Meet Your Spiritual Team: Tarot Pick a Card
Autumn is upon us in the Northern hemisphere which can be a very spiritual time for many. You’ve been called to this tarot pick a card to meet your spiritual team. Either someone new has joined or you can gain greater insight into your relationship with them.
All you have to do is look at the piles of cards above. Which meditating woman stands out to you the most? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading!
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Ethereal Visions Illuminated Tarot and the Angels and Ancestors Oracle decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s meet your spiritual team.
Pile 1: Brown Yoga Outfit

Your Spiritual Team
I pulled three oracle cards to represent your spiritual team. The first is Elder with the wisdom message of “Move Beyond Ancestral Patterns.” One of your ancestors is helping to guide you in life and not make the same mistakes they did. There’s something about you that they see themselves in and they don’t want you to repeat the past.
The second member of your spiritual team is Shaman with the wisdom message of “Trust in Higher Forces.” I get the sense that this is a living person who channels their higher selves to help others. It may be a lightworker you know in real life or it may be someone across the globe. This is likely a temporary connection, so they’re probably part of a fated event in your life that they hope to help you with.
The last member of your spiritual team who is present in this reading today is Autumn with the wisdom message of “Release the Old and Rest.” I sense that this is an animal spirit guide, a crow or a raven, who is helping you release what is no longer serving you. For those who are Norse pagan or of Germanic ancestry, then the spirit of Odin is giving his wisdom.
Investing In the Future
Now we have your tarot cards. The first is the Seven of Pentacles. Your spiritual team is helping you prepare for something ahead. Not everything you’re working on will be a success, but they’re going to do what they can to help you make the most of it.
I sense that this is primarily about starting new habits or doing something which is a change from the past. So be prepared for some novelty in your life shortly.
Letting Go
Here I sense that the Shaman has the most authority. Your tarot card, The Emperor, Reversed, means giving your power to someone else. It may be uncomfortable to trust your spiritual team at times, but your intuition can be a powerful guide and a comfort.
When things get hard in life, or when you’re indecisive, ask your spiritual team what you can do. Then, let your intuition help you forge a path forward. There’s probably something important about to happen to you.
Temporary Relationships
The next card, Three of Cups, Reversed, tells me that these members of your spiritual team are only with you for a short while. They’ve taken the place of members of your existing spiritual team because they’re helping with this current chapter of your life. They’re specialists.
The Shaman appears to be the leader, or at least the one with the strongest energy. It’s possible that the human who embodies this member of your spiritual team is only subconsciously aware of the connection if they know you. What’s happening is at the spiritual level right now, not a conscious one.
Good News
The fourth tarot card, the Wheel of Fortune, indicates that what’s happening is for your good. Although it may feel strange working with these members of your spiritual team since they’re new and trying to help you get past some difficult parts of your life, their only intention is to help you.
Expect some positive life experiences ahead.
Deeper Connections
Your last card is Ten of Pentacles. What your spiritual team aims to do is provide you lasting comfort and security. They may focus on material concerns like your career, home, or personal projects. Expect these areas to be more successful, though you’ll likely be pushed to improve yourself more than you anticipated.
Perhaps the Shaman that I’ve previously mentioned is a reincarnation of an ancestor and their higher self is that part of their soul that is reaching out to you. I wouldn’t be surprised if your higher self does something similar in this life or a future life. You seem deeply connected at the soul level to your ancestry. It’s a gift!
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: White Yoga Outfit

