Boundaries You Need — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on boundaries you need to improve your life.
All you have to do to receive this message is pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Dark Mirror Oracle deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to set some boundaries.
Pile 1: Mushroom

You’re Vulnerable
I think you know what boundaries you need to set, but you aren’t sure how to set them. The first card, Naked Before the Stars, means that you’re vulnerable to fate or you perceive yourself to be vulnerable.
This vulnerability could be helplessness, but it could also be a sign that you feel conflicted about your destiny. You aren’t sure if you deserve that destiny or like that destiny – let alone whether you can achieve it or not.
You may use divination or feel your life purpose with anxiety. However, one thing to remember is that you have free will: meaning you have some say in how your destiny is going to manifest.
That doesn’t mean you control what people do to you or even the unexpected events that come your way. Rather, it’s about you initiating and controlling the momentum of your path.
It’s a mistake to assume your life purpose is specific. It’s more thematic. For example, a person may think their life purpose is to be a public speaker on vision disabilities, but it’s probably something like “inspire others to see those who can’t.” That means their life purpose could take many forms: speaking, writing, caregiving, and et cetera.
Inviting a Loss of Control
Because you feel anxiety about your destiny or life purpose, you can’t help but embrace the energy of the second card: Calling the Storm.
This is you abandoning your own free will to the mercies of the universe. You wait for the universe to act or to react to what others do around you.
However, this is you not setting a boundary to respect your own preferences. Sometimes it works out for people to be at the mercy of external forces, but not usually. If you don’t enjoy reacting in the spur of the moment and accepting only what you’re given, it’s time to be more assertive.
Now this assertiveness could take an extroverted or aggressive form, but even shy introverts can be assertive through making decisions and following through with them in their personal time.
You need to be unapologetic about your preferences in life. Maybe you feel an overwhelming drive to do something, but put a spin on it with your own interpretation of how it should be for you.
Be Who You Are, Not Who Others Want You to Be
The last card, Masquerade, represents the solution you have been acting upon that isn’t working. You assume taking on a false identity or hiding who you really are will make your life easier. It doesn’t.
The reason why is that preference is a strong thing. It’s okay to give in a little now and again, but if your day is filled with things you hate or simply even dislike, it runs you down emotionally and physically.
Now you can’t have everything you want all the time without burning bridges with other people, but you need to set the boundary that who you are is okay.
Let’s use an example: imagine a spouse who is married to someone who expects the house to be decorated a certain way with no input from them. It would be tempting to just give in to keep the peace, but that spouse won’t be happy in their own home.
Instead, it would be a good idea to compromise on a general style and then either allow each spouse to decorate different rooms according to their own tastes.
Compromise is necessary, but assert yourself too.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Butterflies

There’s a Solution
You believe that your life or at least a part of your life is unlucky. The first card, Fated to Suffer, means you don’t think you can ever fix this. Maybe someone can fix it for you, but you feel powerless.
The universe is telling you that’s not the case. You can fix this problem. However, you don’t currently see how and why it’s possible.
I think this is because you’ve developed learned helplessness. This may have resulted due to previous events you had no say over. This created a psychological conditioning where you feel like you must accept your current lot in life.
But, like I said, there is a way you can fix this problem and it is within your power. The trick requires identifying the source of the problem. Just like the witch offering the apple to the woman in the card, something that seems positive to you is actually poisonous. You just don’t realize it’s a trojan horse.
Narrow Your Focus
There’s real pain in your life. The second card, Blinded to Pain, means you’ve become numb to it. There may be too much happening for you to identify the individual sources or you may be trying to ignore and mentally block it out.
But there’s a lot of imagery here that reminds me of insects. The first card is a worm in an apple, the second card is a fly, and the third is a parasite.
These are very small things that are easy to miss. You’re focusing on the big picture or the big problems without realizing something smaller is to blame.
This would be like a retail worker assuming the bad neighborhood is why the store has so many shoplifters, but instead, it’s an owner who takes no initiative to protect products and employees.
Think smaller and attribute the source to something on a less grand scale or even to an individual.
That individual may be purposefully negative or passively negative (like the owner in the example).
Empower Yourself
The last card, Parasite, gives a clear example of what this small thing is doing: it’s feeding off you.
Most people assume that parasitic people or systems are easy to spot. But a good example of something people miss is an interest rate. The amount you owe capitalizes and grows if you only make a minimum payment. Before you know it, your balance on a loan or credit card is out of control.
This parasite you’re dealing with had a small effect in the beginning, but now it’s ballooning out of control and you’re blaming that problem on what seems to be bigger forces. For example, someone might blame capitalism… even though they were the ones who bought things they didn’t need and charged it to their credit card.
You may feel powerless right now, but you can address it. If this is a person, you can confront them if they’re good and just need to change their behavior. If they’re not good or they’re in the throes of something like addiction, you may need to reduce or eliminate your time with them.
Systems are trickier, but googling on that issue for how you can fix it will usually bring up ideas since you’re probably not the only one who’s ever dealt with it. You could also brainstorm by yourself or with someone you trust.
You need to set a boundary that pushes this parasite out of your life for good.
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Pile 3: Phone

