Your Angels Need to Say This: Tarot Pick a Card
Everybody has at least one guardian angel. This is a spirit with the goal of keeping you safe and promoting your wellbeing. If you’ve been directed to this tarot pick a card, then your angelic team has a message for you.
All you have to do is look at the piles of cards above. Which angel stands out to you the most? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading!
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Mystic Mondays Tarot and the Angel Answers Oracle decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s find out what your angels need to say.
Pile 1: Candle Angel

Stockholm Syndrome
I see that the first card in your spread is Remain Positive. Your angels are wanting you to be in a good mental and emotional place for the trials in your life or the trials to come.
It’s easy to lose hope and faith that things will go your way when times are tough. Try as we might, some people and forces are more powerful and oppressive than we can handle. And when that happens, we’re at risk of falling into despair.
However, your angels know that things are going to get better. But they fear you’ll lose that optimism and be transformed negatively by the events in your life.
Understand that any negativity you’re feeling right now or could feel soon will pass. Don’t allow yourself to be so trapped you can never accept freedom when it finds its way to you.
Don’t Sabotage Yourself
Your second card is Justice, Reversed. I believe that the negativity in your life that you’re facing or will face soon will be simply unfair. You aren’t responsible for what’s happening, or, if you are, not the extent that you find yourself suffering.
Know that the universe has a way of balancing things out. This is the power of karmic entropy. If someone is hurting you, they’ll receive the sharp edge of justice soon. And if your misfortune is caused by an impersonal system, such as the economy or a natural disaster, you will receive divine encouragement through unexpected good luck.
This is why it’s so important to remain positive right now. The universe naturally reverts to karmic entropy and you can use that to attract good things to you. However, if you’re in a negative state, you’ll repulse some of that good fortune.
Standing Strong
The last card is Seven of Wands. This is a card about defending yourself – and succeeding. Your angels are standing behind you with as much encouragement as they can provide. Behind the scenes, they’re doing what they can to arrange the energy to be more beneficial to you too.
If you lean into their efforts, you’re going to find that you can withstand the injustice you’re facing. For some of you, this defense will be more active than others. You may need to directly advocate for yourself. However, others who choose this pile will find that simply being in a good state of mind sets them onto a path of recovery.
But whether the injustice you face is major or minor, know that you are going to overcome it. So like the woman fighting in the card, arm yourself with positivity. This is a battle you’re going to win. You have the higher ground.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Lyre Angel

You Need a Special Connection
Your first card is Listen to Your Intuition. Judging from the rest of your spread, you’re at a real risk of ignoring the most important spiritual gift everyone has: their intuition.
Your angels need you to be aware of this because intuition is a powerful tool. While it does help you with spiritual aspects and can strengthen certain psychic abilities, it’s broader in its effect than that.
With intuition, you receive divine inspiration or inspiration that’s channeled through your mind-body-spirit connection. This is what helps you truly understand the people around you or to use your creative abilities.
Not everything in life is factual or evidence-based. How nice it would be if it were! Some things are more ethereal than that as it transcends more than one dimension of consciousness. This is where your intuition is needed most.
Also, let’s not forget that intuition is one of the more direct methods that your guardian angels use to contact you!
Feeling Unwhole
The next card here is Ten of Cups, Reversed. You’re going to feel like something is missing in your life. While this could be intuition itself, I think for most in this pile it’s going to be emotional security.
The events which precipitated this could be an unfortunate one, such as a breakup, or it could be a psychological state such as depression.
Either way, the effect is that you no longer feel like a whole person. When this happens, your connection to intuition can be severed.
That will make it much harder to make difficult decisions or to let your consciousness ascend to a higher plane.
Fixing it is tricky and may require some work on your part. That’s because what led to this unwhole feeling is what needs to be addressed. Spend some time investigating the cause and you’ll be able to work on a solution.
Learning to Radiate
But you may need some hints on how to identify the cause. After all, your intuition is wonky right now and it may not be readily apparent. Perhaps the cause is complex or relatively invisible. Your third card, The Sun, Reversed, explains how your intuition is supposed to work.
Intuition is not just an internal feeling, but radiation of spirituality. We naturally push our spiritual power out into the world through a manifestation of intuition. For most people, this can be in spiritual practice, but more frequently in our relationships with other people, animals, and the environment.
For those who are creative or are responsible for problem-solving, your intuition also manifests there.
What in your life in these areas isn’t working as well? When did it start? How are you frustrated?
You may have one reason or multiple reasons for the block. Identifying it is often easiest when you look at the timeline of where it started.
And once you do that, you can be the process of intentional rest and healing that will help bring back your intuition again. Because if you keep trying to use it when you’re hurting, you’ll only strain your spiritual muscles.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Trumpet Angel

You’re Being Blessed
Your first card is Abundance. While this can indicate financial prosperity, that’s not the feeling I receive from your angels when I did this reading. Abundance can come in many forms, some material, but many things come in abundance. Love is one of them.
I sense that there’s going to be a lot of abundance coming into your life. You won’t quite be prepared for this and may not even be able to make the most of it. That’s why your angels have directed you to this reading: you either have something in your life in abundance right now or you will soon.
Of course, that doesn’t mean other areas of your life aren’t lacking and I don’t want you to feel like abundance in one area means your other issues aren’t being considered by your angels. However, seeing what abundance you do have will go a long way to improving your quality of life.
The World Is Not Enough
The reason I feel you may miss the presence of abundance in your life is because of your second card, the Four of Pentacles, Reversed. This is a card of greed because of scarcity. There is something in your life that you perceive to be destructive or even thieving.
This is likely to be financial or at least part of your physical needs. Perhaps you’re struggling at work, the cost of living is too high, or your health isn’t as good as you want it to be. Whatever material poverty you’re feeling right now, your angels see that.
While they’re doing what they can to help you overcome that struggle, they’ve noticed that there is abundance elsewhere in your life. This abundance can empower you and either help you get out of your current material problems or at least make them easier to cope with.
It makes me think of the saying: money doesn’t buy happiness, but it sure does make it easier.
Although the abundance that’s present in your life won’t necessarily resolve all your problems, I do think it’ll be a source of strength.
You Need to Care About It
Your final card, the Knight of Wands, is your source of strength. This is a very energetic card and it’s a little impulsive. No wonder why it’s so easy for you to miss the abundance in your life. It also requires some effort and input on your part. That’s because your abundance is your life force.
It manifests in the desire and ambition you have to make certain things happen. This could be love, a personal goal, or a deeply held passion. It’s not what you’re ambivalent about, but what you care so much about you get angry when people disagree or don’t see it the way you do!
This is the part of your personality that is potentially overwhelming. But, at the same time, where you’re overwhelming to others is often a sign of intense energy that can be channeled into your life for change.
What is it in your life that gets you heated? There you’ll find a desire that only burns hotter and hotter. That’s an abundance that will help you work harder and longer than anyone else. Just remember it needs to be applied in areas you actually care about!
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.