Your 2024 — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today we’re going to find out what is coming your way in 2024. Let’s make it the best year possible!
All you have to do is pick the pile that sticks out to you the most. Which image inspires your intuition? That’s your pile and your tarot reading.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using my favorite decks, the Witches Tarot and the Sacred Destiny Oracle (these are affiliate links that support me if you happen to make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s find out what your 2024 is going to be like.
Pile 1: Book

You have an amazing year ahead of you where a lot can be manifested, but the universe wants to see you take up some responsibility.
The first oracle card in your spread, Potential, highlights the fact you can achieve a lot. It’s not guaranteed, because you have to choose what you wish to pursue, but this freedom gives you a lot of choice.
Be sure to sit and brainstorm what goals or interests you want to explore. But make sure you’re open to possibilities too: the universe always finds ways to surprise you.
I sense a lot of creative energy in your spread. Your second card, Flow, makes this even more obvious and also asks that you set aside time for deep work.
This usually takes a few hours, so if you have a creative and intellectual career, make sure to spend a few hours of uninterrupted time working on your most important projects each day.
But this energy is also useful for hobbies and interests. Having time in the evening is good, but I recommend setting aside time during the weekend so you have longer periods to work with.
The third oracle card in your spread may be a bit scary. This card, Leadership, shows a picture of a polar bear which isn’t known to be especially social. See this card not so much as standing in front of a crowd, but as being notable or consequential. These bears loom large.
Some of you will be leaders in the traditional sense where you actively manage people, but there are managers and there are leaders. Consider the values of that role and look into the lives of visionaries or famous leaders to inspire you.
For those with a more introverted life, leadership is also the impression you give others. Make sure that you act in such a way that you would be proud of your reputation. I think your reputation will matter more to those you influence this year than you realize.
The Hanged Man
The first tarot card in your spread, The Hanged Man, suggests you will need to make an important sacrifice. This sacrifice is meant to serve a higher purpose, either for the progress in your own life or for the good of others.
I don’t see any indication of a particular sacrifice, so I see this more as an opportunity than as a karmic sentence against you. The two main themes of your spread, manifestation and leadership, could mean that this sacrifice is related to one of those two areas – and both indicate a planned choice.
You don’t have to make a sacrifice to improve your life or the lives of others, but if you do, you’ll be handsomely rewarded by the end of the year for your efforts.
The High Priest
Be organized. The next tarot card, The High Priest, is very much about tradition and hierarchy. A happy manifestation of this energy is lawful and moral order, just make sure you don’t go overboard and try to control every detail.
Consider what part of your life is the most chaotic and destructive. Make it a goal to improve that this year by getting disciplined.
If you find yourself managing others, create a system that your subordinates can respect and find comfort in.
The World
So much will be going on in your life this year and much of it for the better. This card, The World, suggests a culmination and completion. If you create a reasonable, but ambitious goal this year, you’ll probably achieve it and be recognized for it by others.
The world is your oyster, so don’t be afraid to engage with others. There’s a lot of positive energy in your environment going into this year.
The Magician
The final tarot card in your spread, The Magician, is a powerful card of manifestation. When combined with The World, it also suggests having a good grasp of resources.
You may find that this year marks an important milestone in your life because of all the potential successes that you can bring into being. Although you can’t achieve everything you’ve ever wanted to manifest in a single year, this one is going to be more productive than most, so don’t be shy to act towards what you want.
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Pile 2: Teapot

