. This impulse could lead to a lot of hurt feelings. But understand that mistakes can be revealing.
If you’re single, this could be a sign that the person you’re interested in isn’t for you. But it could also indicate what their flaws are. Either way, it will help you to enter into any future relationship with your eyes wide open.
But know that a mistake isn’t personality if it’s not a pattern. Sometimes, people act outside of their character. Give other people the same room you’d expect for yourself. And if you’re the one acting impulsively, realize that the other person may be frustrated and upset. Apologies may be in order.
Similar sentiments hold for those in a relationship, though you may have been down this road before. If this is a relationship you cherish, ask yourself if this behavior from either one of you may require some personal work or therapy. But if this is part of a long pattern of toxic behavior, even if it’s from yourself, a clean break may be the best thing.
Learn Your Heart
Your next card is Imrama with the wisdom message of “Where are you being called to journey to?” The subconscious is powerful, and impulses are often reflections of the shadow self. If you were the person who acted harshly, it may be time to do some shadow work so you can finally come to terms with the part of yourself you’re repressing.
However, if you’re the one hurt in this situation, you may find that your subconscious isn’t even whispering to you anymore. Take a deep breath and try journaling or meditating on what you know to be true about your current direction. You’ll start to hear your intuition whisper to you again soon.
Take notice of your impulses, good or bad, and consider cataloging them. This isn’t an excuse to act in an unruly manner, but your impulses can be very revealing and give some insight into what you want (and need) in romance. Your subconscious doesn’t lie even when you want it to!
Be Yourself
The final card in your spread is Don’t Dim to Fit In with the wisdom message of “How are you dimming your light in order to fit in?” A relationship is not a tyrannical regime, but a partnership. And that means a negotiation.
However, it’s easy to drift towards a life where you repress your impulses and thus your true self to please any current or future partner. The person you love must be someone you can be yourself with.
What you need to realize next in love is how you can be more yourself in a productive way. Your impulses should be happy accidents, not small tragedies – and you should have the same experience around any partner’s impulses. Make sure you’re being honest in love.
For those who are single, don’t hide who you are when dating. It’s okay to reveal yourself piece by piece, but you reveal yourself honestly when you do. As for those in a relationship, work towards being comfortable with your partner and checking in that they’re comfortable with you. This takes work, but if you can relax around the person you love, it’ll be worth it in the end.
Comfort isn’t bodily functions, either. It’s a matter of the soul and personality.
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