December 2024 — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on December 2024. I hope that your year has been amazing. Let’s see what the last stretch has for you this time around.
To see what is likely to happen to you this month so you can use it to your advantage, pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Moonology Oracle and the Witches Tarot decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to glimpse into the next month!
Pile 1: Snowflake

Oracle Cards
I really like the energy of your oracle cards because it is the perfect energy for the end of the year and planning the next. The first card, Full Moon in Taurus with the wisdom message of “Your dreams need a practical plan” is a clear sign from the universe to spend some time and plan the next year.
Don’t wing it or go only by feeling in 2025.
The second card, New Moon in Virgo, has the wisdom message of “A time to give rather than take.” December is a gift-giving holiday for much of the world such as Christmas and Hannukah.
Even if you don’t celebrate these holidays, there’s a good chance that the festive spirit is around you and charities are looking for donations of time or money. Consider giving in some form whether it is to a loved one or a stranger.
The last oracle card, Disseminating Moon, has the wisdom message of “Take time to breathe out.” Go easy on yourself this month. It’ll be tempting to give it one last hurrah, but you’re going to want as much time to relax as possible.
If you can’t avoid necessary responsibilities, consider going light on your optional side-projects or delaying things if you can do so – perhaps to a better-planned time next year.
There should be some clarity this month when it comes to spiritual truth. The card here, Three of Swords, Reversed is about overcoming heartbreak or gaining insight into a painful situation. That means whatever this truth is tied to your spiritual life isn’t an easy one and it might be something you’ve fought for a while.
Have patience with your beliefs this month and be ready to accept new information that comes your way. It may revolutionize how you go about your mystical experience going forward.
Things are going to happen quickly this month and be quite passionate. The Eight of Wands can be a very fun card. For those in a relationship, expect things to get more exciting or for a new level of commitment to occur.
For those who are single, you might develop a new crush or even be asked out by someone else. A lot of new opportunities if you want to take them. So pay attention to the attractive people around you!
For all other social relationships, this is an exciting and fun time. I think you’ll make some great memories. If you have the option to visit family or someone you haven’t seen very often this month – take it.
Just be aware that all this fast-paced energy could be exhausted. Give yourself some decompression time to relax and unwind after social situations too.
Perhaps not the best month for work or hobbies given the Three of Pentacles, Reversed card. Not a surprise though. For many, there’s often a slowdown of activity or going on vacation.
You might be able to impress a boss or coworker by going the extra mile, but only if they’re there to witness it. Otherwise, do only what’s required and no more.
You’re probably going to be busy elsewhere (like your relationships). So you just won’t have as much time or opportunity here beyond planning for 2025.
Personal Development
This is a month of moderating forces according to the Temperance card. I think you’re going to be tempted to give into your desires to the point of gluttony or focus so much on getting the last bit of work in that you burn yourself out.
Ask yourself what you would need to do this month to live at a reasonable pace. And then stick to it. You’ll feel better if you try to balance things out even if you have to do it after the fact once something has happened.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Castle

