August 2023: Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today we’re going to find out what August 2023 has in store for you. I was drawn to use some spiritual cards today so I expect this month to be filled with a lot of higher plane energy!
All you have to do is pick the pile that sticks out to you the most. Which animal inspires your intuition? That’s your pile and your tarot reading.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Everyday Witch Tarot and the Starseed Oracle decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to uncover your August 2023!
Pile 1: Bird

This is going to be a really good month for you. You may not think that right now because of the first week card, but there’s a lot of growth and optimistic energy in your spread.
Your first theme card is The Blue Flame with the wisdom message of “Spontaneous awakening. Activation. Integration time.” This will be an important month for your spirituality and you’re going to receive some sort of revelation.
This revelation will work a miracle on you and shift the way you’re living your life in a positive way. But this revelation will likely upset or upend your current perspective, so be prepared for some topsy-turvy thoughts.
But you will have greater mental clarity by the end of the month. There’s just going to be a lot of pondering until that point.
The next theme card is Karmic Relationships with the wisdom message of “Orion energy. Polarity. Soul growth. Conflict.” Expect your relationships with people in the normal world or even the spiritual world to have a lasting effect on your soul. For most of you, these relationships will be people you know in real life, but for some, it may refer to your spirit guide relationships.
However, I expect these changes to be positive because of the rest of your spread. You’re likely to feel these lessons later in the month or at least the positive side of your revelation will manifest then. There may be some conflict at the beginning of the month, though. But conflict can bring important lessons to the surface. Don’t ignore these conflicts – work through them.
The last theme card in your spread is Earth School with the wisdom message of “Life lessons. Soul growth. Study. Higher learning.” As you can see, this month is mostly focused on higher planes so you’ll primarily experience it in your mind. The people around you may be completely unaware that you’re having an important moment.
But even though most of your revelation is personal, it’s responding to the stimuli in your environment. It’s easy to go so gnostic that you forget about the world around you, but your life and all the joys and trials you face have meaning.
Allow yourself to perceive those experiences and feel the emotions with the depth you deserve. Don’t hide your feelings from yourself.
Week 1: August 1st to August 6th
I think your first week is likely to be the most challenging. This card is The Hanged Man, Reversed. Whatever revelation you’re meant to experience this week likely won’t be received this week and you’ll feel frustrated.
Perhaps something is going on in your life and you can’t give yourself the spiritual time you need. Or you try so hard to bring the revelation upon yourself that you temporarily hit a wall. My recommendation for this week is to live in the flow and be receptive to your daily life.
Don’t resist or reject your life – be an active participant. The lesson will come later. Trying to create a lesson out of thin air is a waste of time. The events of life, even the small ones, will bring it to you.
Week 2: August 7th to August 13th
Things shift for you this week with the Eight of Cups, Reversed card. This is a card of return, especially of an emotional one. I’m guessing that the experiences of the last week, whether small or big, will have a profound effect on you though the effect may be delayed until this week.
This would be an excellent time to journal or respond to a writing prompt on your spirituality, personal issues, or anything you find emotionally stimulating. Your week is about introspection and that’s going to be part of your earth school lesson.
For those of you who don’t feel like you have a major lesson – that’s okay. Sometimes the small lessons are also meaningful in the long run. Some lessons come from suffering and some come from perception of what you see around you or through introspection of your past.
Week 3: August 14th to August 20th
The middle of the month might be fun for you with The Star. This is an optimistic card and while I think something interesting is likely to happen to you, my primary advice is to contemplate your destiny.
Everyone has one. You’re either going to manifest it or actively reject it based on your preferences. But knowing what your soul and the universe planned for you before you were born can be a powerful tool. Review your astrological natal chart, generate a numerology reading, read your palm, and et cetera.
Focus on the more static sides of divination or on your life purpose to see what major lessons you need to be working on right now. Think in the long term, not the near future. What is your legacy supposed to be?
Week 4: August 21st to August 27th
This is about the time when you start applying what you learned. The Queen of Wands card is a passionate exploration and manifestation of the inner world. It’s also a sign that you’re going to engage more with the world either socially or with your goals.
Even if you don’t have a detailed plan, act on the lesson you’ve been discovering for yourself. Perhaps one of you realized that you’re materialistic, but your astrological natal chart indicates a career with people. You currently work alone as a writer, so you begin researching ways to partner with charities using your skills once or twice a year.
Your current plan of action may only be in the beginning stages or you may be manifesting right away. Regardless, this is a great week to get started manifesting some aspect of your destiny in a practical way that is still informed by your passions.
Week 5: August 28th to August 31st
Your month ends with the King of Cups card. There’s a lot you can do here, but I think making it a priority to spend time with someone you care about is best.
That’s because you’ll be able to implement your karmic lessons in a more comfortable, low-stakes environment. The same writer from before could share their love of shopping with a family member for a fun outing.
Don’t overthink this. Focus on how your destiny can bring you joy among the people you care about most. Creative thinking can be really useful here and if you need help, don’t be afraid to ask for suggestions from the people around you.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Fish

I see a lot of novelty for you this month and a bit of frustration. That comes with starting new things, so have patience with yourself as you’re learning more about how to take charge of your life.
