Spiritual Awakening Signs — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on signs the universe is sending you about your spiritual awakening, whether it’s your first one or a level-up.
All you have to do to receive this message is pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Wild Unknown Archetypes Oracle deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s see what message the universe is sending you.
Pile 1: Pegasus

Become the Hero
The first card in your spread jumped out of the middle of the deck in a very unusual way after it was shuffled. This card, The Sword, literally fought to be in your spread.
As a spiritual awakening sign, it means you will be literally or figuratively armed to take on some sort of conflict. Your responsibility is not only to pick up the sword, but to wield it, meaning you will be called to an act of bravery.
The sword is often a sign of a hero, so there’s a good chance that your spiritual awakening will be tied to an act of compassion. However, swords are also cutting – don’t be surprised if you have to act more aggressively than you’d wish.
Critical Thinking is Needed
Be aware that The Siren may tempt you. This could be an actual person who uses their sexual wiles, but it could simply be a distraction like a bad habit. Either way, what appears to be alluring is actually dangerous.
Of course, don’t hurt someone just because they’re an obstacle. While you should be wielding a sword, you’re also a hero: being assertive and aggressive doesn’t mean you should act unethically.
That won’t be easy. Whoever or whatever the Siren is will tempt you until you’re on the precipice of disaster. Don’t treat them with kid gloves, even if you are merciful, but don’t negate how dangerous they really are.
Your best option here is prevention. The famous example of a siren in classic literature is when Odysseus tied himself to the mast of a ship and ordered his sailors to plug their ears.
This is also a sign that the siren isn’t the ultimate battle you will face, but a stop along the way. But it’s an obstacle that could completely derail you.
You’re Important
The last card in your spread is The Healer. You may wonder why a snake is on this card, but that’s because it represents long-held cultural symbolism that ties the two together. However, in your spread, consider that every hero must fight a snake, or dragon, and then return victorious.
Your fight, or whatever reason you have to pick up your sword, is meant to resolve something bigger than yourself.
Sometimes, a spiritual awakening or leveling up occurs because you encounter a problem in the world and help in some way. It could be big or small, but know it’s of consequence.
And I believe that will be a sign to you that you affect the world. You’ll then take future signs from the universe more seriously and understand you have an important purpose to achieve.
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Pile 2: Flowers

It Matters
You either have or will receive a special object. In this spread, it’s called The Medallion, but it may take on any possible tangible form, though it’s likely to be somewhat decorative and shiny.
The purpose of this medallion is to hold and empower you through its energy transfer. You will feel more powerful when it’s in your possession, either in your home or on your person.
Some of you may find that this medallion is a certificate for display, so it’s possible it may be awarded to you after finishing a course or something of that nature.
Either way, it has significance to you beyond what’s currently happening. You’ll either want to keep it for years or the rest of your life.
Use Moderation
At some point on your life journey, and obviously soon or it wouldn’t be showing up in this reading, you’ll drink from The Nectar. For some of you, this could be a literal spiritual drink that may or may not be legal in your home country.
But for others, the Nectar represents some sort of spiritual or body nourishment. It could be a vacation, a change of diet, or so on.
However, whatever form it takes, it’ll serve to rejuvenate you and alter your perception of the world.
You’ll be tempted to drink from it again and again. That makes sense if your nectar is related to a diet change, but if it’s a special drink or something meant to be sporadic like a vacation, use moderation. It may be too potent to drink from all the time no matter how powerful an experience it gives you.
Power of Sight
The third card in your spread, The Vision, suggests an important spiritual experience. I don’t generally think this is you having a clear, non-spiritual idea of your future like planning ahead. It’s more powerful than that.
You’re probably going to have a literal vision of some sort, perhaps because of the medallion, the nectar, or even a spiritual activity like astral projection, dreaming, or so on.
The point is, even if you have other important spiritual visions, one vision will stand out over the others. This vision will change everything for you and put your life into perspective.
It may reveal a life purpose or some sort of revelation about your life or the universe.
Either way, you will come away from it wiser than before, and that wisdom will help you to make better decisions.
People may even feel as if you’re different, so it’s likely this vision will alter your personality or behaviors in ways that others can see and even respect.
Let’s also not discount the possibility that some in this spread may either awaken or level up psychic gifts.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Butterfly

Message Meant to Be Heard
I see a lot of narrative in your spiritual awakening signs, but not necessarily in a sequential order. It could be that what happens in your life is determined by you or that you’re currently in the progress of encountering them.
The first card, The Shaman, suggests a powerful spiritual figure will show up in your life. These people can access the spirit world and provide guidance. Some of you may even be shamans.
But what this indicates is that you need to have a channeled message from spirit. You can do this yourself through meditation, automatic writing, and so on, but look around you – sometimes there are shamanic experiences you can access or a shaman is already in your life.
Be open to their powers affecting you. You also may not have any choice: there are people who are shamans and not even aware of it, passing along messages. I think of the people who randomly feel the need to reach out to someone and say they must say something specific to them and they don’t even know why. But it’s a compulsion!
Beso, Beso, Beso
I got the strong sense that the next card is culturally dependent. For some of you, The Kiss indicates that a romantic relationship will lead to a further spiritual awakening. This is more true for cultures where platonic pecks on the hand or face are rare, like America and Korea.
But some cultures, like France and Turkey, do have these platonic kisses and it could mean that someone you meet and kisses you this way is an important person on your spiritual journey – they’re going to say or do something of consequence. Perhaps even that person is a shaman.
Either way, it’s clear that you’re going to have a meaningful connection to someone that you kiss or are kissed by. You may even feel a strong intuitive feeling when this happens that this person is who you’re meant to learn from.
It’s a Laughing Matter
Life can be interesting. The Comic is a joker figure who reveals something important. And indeed, this person could be the shaman from before, but not necessarily.
Traditionally, jokers were the people able to say that normally could not be said by others. They comment on social issues in a coded way – similar to entertainers and comedians today. When they’re censored, it usually indicates an even bigger problem is afoot.
These comics turn the world upside down and you’re going to be able to see things you couldn’t normally see. Pay attention to the comic that appears to you because it will help trigger a further spiritual awakening by opening the door to something you were once blind to.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.