This will be a year of an emotional and perhaps physical journey. Expect catharsis and challenge, but you can also clear the slate and take charge of your destiny.
Know that you’ll make a lot of progress in your life this year. Your first oracle card, Voyage, indicates a break from suffering and pain, so if things are lingering in the darkness of your life, you will finally escape it.
Emotionally, you’ll go through a lot, but you will be renewed and go into a happy sunset by the end of the year. Some of you may even physically move to improve your circumstances.
Because of the pain I see in your spread, I don’t want you to look at this card, Forgiveness, and assume that you must forgive the unforgivable.
Rather, see this card as a sign of forgiving yourself for being in pain. Too often, people look towards their suffering because of life circumstances as evidence of their own inferiority. That’s not the case.
You’re going to grow as a person and see your worth in ways you haven’t before. This will help you transition into a life of greater hope and promise.
Although you will make progress this year, I sense it will take most of the year to manifest. The third oracle card in your spread, Patience, reminds me of a bird migration. Things will happen at the natural time, but even if it takes a while, it will happen.
I also really got the sense you should watch the movie Fly Away Home for inspiration.
Take comfort in the fact that any progress is better than none, so focus more on heading in the right direction in life rather than on concrete goals this year. Set intentions and make those the focus instead of achievements.
Measure your life this year in emotional growth. Keep a journal or talk with a friend or therapist. If you want to do something creative, you can create a portfolio of your feelings and add to it throughout the year with artwork or other creative manifestations.
In summary, you need an outlet as you progress through the migration of your year.
Five of Swords
I think you have a win-or-lose mindset. Your next card, Five of Swords, suggests you struggle with black-and-white thinking when it comes to failure.
This is likely due to outside influences pushing you to think less of yourself and fall into the comparison trap. This is hard to escape, but you can do it with some introspection.
I recommend identifying three hobbies or interests you have that you attribute prestige to. An example of this is often reading: people will only read books they would want to be seen reading. So they read less since they can’t read what they actually want to.
For example, ebooks led to more people reading in public because they could now hide the covers of the popular, but not literary fiction and nonfiction they loved.
Do these activities at least five to ten times and then reflect on how they make you feel. Are you doing them because you enjoy them or are you doing them because you want to “win”? If so, identify something you’d rather do instead and try to do that activity more.
Knight of Wands
In a spread with what seems to be bad news, a happy messenger is waiting to deliver something positive. Here the Knight of Wands indicates you’re going to be inspired by something this year – likely because of the previous exercise I asked you to do.
People often set goals based on achievement, but this year I want you to focus on goals of pure enjoyment. If you do that, your life will change because you’ll respect your time in a way you haven’t in the past.
The Moon
You’ve been ignoring your intuition, and because of that, a lot of your true self is hidden. The Moon card asks you to get in touch with a spiritual practice, or if you have that already, time each week when you just have fun.
This will open your subconscious and allow free-form thoughts to come to the surface. This is a very emotional card, so trust me on this: you’re meant to feel who you are this year to reconcile with yourself.
Ten of Swords
The last card in your spread is Ten of Swords. This is usually the card of ruin, but in your spread, I see this as starting over. You need to wipe the slate clean and give yourself a second chance.
Where in your life have you told yourself no when you should’ve told yourself yes? There’s usually a way you can start again with some modifications. Focus more on feeling than achievement and being in the act of doing rather than done.
For example: don’t set a goal to become an author, set a goal to write.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Watch

You have a fun and positive year ahead, but also one with a lot of work. Be sure to identify what goals you want to pursue so you can make the most of this time.
This year is just pure bliss due to the Delight oracle card. That’s not to say you won’t have some bad days, but that this year is meant to be one where you look back and feel something akin to the innocence and simple joy of childhood.
Interestingly, this isn’t a year where you only pursue leisure. Instead, it’s about doing things that bring you fulfillment. So identify three main priorities (not goals) that you want to focus on. These are usually areas of life, ways of living, or virtues.
There’s a lot of magic this year. The second oracle card, Gateway, features a door into a fantasy world.
We can take this metaphorically, but I also want you to take this literally: you will manifest and you will feel the divine at work in your life.
This can also indicate a leveling up of spiritual gifts such as a psychic ability.
But, in general, I sense limitless opportunity. Pick a path and let yourself enjoy the abundance to be encountered.
Taking Risks
There’s some happy but assertive energy in your third card Taking Risks. This is why I don’t think your year will be 100% good – but that’s because you’re going to take some calculated risks.
Expect some failures along the way. That said, your overall spread is so positive that I’m certain it weighs heavily with success. Don’t let yourself be discouraged by a bump in the road. Keep going and be courageous.
This year, you’re the hero of your own epic quest.
Ace of Cups
I sense you’ll start something new this year. The Ace of Cups indicates this could be a new relationship, having a new child or pet, or starting something that brings you emotional fulfillment.
It may or may not be the main project of your life. Either way, it will give you a lot of joy and it’s something to look forward to.
Seven of Pentacles
You need to invest yourself in different projects. The Seven of Pentacles is about planting seeds. Know that not everything will grow fruit, but something you start is going to change your life forever and perhaps lead to material abundance.
But there is a bit of effort required in the planting, growing, and harvesting. You also need to be willing to throw away what doesn’t work out for you instead of stubbornly trying to manifest everything.
I suggest developing a schedule or routine so you put in a moderate amount of effort. This will keep you from burning out.
Look into slow-living blogs and social media content. That’s the kind of pace you should adopt when it comes to managing your projects. Work hard, but don’t work yourself into a frenzy.
Four of Swords
You’ll need to rest. The fourth tarot card in your spread, Four of Swords, is about rest. This rest isn’t just something physical, it also renews you mentally and spiritually.
Give yourself one day each week when you don’t work at all. There’s a reason for this: if you have a hard stop on work each week, you’re less likely to do more than you can because there will always be a day when you have to disconnect. Your days are starting to run together and this will help separate them.
If you can, get everyone else in your house to do this too and do something together like eating a meal or watching a movie. Just don’t pick something that requires a lot of prep and would drain you.
Eight of Pentacles
Part of slow living is slow work also known as deliberate work. Your final tarot card, Eight of Pentacles, is often considered a card of perfection.
But I want you to see your hard work not as achievement-based, but based on focus. Look into deep work, prioritization, and deliberate practice. Dopamine detoxes and reducing stimulation is also important.
All of this will help you to slow down the frenzy brewing in your head so you can enjoy your life and enjoy your work for what it is. Don’t try to go to the next thing as quickly as possible: be present.
Mindfulness practices like meditation, or my favorite, jigsaw puzzles, will also help slow down your mind. Coloring and zentangles are also popular.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.