Your first theme card is Inner Earth with the wisdom message of “You’ll survive this. New solutions and beginnings.” I see this as a sign that you’re working to overcome a personal issue. For some of you, this has origins in real trauma while for others it may be something minor like a bad habit.
No judgments from me on the origin of your personal issue or how you struggle with overcoming it. But that struggle you experience likely makes you feel as if improving your life is close to impossible. Know that isn’t true. This month may bring you into the belly of the beast, but you’ll also find your way out.
That novelty is going to be a bit scary, though. You’ve grown used to your situation and it’s at least familiar. But familiarity doesn’t always equal the life you wanted for yourself. You deserve better.
The second theme card is Double Mission with the wisdom message of “Lightworker Starseed. Serve the world by being you.” There’s a strong element of identity in your spread and I want you to know that who you are has value and that value is increased through expressing your true self.
But your true self isn’t just your secrets – it’s also your dreams and desires. What motivates you and what catches your attention is revealing of who you are. Denying that part of your identity is denying the mission your soul sent you to achieve.
So even if it may seem selfish to want a certain career or type of person, that’s a sign of what you’re meant to work towards. Reality may manifest differently but know that working towards your true self will uncover it all the same.
The final theme card in your spread is A New Earth with the wisdom message of “It’s happening. Keep holding the vision.” Now your vision may change over time, but that vision should be informed by your personal decisions.
It’s important to keep the integrity of your vision intact and without interference from the outside world. That vision is part of your soul and it needs to be shaped by you.
Know that you’ve got a lot of strong manifesting energy this month and part of your current vision is coming true. It may change as you learn more about yourself but don’t give up and let that vision be written by someone else first. You make the revisions.
Week 1: August 1st to August 6th
The first week is going to be frustrating for you with the Four of Cups card. This is a card of receiving an offer and refusing it. But, because of the rest of your spread, this can be interpreted in one of two ways.
The first is that you’re rejecting someone else’s plans for you. If that’s the case, you’ve made the right decision. Even when someone wants the best for you, their idea and your idea may be very different. It’s probably tempting or you’re frustrated that such a thing would be offered to you, though. You may need to talk with the person giving this offer if they’re starting to be annoying.
The second meaning is that you do have an opportunity to pursue your vision, but you’re scared. Ignore this feeling or at least treat it as a sign to figure out how to overcome that fear and go in pursuit. You’ll regret it otherwise.
Week 2: August 7th to August 13th
You’re going to be brave this week with The Fool card. Maybe even a little reckless – but I think it’s necessary. Some of you will strike out to manifest what you want and succeed while others will fail.
But both endings are good for you. Why? Because you’ve decided to live life on your terms. Those who succeed have failed more times than losers have even tried.
Be cautious, of course. It is possible to be so enamored by novelty and living your best life that you go down the wrong road. That tends to happen when one forgets their vision and loses themselves in a materialistic present. Hold to your vision or revise it if needed, but don’t lose sight of it.
Week 3: August 14th to August 20th
Here’s another static week with the Four of Swords card. This can be a bad or good thing in your situation, but it all comes down to how you choose to perceive it.
Last week was exciting, but this week is a cool down. It’s impossible to be at 100% all the time and your progress is going to stall. Use this as a chance to catch a break and allow your thoughts to wander and piece together the jigsaw puzzle of your vision. Every day it changes a little because you live a new experience and are transformed because of it.
Lay back in bed, turn on some music, and daydream. Use this quiet, still energy to your advantage instead of wallowing in pity over nothing happening. Thinking is a powerful tool that’s often underutilized during lulls of activity.
Week 4: August 21st to August 27th
The energy of the second week Fool may come back to bite you this week. See what I mean about this month being topsy-turvy? For some the energy of the Ten of Swords represents new failure and for others an echo of old.
You don’t realize it yet, but you’re at rock bottom. That’s a good thing because the only way you have to go is up. People often don’t make changes to improve their lives until things get bad enough or uncomfortable enough. If their life is a little bad, they’ll just live with it even though they could improve their circumstances.
This often happens with young adults who are happy to coast by with minimum wage jobs and living in a room in their parents’ house. But, once they get pregnant, realize they need to find a better job and become independent. So even though their current situation is the worst it’s ever been, they’re reorienting their lives to be better.
That’s you this week. You’re going to realize things must change and you’ll start making the moves to succeed this time.
Week 5: August 28th to August 31st
Everything seems brighter with The World card at the end of the month. Although your circumstances may not be significantly better, your idea of how to change things to your advantage is now firmly in mind.
It’s going to seem like you have limitless possibilities or that your vision for your future is more likely than ever. Hold to this optimism and rejoice over every incremental change in your life for the better. Your dreams are going to come true one step at a time.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Unicorn

Have you ever felt so different from others that you thought you were an alien? That feeling returns in force this month. And, judging by your spread, it could be a sign of one of three things: you’re a starseed, you’re in contact with aliens, or you’re about to embark on a wisdom quest of the ancients.