Your Spiritual Team
Three cards represent your spiritual team. The first is Eagle with the wisdom message of “See From a Higher Perspective.” This is either an animal spirit guide or some sort of godly energy which is hoping to give you a sense of scale when it comes to your life. This is important because you’re always in context with yourself across many lifetimes, other people, and the universe itself.
The second card of your spiritual team is Arrow with the wisdom message of “Surround Yourself With Protective Energy.” I sense that an archer, perhaps an ancestor or some sort of guardian angel, is standing behind you. They’re not about to let harm come your way if it can be prevented and will do whatever they can to make your life a positive experience.
The last card representing your spiritual team that’s present today is Oracle with the wisdom message of “Wait for Important Information.” This is either a muse or some sort of entity that will help you to channel messages from the universe. They have a lot of power to help you see clearly, but they tend to favor metaphors so you can see beyond the literal reality.
Conflicting Opinions
Your first tarot card is Five of Wands. Not everyone on your spiritual team is in agreement. When I pulled this spread, I also didn’t sense any central theme. They mean well, but their methods are different and they may sometimes send conflicting messages. This is something you need to be aware of: you may receive more than one message from your spiritual team that doesn’t make sense when you string them together.
This is why it’s so important to be discerning with your intuition and also to use free will. Sometimes, a message you receive is good, but not your best option. Use your judgement and all the messages you receive to brainstorm, but not select, what you’re going to do. The ultimate decision should always be yours.
A Lack of Growth
The next card is Death, Reversed. Your spiritual team is coming off quite strong in this reading. They want to influence you to make certain decisions, and while their advice may or may not be good, they may favor comfort over growth to the point of laziness.
Don’t let your spiritual team choose stasis over growth. Choose to move beyond your current boundaries when you feel yourself getting claustrophobic.
Going Your Own Way
The card, Ace of Wands, indicates that you’re starting to deviate from your spiritual team’s intentions. This is probably a good idea in your case. I sense that you relied too much on your intuition in the past and didn’t make decisions based on free will.
It may seem unusual to call intuition not of your free will, but some people do use it that way. They receive a message and act impulsively. Don’t do that. Let the message wash over you and then digest it. Then, and only then should you act. Don’t react. Consider, plan, and execute.
Be Mindful, Though
The next card, King of Wands, Reversed, also represents you. Although you’re starting to make more of your own decisions, I think you may reject the good advice you receive from your spiritual team. While you need to be more independent, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t listen.
Take some time to journal about what a good life would look like for you. This should guide how you accept intuitive messages in the future. Don’t reject an intuitive message just because you want to do things your own way.
Get Logical
Your final card is the Ace of Swords. This is a card not only for making decisions, but using something more than intuition or your passions: rationality. You need to make sure that you’re acting in such a way that your life makes sense.
Sometimes we aim for things that make our hearts flutter, but aren’t reasonable goals. Go back to the drawing board and either change these goals or make pragmatic adjustments. Passion’s always good, but it must have a reasonable foundation to support it.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Blue Yoga Outfit

Your Spiritual Team
I pulled three cards to represent who from your spiritual team will be present in your reading today. The first card is Drum with the wisdom message of “Dream and Journey.” A musician or muse is represented by this card, so perhaps an ancestor or spirit who creatively inspires you. You probably encounter them the most in your dreams and daydreams, but don’t discount sudden eureka moments when you get ideas either.
The second card is Shapeshifter with the wisdom message of “Transform and Unveil Your Gifts.” You have the power to spiritually transform into an animal or other spiritual energy during something like dreams, astral projection, or some spiritual ceremony. This allows you to take on qualities that normal people cannot. This “other you” is part of your spiritual team. Not in the traditional sense, but they’re always there, waiting to unleash the primal wilderness within you. That natural chaos, which can also function as creativity, is a special power and spiritual gift.
Your last spiritual team card is Direction Guardian with the wisdom message of “Choose Your Path.” This will refer to different energies for those who chose this pile. It might be specific ancestors who were a zodiac sign or an angelic high being such as a cherub. Either way, their goal is to provide good advice to help you follow your life path. They won’t give you all the answers: just the tools to arrive at them.
Allow Yourself to Grow
I see that your first tarot card is The Star, Reversed. You may be feeling a bit unlucky lately. However, you’re coming out of that misfortune as you change course in your life and own who you are. This may be a major life change or an important adjustment.
You may be fighting some sort of destined path or event that must take place – make sure you aren’t rejecting spiritual growth.
A Time to Act
The second card is The Hermit, Reversed. You’re coming out of your shell and leaving the mountain with wisdom to share. No doubt the descent is a bit perilous, which may be why you feel unlucky. However, I do think things are going to get easier now that you have more insight into your life.
Make sure you aren’t being too dependent on spiritual answers. A lot of what you need to know is already imprinted within because of previous work.
You’re Part of a Team
The next tarot card is King of Cups. You’re either feeling more emotionally at peace or you will soon. The result of this is that your life will become easier to manage and more comfortable. Expect some of your previously tense relationships to ease.
We often think of our spiritual team as being necessary when times are difficult, but they’re also present when things are going well. As life or just certain areas of your life become easier, remember how you got to that point and value your relationship with your spiritual team because of it. They may be able to help you maintain it longer.
Lifelong Guides
Your fourth tarot card is The World. Notice how the zodiac signs/cherub are present here. They’re part of your eternal spiritual team and won’t leave you (at least in this life). Each one possibly specializes in a specific area of your life. If you look at your astrological chart, you may be able to tell what that is by looking at the signs represented by the figures here.
They’re a very stabilizing part of your life and may be some of the strongest or most prevalent spirit guides you’ll encounter.
Aim for More
Your final card is Seven of Swords. This is a card of strategy. Use the current or coming lull and peace of your life to make plans for the future. When things calm down, enjoy the rest, but then start planning for how to create even more abundance for yourself. You deserve it.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.