Are You Creative?: Tarot Pick a Card
If you’ve been drawn to this reading, then your spiritual team wants you to know, once and for all, your potential for creativity. It’s easy with this tarot pick a card.
All you have to do is select one of the piles above. The illustrations are meant to move your intuition, but they don’t indicate the particular field of creativity you would go in. It could be the colors that draw you in, the activity, or even the person you see. Just use your intuition to guide you.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Everyday Tarot and the Work Your Light oracle decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s find out if you’re creative or not.
Pile 1: Sculptor

You’re Waking Up
Your first tarot card is the Four of Swords, Reversed. I see this as the “waking up” card and I think you’re starting to get in touch with your creative side. However, be aware that you may be rusty or you may end up picking a field you’ve never tried before.
I sense that you’ve been asleep for some time when it comes to your creative potential. For some who choose this pile, you might have given up your creative path for something more “realistic” while others didn’t realize they were creative at all.
The result of this creative sleep is that you have a long way to go, but you can choose to go in almost any direction you would like. You’re at the start of your creative journey – or at least the beginning of an exciting new direction.
See the time before this as when you were dreaming. Everything you’ve experienced or done in the past, even unrelated to your creative hopes, will serve as inspiration later.
Look to Tradition
The next card in your spread is the Death, Reversed card. When I saw this card paired with the next, I got the distinct impression that your creativity will be heavily influenced by your past but also tradition.
You aren’t going to reinvent the wheel here, but learn to master a particular field of creativity. For example, if you’re interested in poetry, it would serve you well to look at the historical canon. Even if you choose to write in a modern style, it might have a tone that’s nostalgic of a past period, like epic poetry or romanticism.
Lean into the cultural influences in your creativity. That doesn’t mean it won’t be individualistic or personal to you, but it will exist within a framework that others already know how to appreciate. That means you’re more likely to have a ready audience when you decide to show your creativity to someone.
You Matter to the Community
Your last card is Anna, Grandmother of Jesus with the wisdom message of “Seeding the light. Laying foundations. Divine plan.” I sense that you’re either going to be a teacher or a mentor in your creative field. You’re going to be influential on future creatives.
This is because your creativity will be in context to the tradition of your field. There’s a sequential line between the greats of the past, you, and those you’ll influence in the future.
Be mindful of what your peers are doing and allow yourself to get involved in the community around your creative field. For those who don’t yet know which particular field to specialize in (because you should specialize), make sure that it’s not only a field you’re interested in the tradition of, but something you want to create new traditions in.
Your social relationship with others in your field will be important. Not at first, as you’re getting started, but later on you’re going to get a lot of fulfillment in being a role model to others.
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Pile 2: Ballerina

The Need to Be Free
Your first card is the Knight of Pentacles, Reversed. There’s something unpredictable about your approach to creativity. I don’t think it would be worthwhile for you to pursue a creative career. If you do decide to do so, you’ll still need a second creative endeavor as a hobby.
The reason why you need a creative field without the burden of a career is that you have an innate need to experiment and play. Spontaneity in your creativity is going to be important to your sanity. No doubt you even find creativity as a way to relax.
The problem with creative careers or any passion career is that, at some point, you have to push through drudgery just to make some money. Even famous pop stars have bad days on the job. It’s normal, but it can increase the likelihood of burnout if you place too much of your self-worth and joy on a creative path.
To stay sincere, you have to embrace poverty. So if you want to escape that, keeping it as a hobby would secure your happiness best.
You need to have complete freedom and no career restrictions with your creativity.
Understanding Your Limits
The second card here is the Ace of Wands. You have immense potential and an inner fire. That means you can really create something new and amazing that comes from the heart. But this novelty may not always be appreciated by others.
I once heard that artists see something in the culture before people even realize it’s there. I think you’re the type of creative who can perceive things other people aren’t ready to accept yet.
That’s one reason why you need a creative endeavor that isn’t tied to a career. While what you create will be amazing (some of the time, you are experimental after all), it won’t be appreciated. So if you monetize your creativity that spark will be surrender to the need for an income.
Also realize that your fire needs to be tended to. It can easily burn out if you aren’t careful. It can also get out of control and consume every waking moment of your life!
Find Healing
The last card in your spread is Deep Replenishment with the wisdom message of “Retreat. Rest. Be held.” I sense that, for you, creativity is necessary for your soul and is a way to regulate your emotions.
Be mindful of the creative fields you enter. You’ll need your creativity, or at least one of your hobbies, to be something that is both creative and relaxing. Not every creative field is relaxing. For example, most singers who go on stage don’t find the experience relaxing, but exhilarating. Make sure your creativity restores you and is almost healing in a way.
This can take a while to determine. For example, that same singer above may enjoy singing ballads to practice and it helps them feel healed. You can use the same creative field in different ways and for different purposes. For you, it’s something to explore.
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Pile 3: Artist

Have Fun
Your first card is the Three of Pentacles, Reversed. I sense that whatever creative path you take, it would be best done alone. Perhaps you’re too different or you’ve experienced other people trying to control your expression.
Either way, you need to make the process of creativity personal.
Another element to this card is that this personal expression is neither spiritual nor cultural. I don’t mean you can’t infuse spirituality or cultural influence, but that your creativity is largely for you.
This reminds me of creatives who make fanworks for the joy of it, such as fan art or fan fiction. It’s not designed for anything but the enjoyment of the experience.
You may share your work later on, but for you, it’s not expressing yourself to others that is important. And in fact, you may even be wary of it because of past criticism.
You Can Manifest Abundance
The next card in your spread is the Ace of Pentacles. Even though I don’t think you should plan for the monetization of your creativity, I do think it’s possible to make a career from your art. Or at least a side gig. For most of you, the side gig would be more enjoyable.
Here we see a hand, which represents you, holding a coin. It suggests the possibility of a bright, financial future. It can also be interpreted as creating amazing works of art which are new and interesting.
The trees here also stand out. There’s a protective energy in your spread, so I do think the universe wants you to be sheltered from criticism. Like the shade on a hot day, your creativity provides a source of relief to you.
But while I do sense you can share that relief and creativity with others, the idea of it being a solitude or retreat is still carried over into this card. Whatever creativity you choose to pursue, if you share it, this will be done as a finished product. In a sense, you could even share your work anonymously or under a pseudonym.
Your Creative Skill Is Limitless
The last card in your spread is The Age of Light with the wisdom message of “You’ve been training for this for lifetimes.” I interpret this card in a few ways.
The first is that you already have a very good idea of what creative field you should pursue and have some experience being creative. In that case, know that your creative ability is more stable than you think. At times you may feel pressured because of criticism, but know you’re creative and ignore it.
Focus instead on how to reduce criticism that you encounter so you can create without restriction.
The second meaning is you have an innate creative ability that you haven’t adequately explored. Perhaps you haven’t even tried a particular skill! In that case, know you need to experiment until you have your “AHA!” moment. Once you find it, you’ll be filled with so much positivity and light that it will be a complete shift in how you live going forward.
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