Nourish Your Soul: Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a reading on how you can nourish your soul. This means tending to your spiritual needs.
All you have to do is pick the pile that sticks out to you the most. Which animal inspires your intuition? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Here I’m using the Gilded Tarot deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s get spiritually minded to bring out the best of your soul.
Pile 1: Dove

Shadow Work Is Necessary
You have an unexpected spread so this tells me you need to pursue spiritual activities that may challenge your preconceived notions of what spirituality is.
The first card in your spread is The Devil. This is a card of darkness and temptation. There’s this psychological exercise that has become the norm in modern spirituality called shadow work. The idea is that you confront the darker sides of yourself to integrate it into who you are in a healthy way.
Someone who is easily angered can learn to channel that into ambition or standing up for others. Someone who is depressed can channel that into an introspection of themselves or an in-depth analysis of an interest they have.
Don’t ignore your character flaws or the things that you hate about yourself – especially if they appear to be something that can’t be changed easily or at all.
Instead, use shadow work to integrate that in a better way.
Limit the Process
But how do you go about this? Your second card, Two of Cups, Reversed, is all about breaking from negotiation or distancing yourself from someone else.
I want you to approach shadow work in a more spiritual way. Normally, people explore this with journaling and therapy. Those methods aren’t bad and you can certainly use them, but I want you to consider meditation and past life regression.
You may find it helpful to pursue guided meditations for shadow work. These serve both as prompts but also as an objective guide. I know when I confront my shadow I have a hard time staying focused. Simply meditating to music or in silence may not be sufficient for you either.
The other method, past life regression, can also be done with guided meditations or with a professional. You’d be surprised how a past life may have influenced your current incarnation and exploring this will bring out shadows you didn’t fully comprehend until then.
Both of these methods are things that you can separate out from your normal life and consider special events. Shadow work isn’t something that should be pursued as a regular, consistent practice. It’s something you should confront and then walk away from by integrating what you learned.
You don’t become your shadow self. You reject it constructively so it no longer simmers under the surface waiting to come out when you least expect it.
It Won’t Be Easy
Your last card is a bit of a warning. Here we have the Nine of Swords. This is a card of anxiety or dreams. Spiritual awakenings are often painful, include dark nights of the soul, or are difficult transitions.
Shadow work isn’t easy and you’re likely to feel frustrated by the process. This is normal. But, like working out in the gym, a little bit of pain helps to rebuild your body (and in this case your soul).
Go as far as you need to do to feel the effort, but don’t jump into the deep end with shadow work. A little goes a long way and that’s why I want you to seek special events instead of a consistent, regular practice of it.
Consider keeping a dream diary for the first few weeks after you begin shadow work or give yourself some sort of comforting outlet as you process these emotions. You probably won’t have the words for it and these will manifest in your dreams or the stress of your body.
But know that the discomfort will pass and with it you’ll blossom into a stronger spirit than you were before.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Penguin

