Your Week Ahead — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on your week ahead. You can also bookmark this reading for later (perfect for those anticipating a significant week in their life soon).
All you have to do to receive this message is pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Muse Tarot deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s see what’s coming your way this next week.
Pile 1: Flowers
Innate Ability to Manifest
You’re in the process of manifesting something. It’s unlikely to conclude this week, but you need to push through because the work you do will be instrumental to your success.
The first card in your spread, Strength, indicates that you need to trust your ability even when there are delays or it seems difficult to get what you want. The card references both competency as well as emotional strength. So I see both being true simultaneously for you this week.
In the woman’s hand is an infinity sign. Behind her is the sun. Symbolically, this suggests an unlimited ability to create.
You may feel that’s not true, but you’re not creating or doing things out of thin air: instead, you’re manipulating the tools and resources at your disposal. That means you need to follow the rules of this dimension to do so.
But, if you persevere long enough, you’ll get what you want. So don’t give up now. It is coming your way and this week is fundamental to making that happen.
It’s Time to Focus
One of the reasons you may struggle to manifest this week is the Two of Materials, Reversed. You’re taking on too much at once.
Consider what you can put off for at least another week. This will help you free up time to focus. Perhaps you’ll make enough progress to even manifest what you’re hoping early – but if not, you’ll still get closer to the finish line.
Be aware that putting something off doesn’t necessarily mean abandoning it all entirely. Just make sure that you’re focusing on your priorities and anything extra only comes at the end of the day if you have time left over.
It’s way too easy to get sidetracked by side projects.
You seem to be pushing yourself too hard. You can manifest anything, but not all things at once.
Because there’s such a creative element in your week, consider applying the concept of deep work: this is setting aside a few hours each day to your most important tasks. That should help you make a lot of progress.
A Gradual Process
It’s really hard to manifest anything big in a short amount of time. Due to the Ten of Materials, Reversed, I think you aren’t setting your manifestation goals into smaller milestones.
Whether it’s a goal you’re trying to accomplish or something you hope to manifest using spiritual help, making it too big usually results in it not taking place as you expected. After this reading, write down what it is you want to manifest and then ask yourself what could you reasonably manifest over the next seven days.
Someone who is hoping to meet the love of their life would be better served by making it a goal to manifest a response on their online dating profile or getting the number of a stranger they talk to in public.
See how the manifestation is embedded into a smaller and more reasonable time frame?
That’s how all manifestations happen: by degrees. It gets closer and closer to you at each moment rather than teleporting to your side instantaneously. Exceptions exist, of course, but not this week.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Pyramid
Inner Victory
This will be a week of waiting and contemplation. The first card, Queen of Voices, is an introspective and intellectual energy.
You’ll be tempted to act, but it won’t be in your best interest. So ignore the impulse to start something new or jump into anything – unless, of course, it’s just the planning stages or a survey to see how interesting you may find it.
This is a really good week to stop and consider all your options. Journaling, meditating, and other personal activities will be especially fruitful.
So even if these are things you normally don’t do, give it a try. You should expect to receive more benefit from it than usual. It’s particularly potent this week.
That said, there’s quite a tempest when it comes to your inner monologue right now. Part of the reason why you’re being called to go within is that you need to confront some of your thoughts and deal with them now rather than later.
And that means both bad and good thoughts need to be tended to, so expect an inner storm.
The Options Before You
There seems to be a core conflict you’ll deal with. The Two of Voices, Reversed suggests you’ll struggle to make any decisions. Now I think this struggle comes from two places: the first is that you’re looking for answers in the wrong place or there actually isn’t a right answer.
People often assume that you should only base decisions on objective evidence. But that’s obviously wrong. While it is objectively true that becoming an engineer is a good career path, it’s not for everyone.
Sometimes, the objective data isn’t sufficient because it doesn’t take into consideration your preferences or the preferences of someone else to whom the decision is relevant.
Not to mention there are spiritual and moral considerations. Many a person thought eugenics was good for the species due to natural selection. Many a person was and is wrong for thinking so, but looking at the “objective” population data isn’t sufficient to make that decision.
You should look within, towards others, and even at higher spiritual dimensions to make some decisions.
And sometimes – there really isn’t an objective yes or no answer. It’s up to what you prefer.
Your Special Resource
With your third card being Four of Voices, there’s the possibility that you won’t make a final decision or jump into action this week. This is a card of rest and contemplation, meaning you may find it especially helpful to circle back in your decision-making a few times just to be sure.
However, there’s also a spiritual element to this card and a dream element. I specifically want you to try sleeping on your answer. The dreamscape accesses our unconscious mind and the greater unconscious of the universe.
A lot of the time our dreams really are nonsense or pieces of our day that our brain arranges to make symbolic meanings for memory retention. But other times, our dreams can reveal answers we’re seeking because we’re now able to access a different dimension.
Before going to bed the next few days, set an intention and think over your decision in your mind. Then, when you wake up, write down your dreams immediately. Some of you may find it helpful to record yourself on your phone if you’re too tired to write.
Then, compile this week’s worth of dreams (or less if you only do this for one day) and consider if there’s a narrative or symbolic meaning that’s obvious to you. If so, you have an additional data point to work with.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Town
The Past Isn’t Yours
This is a pretty important week for you, even if it may seem ordinary on the surface. The Six of Emotions, Reversed indicates some upset or disquiet over the past and your spread suggests you want to take charge of your life.
You may suffer from rumination: this is where you obsess and spiral about the past. This can often be a sign of an intelligent person because they can’t easily forget what happened and it’s hard to let it go.
But you need to let it go. Even if you could’ve made different decisions if you knew better, you can’t go back in time. Instead, it’ll help you to look at the past not as something you’re currently living, but as a data point. That’s the real reason we ruminate: it’s evolution’s way of saying not again.
Someone upset that they lost the love of their life can’t spiral and assume they’ll never love again. Instead, it would be better to ask themselves, “What lesson can I learn from this so it doesn’t happen again?”
It’s okay to mourn the past, but don’t endeavor to relive it. Focus on making a better future.
The Future Is Bright
Some good news though. The Page of Materials means you’re going to either be optimistic or start something new. It’s very promising, so even if it’s just an impulse you have, trust it.
This will help you to orient your life towards things you can control: your current decisions.
But it may help you to check-in. You can, of course, do intense things like journaling, but having a few prompts in your mind to make sure you’re in alignment with what matters is probably easier to work with on a daily basis when you’re in the thick of it.
Do I like this? Is this helpful? Am I acting in a way I’d be happy with later? Are all good questions, but you may want to brainstorm more personal prompts that resonate even more.
You may find it exciting to plan too, and that can be fun, but make sure you know the parameters of your planning before you start. It’s too easy to make planning into a rumination session.
For example: someone who wrote a book that failed may spend way too much time planning their second and never even get started.
Are You Seeing What You Should Be Seeing?
Whenever I see The Tower, Reversed card I know its effect may not be something a person sees. This represents one of two things: avoiding disaster or the call.
The first may be a blindness which has no significance. A person who avoids getting hit by a car because they left a store five minutes later may never know they avoided death and it’s not really important for them to know since it’s not something they could’ve controlled in the moment.
Just know that, right now, you’re avoiding some sort of disaster and it means you’re doing something very right.
The second meaning is that you may be avoiding a call or spiritual awakening. This occurs when the universe is desperately trying to send a message, but you aren’t listening. You could be seeing the same name many times and not realize it’s a synchronicity – something like that.
As long as you’re pursuing your spirituality and being aware of the world around you, this isn’t a concern. But if you are struggling with those two things, make it a priority this week.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.