How to Love Your Job: Tarot Pick a Card
Are you having a hard time at work right now? The universe has directed you to this psychic tarot pick a card to help you find the necessary guidance to heal you and help you love your work.
All you have to do is look at the piles of cards above. Which adorable animal sticks out to you the most? That’s your tarot reading!
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Light Seer’s Tarot and the Work Your Light Oracle deck (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s find out how you can love your job.
Pile 1: Fox

Open Your Heart
The first card in your spread is the Inner Temple card with the wisdom message of “Devotion. Tune in to the portal of your heart.” Judging by the rest of your spread, I sense that this particular job is going to introduce you to someone important.
Notice how the two twins are facing away from each other in the card? I sense that a soulmate, twin flame, or another important soul connection will be found through this job. They’re likely to be a coworker, but it’s also possible to be a customer or client.
Either way, you’re not currently seeing the possibility of this connection which is why you’re struggling. This connection will revitalize your experience on the job and help you to see its potential.
If this is a temporary career on the way to something better, you’ll be able to see how this job can provide you with the skills for later success. And if this is the career you’ve always wanted, you’re going to manifest something crucial through this relationship.
You’re Not Alone
Your next card is the Two of Cups. This is a card of love or partnership, suggesting that you’re going to ally yourself in some way with this other person. Together, you’re unstoppable.
But what I really like about this particular card in this deck is how two very different people hold hands and their energy helps to fill the cups with wonder. I don’t think you realize yet how important interacting with someone who lifts you up is to your work experience.
Too often, we feel like we’re alone when it comes to work. If we succeed, that’s great, but if we fail, there’s no one there to help us.
That’s not the case for you. Whoever this other person is, they’re going to be a great support for you in this job and in the life to come.
See the potential this job has for making human connections that matter.
Think Strategically and Plan
The last card in your spread is the Seven of Swords. I find this card fascinating in your spread. It’s usually read as experiencing theft, but it can also be read as thinking strategically. And that’s how I interpret it here: you need to shift your perception of your job and how you work.
If you haven’t yet encountered this other person, you may need to modify how you interact with others so you can have more positive communication. Look up social skills online and understand it’s okay to be a bit ruthless and calculating if your intentions are good: connecting with others. Your sincerity will shine through even if you’re being “purposefully charismatic.”
However, if you suspect you already know this other person, then your goal is to use your job to help you get closer to them. If they’re a coworker, that’s easy: do projects or tasks with them. But if they’re a customer or client, you may be to be more aware of when they visit your workplace so you don’t miss an encounter with them.
Overall, I sense this relationship is a promising shift in your experience of work too.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Koala

Allow Yourself to Enjoy the Experience
The first card in your spread has a rather clear and direct meaning: Play with the wisdom message of “Have fun. Celebrate. Don’t be so serious.”
I sense you need to release some of the tension your work is causing you to be free of stress and anxiety. If you hate your job, you may be letting it affect your mood and even depress you. And even if you love your job, you may be going through a rough patch right now that is making you feel hopeless about the future.
Understand that a job doesn’t have to just be work – you can find joy in the experience. This isn’t easy for everyone. For example, a cashier may feel like their job has no potential to bring them joy. But that’s not necessarily true.
I didn’t like being a cashier myself, but I tried to build positive, if temporary, relationships between myself and customers. We joked, bonded, and smiled. It helped me through the most difficult hours in my job knowing I could have a better experience in the next hour.
Think about where in your work where you can let go and have a little fun.
Try Working Alone
That said, while I chose a social aspect, this may not be the case for you. Your second card, the Three of Cups, Reversed, indicates you’ll be happier with a more introverted approach to your job. It may be time to ask your boss to let you have more responsibility or autonomy in an area.
As an example, a cashier might choose to stock the shelves in solace instead of ringing up customers on the cash register. But whatever your job, there’s usually some aspect where you can focus on yourself and the task at hand without interruption.
Teachers, for example, can design lesson plans for their classrooms. Coaches can also work on a product that they can launch and be passive income instead of taking on another client.
I sense that you need some way to approach your job with a solitary perspective. This will help you throw off the restraints you’ve been feeling and act without a lot of judgment. You need to feel that right now.
Not to mention doing something with competency is usually a boon to your mood too. And I sense doing something alone right now will allow you to focus on your skills.
The Power Within
Your third card is the Strength, Reversed. I do sense that you’re feeling not as empowered right now. Because of that, you’re either feeling like a lamb at the mercy of the lion or the lion gone wild.
Perhaps this is the reason why the universe is asking you to reflect within. There’s a lot of internal chaos that you need to attend to. Until that wildness is tamed, you may feel that it’s manifesting in the world around you.
But know this: that same chaotic energy also promises a lot of power too. Whether you’re the lion or the lamb, both indicate powerful spiritual forces at work and the ability to make amazing changes in your life, either through sheer force of will or the ability to make a sacrifice to create a transformation later. Whether you have hard or soft power, it will show its effect in time.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Giraffe

A Fundamental Change
The first card here is Imrama with the wisdom message of “Where are you being called to journey to?” When I did this tarot reading, I asked the universe to only give me answers for people who either can’t leave their jobs or wouldn’t want to. That means the meaning of this card is spiritual or about some sort of internal shift.
For those with a more spiritual journey, this is about determining what your life goal is and acting in such a way that a spiritual act will lead you closer to it within your current job. If your career is a match for your life goal, then this alignment is rather straightforward and normal spiritual practices will help you manifest, such as meditation or the Law of Attraction.
However, for those who are currently in a job that isn’t a match, this spiritual journey is designed to help you identify some sort of trait or action you’re able to do within your job that will help manifest a better career down the road. This may mean training or taking advantage of resume-building opportunities in your position.
As for those of you with an internal shift, is there a way you can transfer to another job within the same company or even take an opportunity overseas? Grab it. That journey will change everything for you.
Relations Are About to Improve
Your second card is the Five of Wands, Reversed. I think you’ve been experiencing some tension on the job, either with coworkers, a boss, or even customers. This can be an exhausting and infuriating experience because you know it shouldn’t be that way.
However, your spiritual journey or internal move mentioned in the previous card will shake things up on the job. This will lead either to less fighting or even putting you in a different and more harmonious environment.
Did you know a person is more likely to be happy working for an evil company with great coworkers than for a good company with bad coworkers? It’s key that you enjoy being around the people you spend so much time with!
Embrace Your Potential
The last card here is the Ten of Wands. This is a card of taking on a lot of responsibilities and burdens. Normally, I read this card negatively, but when paired with the journey of the first card I suspect that it’s going to be more rewarding than you may realize.
Don’t shy away from projects, even if it’s a lot of work, providing you’re moving in a new direction and the social tension you’re experiencing lessens. That’s because taking on responsibility allows a person to feel valued and provide value in the world.
I think it will be very tiring at first, but as you grow stronger and more capable the load you’re carrying will feel lighter. Your goal is to become more competent – not just to have more free time. So take on the right responsibilities that will increase your competencies down the road. You’ll like the result and who you’ll become.
It’s a bit like having a child. It’s not always fun and you lose a lot of leisure time… yet parents who take the job seriously experience immense fulfillment over that responsibility. It’s amazing to see the culmination of what you do manifest in the world. Watch your efforts bloom.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.