Wow. Talk about an intense month! The first theme card is Star Ancestors with the wisdom message of “Hidden secrets. Lost wisdom. Look a little deeper.” To figure out which of the three meanings will apply to you will be heavily determined by where your attention is directed this month.
For those who are starseeds, you’ll feel an emotional pull toward a past life or your life purpose. You’ll feel as if who you are is hidden or masked up by your earthly life. For those who are or will be in contact with aliens, you may be a bit obsessed with the disclosure news that’s in the media lately and push yourself to scan the skies for your own experience. Fair warning though: don’t get too obsessed with conspiracy theories.
Those who are embarking on a wisdom question of the ancients will be attracted to history. This is about more than past lives, and perhaps unrelated to your past lives completely. You have a deep longing to make use of the lessons of past cultures that have been ignored or forgotten.
The next theme card is Hiraeth with the wisdom message of “Longing for home. Homesick for the stars.” This is a pretty straightforward card for those who are starseeds. Even though you may like Earth, some remnant of your past life is making you yearn for what you once loved.
Those who may be in contact with aliens, and man this is the weirdest reading I’ve ever done at this point, may find themselves “abducted” or wish to be. I’m thinking this is only like one or two of you, or referencing a perceived abduction in the past, but it may refer to a longing for it to happen again. This is somewhat unusual among abductees from what I understand.
As for those who are seeking wisdom from the ancients, look into the conspiracy theories about civilization being older than history indicates or that the gods were aliens. I don’t know if I believe these theories, but I think that rabbit hole is going to lead you to a discovery you find satisfying. Suspend judgment until you’ve learned enough to make your own analysis.
The last theme card is You’re Not Alone with the wisdom message of “Isolation. Physical connection. Community.”
Starseeds should find other starseeds to communicate with even if it’s just online. You may also want to read testimonies from other starseeds about their past lives. There’s a similar sentiment for those interested in UFOs – spend some time with other UFO hunters or in online communities. Just remember that at least some of the information is fake or designed to protect state secrets.
Those seeking ancient wisdom will benefit by either going to a related location if it’s nearby or getting involved in some sort of nature, pagan, or history group in person or online.
Week 1: August 1st to August 6th
Your month begins with the King of Pentacles, Reversed. I see this as a period where you feel disconnected from the world around you. Something unsettles you or makes you more interested in other worlds or past times.
This is when you’ll be considering which of the three interpretations applies to you. Once it happens, you’re likely to be a bit obsessed and I want you to be careful when it comes to spending money.
Only pursue free resources or be very frugal otherwise you might find yourself spending more money than you planned.
Week 2: August 7th to August 13th
The next week is The Moon, Reversed. Something is going to be revealed to you this week and it’s likely the result of pursuing whichever path you choose. Perhaps you discovered what type of starseed you were, saw something suspicious in the sky, or identified a personal research project of interest about ancient civilizations.
You’re going to be tempted to let this revelation dominate your life. Don’t. If you’re a starseed, you’re also a human. Your current life is your priority, not the past.
If you’re interested in UFOs, be mindful that some people become obsessed with unhealthy conspiracy theories adjacent to these communities. Also, some people think aliens might be demons or not all love and light, so there’s that. You may not want to try and attract an abduction.
I don’t really have a warning for those doing a personal research project as you’re likely to be in a reading stage. I’d just limit it to no more than an hour or two a day. Also, try not to be blackpilled by other conspiracy theories either, but I think that’s less likely for you at this point.
Week 3: August 14th to August 20th
The middle of your month is marked by the Nine of Pentacles, Reversed card. There’s a lack of abundance here and I see that as either time or money.
I just know, I just know some of you are going to ignore my previous warning about being frugal and find yourself in the middle of the month humbled by your spending choices. Now is not the time to spend hundreds of dollars on a past life regression unless you were already planning to do it before this month. Others may have gotten so obsessed that they spent all their time learning about this area and isolated themselves.
That’s why I want you to engage with the people in your life or at least find a community related to your interest. It’ll keep you from doomscrolling the internet or buying materials or services you can’t afford.
Week 4: August 21st to August 27th
Fortunately, things start to look up for you towards the end of the month. The next card is the King of Wands. Your interest in one of these three areas has turned into a passionate hobby. You’ve worked out all the kinks and have found a way to include it in your normal life without crowding out everything else.
Notice how the king here seems to be teaching the cat. Even though you may be a beginner in this area, you’ll likely find it rewarding to share with others what you learned, especially if they’re new like you. The mutual enthusiasm is likely to fill you with positivity.
Your conservative grandma, however, may not be that interested in starseed videos, UFO headlines, or the “truth” about the Bible. Know your audience.
Week 5: August 28th to August 31st
By the end of the month, you should be more concrete in your interest. The Page of Pentacles indicates a need to develop a plan of action for how you plan to apply this knowledge to your life. It’s good to learn, but what use is it to you?
Being a starseed usually implies a related life mission here on Earth. How can you manifest that? If you’re interested in aliens, why is it important for you or society to know the truth?
And for those interested in the wisdom of ancient civilizations… how can you use those lessons in your daily life? Hint: Stoicism and neopaganism revitalized ancient wisdom in a practical way! You can do it too for whatever you’re interested in.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.