What You’re Manifesting — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on what you’re manifesting in your life right now.
All you have to do to receive this message is pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Everyday Witch Tarot deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s see what will be materializing in your life soon.
Pile 1: Book

What You’re Owed
It seems like what you’re manifesting is more intangible in theme, though there will be a material reflection that manifests alongside it.
The first card, Justice, suggests this is going to be good karma or you getting something good that you deserve. This justice can’t just be a physical reward you receive, but a psychological or social recognition that you’re owed.
Perhaps someone wronged you in the past or what you were owed was delayed.
It’s possible you either gave up on getting this justice or assumed it was never meant for you. But justice is blind, meaning she does not favor someone over another, and if you’re owed something, you’ll eventually get it.
And that’s what is happening here. Fortunately, what you’re owed is something you’re getting in this life and rather soon.
Earning What’s Meant to Be
I do think that this justice isn’t going to be served alongside a huge material reward. Instead, the Ace of Pentacles means that you’re going to get an opportunity that was previously withheld from you.
This would be like someone who failed an interview due to circumstances outside of their control, but now they’re getting called in for another interview and thus a second chance.
That means your reward that manifests alongside your justice isn’t the finish line – you still have to run the race. So one of your regrets or what-ifs is finally happening.
But that goes back to the intangible quality of your justice: you weren’t just denied material success, but the chance to prove you’re worthy of that success. But now this is your time.
Don’t Be Discouraged
The final card represents the tension I suspect you’ll face. The Seven of Swords, Reversed is a card of theft or negative strategy. I can read this one of two ways: the first is that you’ll avoid this negativity hurting you and the second is that you still must confront it.
That means you’re likely to come out victorious, but if you shy away from danger and you’re too scared of taking a risk, whoever is willing to play dirty will come out on top.
You may feel insecure and that if you try for what you want you won’t succeed. That’s the problem with getting your justice later – you tend to think the justice you finally receive is luck rather than what’s due to you.
Just remember this opportunity is meant to be and your chance to achieve is also meant to be. You’re allowed to succeed. Don’t let anyone or anything tell you otherwise.
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Pile 2: Ribbon

Spirits Around You
I sense some spiritual energy around you. This is a great foundation to build upon a lot of spiritual activities or manifestations in general.
The first card, Three of Pentacles, is a synthesis of mind-body-spirit. You’re in a good position to make the most of your soul in all dimensions. That means you should be able to manifest in the material world, but also intellectually and spiritually too.
You may find that you attract good luck and intellectual eureka moments, but also spirits.
This is both a bad and good thing. There’s the potential you can attract mischievous or dangerous spirits. However, your angels and spirit guides are also at work and that’s something you shouldn’t forget. They’re stronger than evil.
Take special care to use discretion in all areas of your life. It’s not easy to avoid the cunning, but most evil people and spirits struggle to hide their intentions. If something feels off – it probably is.
They’ll Look Familiar
There’s an energy of return with the Eight of Cups, Reversed. The spirits you attract are going to be familiar to you. These could be spirits you worked with in the past, ancestors, or people in your life who have passed on and return to you in spirit. Living exes and past relationships may also reappear in your real life.
But be mindful that this same energy can attract negative spirits and people you’ve dealt with in the past. You’re essentially a spiritual beacon across many dimensions and you’re attracting moths to a flame.
I’d recommend only working with spirits you know you’ve had positive interactions with in the past or people you would’ve trusted in real life. But, to add to this, you could trust your dead aunt, but if your aunt was a romantic mess – don’t ask her questions about relationships. She probably doesn’t know what she’s talking about.
Higher spirits or more ancient spirits tend to have a better awareness of the complexities of life.
Protect Yourself
One of these spirits or people will tempt you and have bad intentions. I don’t think the majority of spirits and people you attract have ill intentions towards you, but someone is The Devil. Probably not literally, but it’ll feel that way if they succeed in taking advantage of you.
This person will feel off, but they’re going to present or tempt you with something. It’s going to appear almost too fortuitous or ask you to trade something in return. Be mindful. Good spirits almost never ask for anything in return, and what they do ask if usually for you to do something difficult that will improve your life – not something morally questionable.
Again, someone you already trust is not this person, so it’s either going to be someone who took advantage of you in the past or a spirit that wasn’t positive.
If you were ever haunted or encountered a negative spirit – be mindful. They might also cloak themselves in a different identity. So if a spirit appears and they’re giving you so many things out of the blue – be wary.
Bless and cleanse your home and person. Carry a lucky talisman. Whatever you need to do to feel spiritually safe. I don’t think you need to be scared – just be aware. You have the power to keep this negativity out of your life and only interact and benefit from good relationships and spirits.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Globe

All Good Things
You have a very lucky spread. The first card, Ten of Pentacles, is my favorite card in tarot and it’s a culminating manifestation. This is the kind of manifestation that lasts – sometimes across many generations.
If there’s something you’re working on or hoping to manifest and it’s big, this is a very good sign. You’ll either fully achieve this thing or make significant progress.
My recommendation right now is to take advantage of this energy. If you’re one of the people working on many things or hoping for many things, identify the one thing you really want to manifest and put most of your energy towards that.
This energetic emphasis on your part will help to boost and amplify whatever you manage to manifest in the end.
As to the specifics, this card can be a manifestation of career, money, family, health, and material objects. It could also be a sign that a grandchild could be born for those who are older.
Be Involved
You will be directly involved in this manifestation given The Magician card. This is about having all the tools and raw materials you need to manifest something into the world. And since this is a beginning card, it really is just the beginning of this manifestation. Whatever it is will grow in some manner.
But how do you participate in this manifestation? For some things, like career and health, it’s obvious. You go to work or you do healthy habits. But what about things you can’t control, such as money manifestation outside of your career or family?
Let’s use two examples: the first is a silly one – you’re not going to win the lottery unless you buy the ticket. If there’s something you want to manifest, even if it doesn’t require great effort, you may still need to initiate that attraction.
The other example, like a grandchild, would be letting your child know you will support them in whatever way you can, even if it’s just emotional or time. Never forget that you’re connected to others and your relationship with them will determine how they can manifest too.
Not Like You Expected
Your final card is the Two of Wands, Reversed. Whatever it is you’re manifesting, however much you’re involved, there’s an element of surprise or spontaneity here.
That would be like someone working their job and getting an unexpected opportunity. Or a child who accidentally gets pregnant and keeps the baby despite swearing to never be a parent themselves.
Surprises aren’t always a bad thing, but you may initially feel like you’re unprepared for the situation – that’s not true. The Magician card indicates you have everything you need to face this surprise, though it may require rearranging those tools and resources to make the most of it.
Whatever happens, you’re manifesting something positive that you’ll be happy with. Even if it may be in a form or timing you didn’t expect.
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