Seek the Clarity of Spirits
With your first card being The World, Reversed it’s a sign you need to turn your world upside down. There are many ways to do this, but I think you should fixate on less materialistic methods and focus on the ethereal planes.
I had two thoughts cross my mind. The first is the underworld, and what I mean by that is the pagans among you who are interested in deity work might find it beneficial to do a ritual with someone like Hades or Kali. Focus on a god or spirit connected to death or traditionally “negative” things.
This is all about shaking things up rather dramatically.
As for those of you not interested in deity work, consider speaking with your ancestors or some kind of séance. You aren’t looking above but thinking of spirits that were buried in the earth.
I think having an encounter with a human spirit or ghost will give you an interesting perspective on your current life that can only come from somebody with their own mortal history.
How to Communicate
The next card in your spread is the Knight of Wands. This is a message of passion and I believe that doing something related to deities or the spirits of the dead will give you a new lease on life.
For those interested in deity work, you may find a new patron or principality that you can work with concerning something that matters to you. Those seeking communication with ancestors will receive the spiritual support of someone invested in their success. You might even gain a new spirit guide!
I think you can communicate with an unrelated spirit, but while it may be thrilling to go ghost hunting, a random location you’re not emotionally invested in is likely to be an adventure rather than a personally charged event. However, if there is a particular location that speaks to your heart, give it a go.
Those of you who are Catholic or have a connection to Christian saints may also find praying to them fruitful. This is true for other religions as well.
To reach out to deities or spirits, ouija boards, automatic writing, divination like tarot, and spirit box apps are all valid, but you should only use what you’re comfortable with. Most of you aren’t going to find ouija boards or spirit box apps tolerable. I prefer using tarot myself (not a surprise to you, probably).
However, the easiest method is likely to be automatic writing through a handwritten journal. Many find that a guided meditation beforehand helps make the connection. This also helps you practice using your intuition.
Coming Down from the Mountain
Your final card is The Hermit, Reversed. One of my favorite interpretations for this card is not a negative or social one, but rather what happens after you go to the mountain in solitude to learn spiritual truths.
Once you make your deity or spirit connection, you’re going to leave that event a changed person. You’ll likely have learned something important that you either want to share with others or integrate into your normal life.
I want you to hold onto this feeling and realize that it’s something that can be repeated in the future. In traditional and ancient cultures, shamans communed with ancestors, nature spirits, and gods during important moments in life.
So while you can make a regular practice of communicating with deities and ancestral spirits, I encourage you to set aside special events in which you go a little further in your effort. Make a whole ritual out of it. Perhaps light some candles, play some music, and do it under a full moon.
What this does is set a powerful intention and raise the energy that you’ll have to work with. And that has a powerful spiritual effect which can nourish your soul beyond your daily activities.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Sheep

Let Your Heart Sing
Your spread is exactly the kind of energy I would’ve expected for this reading and it’s a really easy, and loving guidance from the universe. The first card is the Six of Cups. This is a card of nostalgia and innocence.
Indulge in play and hobbies from your past. Think of what it was like to be a child and to have carefree days. You may not have the same amount of time as your childhood self, but you can set aside a few hours or even a whole vacation to be responsibility-free.
This will help you get into your flow state and move from one activity to another like a gentle breeze.
Some of you may need to plan the environment for this ahead of time or even take yourself to a different location. Camping, going to a theme park, and other fun activities are all called for.
Just make sure that you don’t have an agenda in mind. This free time shouldn’t be a chore that must be accomplished.
For example, you can plan to have a weekend where you pursue hobbies you enjoy. But don’t have a checklist, have the items or tools you need to enjoy those hobbies ready and then pick from in the moment as inspiration strikes.
Dream the Impossible
The second card in your spread is The Chariot. This is a card of movement and I want you to embrace that fast energy when it comes to your me-time. This can be a sign of travel, physical activity, or just momentum.
When we’re children it can seem like we’re traveling even when we were just playing in our backyards. That’s because children have an optimistic and imaginative vision. They don’t just exist in one time and space, but all times and spaces simultaneously.
Many adults stop daydreaming. The daydreams they do have are often limited to ambitions or sexual gratification. These are boundaries to possibility because it’s not really about having fun, but about having. There’s a level of greed involved.
Turn on some music or enjoy some (INNOCENT!) pretend play. Then let your mind wander to distant worlds with fanciful characters. Make your mindscape a movie that you direct.
Escape the Matrix
The last card in your spread is the Ace of Cups. Your soul is going to be very nourished by this innocent play, but I don’t want it to just be a relaxation experience for you. This is a card of new love and all that flows with it.
Most children are open to new relationships in ways adults aren’t. Indulging in this fantasy time will help you embody the carefree energy of a child and this will help you improve current relationships or start new ones.
If you’re a parent, indulging in pretend play with your children is an excellent way to bond. But if you’re in a relationship with someone or you want to hang out with other adults something like a board game or a game of ball in the backyard goes a long way to build camaraderie. Everybody likes to play.
Whatever you do, don’t associate this fun energy with screen time (unless you’re doing something like gaming with others online). Children are at their best when they use their imagination – and so too will you be at your best.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.