Career Message From Spirit — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on a message about your career you need to hear from spirit. This can also work for your hobby or passion – just keep that in mind when selecting your pile.
All you have to do to receive this message is pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Muse Tarot deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s see what spirit has to tell you about your career.
Pile 1: Waves

Plan Ahead
You’ve got a fun and frustrating challenge on the horizon! This means your career is going to get interesting, but it won’t be intuitive to approach. Let’s fix that.
Your first card, Two of Inspiration, suggests a need to analyze your career and plan ahead. While you may not know how to deal with every eventuality, you can prepare ahead of time for what’s most likely to occur and have a plan of action or reaction.
For example, a babysitter might not expect that one of their charges could run off, but if the babysitter has a plan for how to approach this situation, they’ll know what to do when it occurs and not panic.
Take some time to research and write a list of potential problems you could encounter in your career. Then write an emergency management action plan – it could be a detailed plan or a simple statement for how you’ll approach the problem.
Challenge Yourself
But be aware that the challenge you’re likely to face is probably going to be a low-stakes (meaning nobody is in danger) sort of problem. The second card, Five of Inspiration, suggests a conflict of passion or a social conflict.
You’ll be energized by this problem. That babysitter’s problem might be a child who runs off, but probably to the child next door to play. A potential solution might be to have the neighbor hire the babysitter to watch their child too. A bigger challenge, but also a solution to the problem where everyone is a winner.
I see that playing out for you too. Don’t look at your problem as one to be feared, but one to be confronted. The solution is likely not to be “easier” than what you’re doing now, but there’s a bigger potential reward.
Don’t be scared to take on more responsibility or more effort. Sometimes doing more is actually the best plan of action. It’s just doing more in the right way.
Don’t Assume Your First Thought Is Right
Be aware that this challenge and how to “fix” it won’t come intuitively. While you can plan ahead to address the situation, The Moon, Reversed card suggests a disruption of routine and a lack of awareness. However, it’s also a sign you’re going to conquer that problem.
Don’t use intuition here. It’s not that your intuition is always faulty, but intuition is usually used in the moment and based on gut instinct. However, if you try to fix the problem in the moment you’re bound to do the wrong thing.
That babysitter might be frustrated by the child running off and be very authoritarian in getting the child to do what the babysitter wants instead. After all, the babysitter’s job is to watch one child.
It’s harder to think outside of the box in the moment. That’s why planning ahead helps you to consider possibilities without feeling pressured by urgency.
For some of you, this might mean thinking about the problem outside of work instead of during work hours. You might think that it’s unfair to work off the clock, but if it solves your problems on the clock, it’ll be worth it in the end.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Animals

Chaos to Order
You’re going to face an unwelcome surprise or disruption, but you’ll turn it to your advantage. The first card, Knight of Emotions, Reversed, suggests a serious upset in your work environment.
This could come from a person or an event. It’ll change things, at least for the moment, and make you feel unsettled. You’ll wonder how you’ll ever be able to pick up the pieces and you’ll feel emotionally exhausted.
But this is temporary. And sometimes from chaos, picking up the pieces in the right order means you’ll be in a better position than everyone else around you. I see that happening here.
Trust your ability to face uncertain challenges. Instead of running away from the problem, confront it head-on. You’re uniquely positioned to make the most of it.
Use All Resources
Although two of your cards in this spread are negative, The Empress is one of the positive cards for career in the major arcana. And since this is a feminine card, it suggests you have the personal ability and resources to make things happen. In other words, internal power.
Notice that this card uses cosmic imagery though. This is an interesting choice for a card usually associated with the Earth. Here, I interpret it to mean that what you think is personal power extends further than you realize.
You’ll likely discover from this surprising event that a skill you don’t normally associate with your career can be used there. For example, artists often channel their sadness into creativity.
Something about your life is going to be useful for your career. Use any and all traits, negative and positive, to your benefit. Sometimes the non-traditional path is your path.
Correct Yourself Early On
The final card, The Devil, is a warning but not one I think you need to agonize over. This card suggests you will be tempted by something negative or even be oppressed by a devilish figure.
That shouldn’t surprise you. During chaotic times, especially at work, it can bring out the worst in some people – even those you normally like. Be prepared for coworkers, clients, customers, and even bosses to be more challenging to deal with.
However, it could be your own habits that are the problem. Your routines will be disrupted and that can leave a void you’ll fill with bad decisions.
I don’t think this is going to happen, at least not beyond a temporary moment. However, you can ensure it doesn’t by having a good idea of what a productive you looks like. When you start to act differently at work, you need to correct your behavior quickly.
For example, a chaotic work event could lead to your morning routine of deep work to be replaced with meetings or interruptions. You’ll either need to reschedule your deep work or find a way to block these interrupters and protect your time.
Be very aware of what your ideal work self should look like. You won’t be like that every day, but if you fall massively short, changes need to be made before it gets out of hand.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Burger

Work Hard, Then Play
Happy cards! The first one is Ace of Inspiration. This is a sign that you’re going to be empowered by inspiration or motivated to succeed.
At work, this is always useful because it gives you a mood boost that helps to start, make progress, and finish your projects. You’ll also do it with more creativity and personal flair.
However, this kind of energy doesn’t last for long – and for good reason. This burst of inspiration can be exhausting as much as it is fulfilling. So be sure to tell yourself to make the most of it, but also that this high energy won’t last forever. You’ll have to take a break soon.
Focusing on deep work or flow state will help, but you’ll probably need to decompress afterward or even take a long weekend where you only pursue passive, restorative hobbies. Intense projects like learning a second language or deep cleaning your house may need to wait.
This is a sprint, meaning it’ll be over before you know it and you’ll need to take a breather to rest.
Overcoming Disaster
Something you’re struggling with will heal according to the Ten of Swords, Reversed. You may have been on the precipice of ruin or you’re even in the midst of it.
This card is a sign that the struggle will pass. For some of you, it will occur before your inspiring sprint and for others your inspiring sprint will heal your struggle. The cards don’t exactly pinpoint which is more likely than the other so it’s probably different for everyone in the spread.
That said, you’re probably coming from a lower place than you would’ve liked to be. Perhaps you feel disappointed in your progress and even a bit hopeless. However, this spread is a clear sign that you’ll have tangible proof and a change in perception about your future.
You’re going to have reason to hope and expect better.
Accept What’s Offered
The last card is the Four of Cups. This is one of my least favorite cards in the tarot. Not because it’s bad, but because it indicates a refusal to accept what’s offered.
What you thought you shouldn’t do was in fact what you’re supposed to do. Perhaps this option is just a temporary side quest, but for others, it’s a sign that fixing your life means accepting a future you didn’t initially plan for yourself.
I wanted to be a novelist, but no matter how much effort I put into it, I only felt frustration. Being a tarot reader was never on my radar, but it ended up being the only thing that made sense in the end. I’m happy about it, but I’m also humbled. The Virgo in me wanted to plan out my entire future to be one way after all.
You should expect something similar to occur for you when it comes to your career. You may think what’s on offer won’t make you as happy, but I promise you, it will. Once you accept it, you’ll be filled with inspiration and motivation you didn’t experience previously.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.