Oracle Cards
December is the month for you to close out any remaining goals you have with a foreseeable finish line. If you can end it before 2025, do so – now’s the right time energetically.
The first card, Gibbous Moon, has the wisdom message of “You’re very close to achieving your goal.” Now obviously this isn’t referring to something that still has a lot of work, but something you’re nearing completion on can be completed even if you think it could use another two or three months.
Although you could finish it later, try getting it done this month and going back over and revising your project if need be in 2025.
But the universe wants you to push yourself. The second card, North Node, has the wisdom message of “Step out of your comfort zone.” This is about embracing your destiny or life purpose. It’s never easy and it requires effort, but it’s always meaningful.
Make sure whatever goal you’re trying to achieve this month is something that matters at a high level to you. Simply doing a winter cleaning or some other set of mindless chores arent a sufficient use of this month’s energy.
Your third oracle card, New Moon in Scorpio, has the wisdom message of “Work through your fears.” There’s something you’re afraid of this month and you’ll want to hide or reject it, but if you challenge it, you’ll grow as a person and overcome that fear.
It’s worth pushing yourself. Something amazing is going to happen.
Your card is the Ace of Swords which suggests a new idea or new action will be taking form spiritually. I think you’re going to trial-run something in your spiritual life that you may want to make a habit next year. So perhaps a routine or new resource.
This could also be a sign of a new spirit guide or energy coming into your life and giving you new ideas. If you’re a channeler or suspect you could receive clear messages from guides, expect some sort of new communication this month.
Your love life may take a temporary hit this month. The Knight of Cups, Reversed is about romantic idealism not matching reality. Perhaps there’s an argument for those of you in a relationship on its way.
For those who are single, there may not be opportunities to spend time with your crush or meet someone new.
It could just be the time of the year and nothing anyone is doing wrong. Either way, I’d recommend being patient during this time and not holding your love life up to impossible standards.
I’m thinking of holiday movies here as an example – real love doesn’t exist like it does on the screen. It’s more complex than that, but I’d argue more satisfying in the long term too.
You may be a bit emotional this month when it comes to your career or hobbies. The Queen of Swords, Reversed indicates a lack of rational thought or behavior. So while you have the ability to close out important goals this month, you’re in a sensitive position.
Create a plan and stick to it. Try not to let anything that comes up cause you to react in a way that derails your plans. But maybe that’s the point. You’re going to be challenged to teach you how to persist despite difficulties.
There may be a more exciting challenge next year and this one is just prepping you for something amazing that’ll manifest later. You can handle it!
Personal Development
Overall, this month is quite promising. The Knight of Pentacles is a clear sign that there’s going to be slow, steady growth in all areas of your life. You just need to be willing to put the time and attention to them.
Don’t make hasty decisions and anything difficult you encounter will be overcome and reworked to be a constructive and positive outcome.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Antlers

Oracle Cards
You’re going to learn this month that something you’re working on needs to continue into 2025. This may be a bit disappointing if you thought you were at the end, but see it like this: in 2025, you’ll be able to manifest it even better.
Numerology, 2025 will be a nine year which is a year of completion. So a good energy to work with.
Your first oracle card, Balsamic Moon, is an indication that “A time for healing” is near and you need to work through some things this month. Perhaps you were wounded somehow in regards to this project or it didn’t work out the way you expected.
You’re getting the do-over you deserve and it’s going to go better this time around. Use this month to heal and prepare for that new approach in 2025.
The Fixed Moon card has the wisdom message of “Hold your vision.” It’s going to be tempting to revise your project to fit some reimagining for 2025. Tweaks are fine, but consider keeping the majority of the plan the same. You had a good idea the first time and you either needed more time to manifest it or a slightly different approach was needed.
Understand that this month is a trial. The First Quarter Moon with its wisdom message of “Your commitment is being tested” is a sign that this project is one you could give up on – but if you do, you might not get another chance.
This month is about recognizing the worth of your previous decision to pursue it and staying true to your desires consistently.
I think there’s some confusion in your spiritual world this month. The Six of Cups, Reversed shows that you’re going to want to dwell in the past and perhaps reconsider your life purpose because of expectations that you didn’t reach this year.
Don’t fall for this temptation. You’re making progress already, it just doesn’t seem that way. Don’t see any temporary setback as a sign you’re going in the wrong direction.
It might just be a side quest or something that requires tweaking rather than redesigning your entire life the moment you encounter friction.
There’s a release of anxiety with the Nine of Swords, Reversed card. Something stressful in your relationships is either going to be resolved or will no longer be taking center stage.
Expect reconciliation or at least distance for those people you find yourself in conflict with.
There’s a lot of order and tradition to contend with in your career and hobbies this month. The Hierophant is a good card though, suggesting routines or systems are in place and helpful. Pay special attention to what’s working right this month and consider carrying that over into 2025.
You may also receive help from a mentor or someone with a position of authority over you. Coworker relationships could also improve.
Personal Development
The Six of Swords, Reversed is a card of return. You’re going to want to make major changes next year, but try to push aside that desire. Or, at the very least, don’t do new things unless you’re also staying true to what you really cared about this year.
Just because you set a resolution in 2024 doesn’t mean it’ll resolve itself by the end of the year. Sometimes it takes longer and that’s okay. Don’t give up on yourself because you only made some progress. Good things take time and you’re worth good things.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.