What Will Your Career Be: Tarot Pick a Card
You may be at a crossroads in life or just curious about what career is best for you. This tarot pick a card reading is your answer.
Take these recommendations from the universe as just a few possible options and not an exhaustive list. You either have an inherent ability or would enjoy these careers. It might help you make a change or modify an existing career to honor skills and interests you didn’t realize you could pursue until now.
All you have to do is pick the pile that sticks out to you the most. Which animal inspires your intuition? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Mystic Mondays Tarot and the animal illustrations are from a Benresive Sticker Pack (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to find out what your career will be.
Pile 1: Frog

Five of Wands
This card seems to suggest a competitive, but playful energy. I think one career that you would do well in is sports. This can be a very fun industry to be in and I think there’s something about who you are that would thrive.
While some sports can be done later in life, like golf, many who are reading this right now may be older than a teenager and can’t build their body to match the athleticism of youthful competitors.
That doesn’t mean you can’t be in a sporting environment. Consider working in a support role, like marketing instead.
Nine of Cups
There’s abundant energy here and wish fulfillment. Also a lot of largesse. I could see you being good at investing, but only in a more social and emotional context (day trading is out, but investing for clients is in).
Alternatively, I could see this energy being applied to a charity or non-profit. The Make-A-Wish foundation which helps sick children experience a dream comes to mind. You can use your talents to make the impossible reality for people who need it most.
So it’s really not just making money. It’s using money to make experiences happen.
Five of Pentacles
I see you as the hope in this card, not the poverty. There’s a strong clerical element here and I think you could be a spiritual healer of some sort like a life coach, priest, or working in a support role for a religious organization.
You would do best to help those who have no one to turn to. So focus your attention there. A monk who is cloistered away from the public would not be a good fit, but a monk working in a local community would (this is the kind of energy I’m sensing).
Ten of Wands
This is a card of burdens and I immediately thought of social workers and teachers. These are careers that require a lot of passion, but they’re not easy or even necessarily well paying.
Somebody has to do these jobs though, and if you’re interested in working with needy people, you would be a good fit here. I think you’d be surprised at how well you handle the burdens of these professions compared to others.
The Devil
Oh boy. So I’m not going to mince words. You’d either be an amazing criminal or really enjoy it. I personally recommend against this career path, though it seems like the universe believes knowing this is an option will help you somehow.
The way I interpret it is this: you’re willing to take risks in your career that will bring personal fulfillment. You don’t need to be a wallflower when it comes to your career. Be ambitious – even if you sometimes have to color outside the lines.
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Pile 2: Hedgehog

Ace of Wands
I see this as a creative energy. You would likely enjoy working as an author, artist, or some other creative. Expressing yourself is empowering and I think you can make something other people enjoy or find meaningful at a soul level.
But note that this card is an ace, so success isn’t automatic. You’d really have to work for it and learn a lot about your field. This isn’t a card of lucky breaks. It’ll be a hard fight to achieve success. Yet I think that means the success you do achieve is earned and reflective of your values and interests.
If you’re already in such a field, then this is a sign from the universe you can apply that creativity to other fields too.
Queen of Wands
This is a social butterfly card but also the card of a witch. In a way, I think this isn’t so much a career but a lifestyle of abundance. I get a socialite energy here or that of an influencer.
So you may have a more interesting personality than you realize and that’s something you can bank on to make your career a success – or even make a career out of your personality itself!
In a way this compliments the later Hermit card: you can make who you are your career. That means there’s never a day off. Then again if you love what you do, it’s said that you never work a day in your life anyway.
Ten of Swords
This is going to be unpopular to say, but I see this card as that of a martyr. Police work, firefighting, the military – any option where you risk your life is a fit for you. But I can also see this working for a scientist or researcher in remote places.
The point is that you would probably be willing to sacrifice yourself for the greater good even if other people hate you for it or don’t understand why you’re risking your life researching penguins in subzero temperatures.
Ten of Cups
With this card, it’s about domestic harmony. For that reason, I think you would do well as a homemaker or some sort of home-related business, such as a daycare or DIY blog.
Hearth and home can be very important to you and making that your career focus can be more rewarding than you realize.
The Hermit
Not everyone who has a career has a work-life balance. Some people love their careers so much that they’re willing to give up family, romance, and even friendship.
This would be someone like a scientist who has to work in a remote location or a researcher working in a fringe area that’s not respected right now.
That’s not to say such a path would be easy, but this card tells me that there’s some part of you who could be quite happy making your career their entire focus if you picked the right one.
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Pile 3: Mouse

Four of Pentacles
This is a money card, but a cautious one. You would be a great steward of wealth, either of your own or other people’s. But risky investments, like crypto, are not for you. Instead, real estate or mutual funds would make more sense. I can see accounting as a good fit too.
You may also do well working as an assistant or having your own business, like cleaning homes. This suggests you aren’t someone who wastes money when it truly matters. Your reputation could be very strong and useful to you. Caution isn’t always a bad thing in business.
The Empress
This is a nurturing energy. You may enjoy being a teacher or some sort of caregiver. Alternatively, I can also see this being related to agriculture or husbandry.
Your work isn’t just an object. You want to care and see what you do bloom into something wonderful. Close emotional relationships are important even if it’s not human.
For example, a college professor may not be a good fit, but a teacher for young children would. Someone who manages a corporate farm wouldn’t apply, but a family farmer would.
Seven of Pentacles
Here we have a more cautious, nurturing energy. But this time, this card is about making many small investments or doing varied projects. Not all will succeed, but you diversify to see what will work.
But something like a farm with only one crop wouldn’t work. A family farm with many crops and animals would be a good example of diversification.
This is also the card of someone who does many careers or part-time jobs over a lifetime to pursue multiple interests and passions. Lives can be very long and there can be many wonderful chapters.
Princess of Swords
A risk-taking card. This may seem in opposition to your previous cards, but I see this as taking a risk no one else would. But since this is a swords suit, I see this as an intellectual risk or trying something nobody else has done before.
Entrepreneurship, creating art in a new format, trying a job that didn’t exist a few years ago… that’s what I’m seeing with this energy. It’s not risking your life, but you may be risking your reputation until you can prove that your ambition was earned through the success of your endeavor.
The High Priestess
This is a spiritual card, but not a traditional spiritual card. So a Christian priest is a no, but a spiritual life coach, astrologer, or occult shop owner would be a good fit. However, this may also apply if it’s a traditional religion unusual to your area or family.
Careers heavy on intuition is what’s called for here. And that intuition is one connected to the unseen. I also think being a detective or journalist can be associated with this energy. This is a career card of objective uncertainty, but inner knowing.
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