Focused on the Wrong Thing
There’s someone in your life or your past that you have very negative feelings towards. This may or may not be justified on your end, but that’s not the focus here.
The boundary you need to set isn’t your access to this person. Many in this pile may no longer have a relationship with them. Rather, the first card, Obsession, indicates this person lives rent-free in your head.
That’s unhealthy. You can’t live your life adjusting everything in context to that person. I’ll use an example here: imagine a person who was betrayed by a friend. And that person just can’t get over that betrayal. And it’s not just something they think about now and again, but something that consumes their thoughts. They ruminate and agonize over it. But that betrayer is off living their own life.
There’s something like that in your life. Someone betrayed you. For some, it may be a system, but even if so, you’ve personified them to be a demonic figure
And whether it’s a person or a system, you’ve even begun to attribute things they never did to you.
That person from before might assume that any meeting with a stranger that doesn’t end in an instant friendship is because the betrayer forever altered their ability to bond with others.
Going in the Wrong Direction
You want victory over this person or system. The second card, Revenge, indicates conquering or vanquishing them.
I don’t imagine the majority who chose this pile will choose something criminal. Most of you are going to pick something that’s passive or status-related. The person from the example may want to get revenge on their betrayer by becoming popular with a lot of friends or becoming an influencer. Something like that.
But the problem with this approach and why you need to set a boundary is that you’re creating a life for yourself framed as a “gotcha” instead of what you want. Maybe the person who was betrayed by their friend is an introvert and they don’t want to be the center of a huge social group. But damn it, they want to prove they can achieve that!
Your revenge is something that is evolving into a major project that you wouldn’t resonate with otherwise. It’s taking up a lot of mental bandwidth.
But you don’t get revenge by being successful. You get revenge through happiness. Not all achievement leads to happiness, so you shouldn’t frame your revenge that way either.
Don’t let this person or system make your life worse.
Break the Chain
You need to cut the cords with this person. The final card, I Won’t Cry For You, is about no longer being emotionally tied to this person. You may find it beneficial psychologically and spiritually to physically cut that bond.
There are a few ways to do this, but the most popular is to get a cord, rope, or string and break it in a ritual. Some people burn it or cut it. Just be careful with fire. If you don’t have a string, you can cut long strips of paper and do it that way. You could also go outside and use grass or some other plant.
Make this ritual significant. Some of you can go full witchcraft if you want, but if that’s not your jam, focusing on the psychological significance is perfectly fine.
Schedule it for an important day. Some of you may pick a lunar phase, an astronomical event, the end of the month, et cetera. But whatever you do, make a ceremony of it that last for at least a half hour. Meditate by listening to angry music – whatever you want.
It’s time to set a mental boundary and that ritual will help you do it.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.