How to Be Productive: Tarot Pick a Card
You can manifest more abundance in your life than you already are. Whether you’re a master manifestor or you’re struggling, this psychic tarot pick a card will help you to be more productive.
All you have to do is look at the piles of cards above. Which hard worker sticks out to you the most? That’s your tarot reading!
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Everyday Tarot and the Moonology oracle deck (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s find out how to increase your productivity.
Pile 1: Green Hoodie

Stay Focused
The first card in your spread is the Page of Wands, Reversed. I find this an interesting card here because the universe is saying you need to be less passionate. Why? Because your passion is not fully controlled and you’re likely to lose control of yourself.
I suspect that you have a lot of ideas that you want to pursue. Many of these ideas may even be great ideas that you can manifest. However, your ability to see things through on multiple projects is still rather unfocused. You likely see something sparkle in the corner of your eyes, pursue that, and fail to keep up with what you’ve already started.
I don’t see this card as a sign not to follow your passions, but to focus on your current projects and keep a list of ideas ready for when you have the time or extra energy to pursue them.
Just remember not to forget your main projects that are currently in motion!
It’ll Manifest Soon
Your second card is the Waxing Moon with the wisdom message of “The energy is gaining momentum.” I think that one of the reasons you’re so attracted to other ideas right now is that you aren’t seeing a powerful, earth-shaking manifestation. Sometimes it takes a while for something to manifest.
The good news is that whatever you’re working on is building. The universe is trying to help you create something more refined and powerful than you’ve done in the past. That’s why it’s taking so long to realize in the world and why you may feel nothing is going to happen.
Don’t be fooled: something amazing is going to manifest. It’s just not ready yet. Keep to your works in progress. Your current productivity is way more efficient than you realize. It’s just working differently than it has in the past so you aren’t as familiar with the pacing.
Power of the Sun
Your last card is the New Moon in Leo with the wisdom message of “Your confidence is your key to success.” There are a few aspects here that make the meaning more complex in your spread.
The first thing is that, as a new moon, you’re starting a new productive cycle. This may lead you to feel uncertain that your efforts will manifest what it is that you want. You may be a little scared and anxious that all your hard work will be in vain.
But the universe wants you to know that the power of Leo stands behind you. That’s a zodiac sign of glory and magnanimity. Leo is a master manifestor and the creative energy of the zodiac. His bright fire burns brightest as he’s represented by the sun – and so are you when it comes to productivity.
The universe has a lot of confidence in your potential and I sense you should allow yourself to share that feeling. Be confident, because you’re already very productive and abundance is coming your way.
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Pile 2: Red Jacket

Dead in the Water
Your first card is the Four of Swords. Judging by the three swords that are threatening to fall on the man in the tomb, I sense that there are problems in your life that need to be attended to.
As it stands, you’re unaware of them. The man that lies at rest is dead to the world. However, the problems are very apparent and obvious to everyone else. You really need to get your life in order.
Take some time to ask the people in your life what you need to improve on. If you don’t have anyone, consider reaching out to someone online, a therapist, or taking a good hard look at things that don’t seem to be working – there’s a reason why. And there’s a way to improve.
Your life is rather static and unchanging right now. By that I mean you’re not manifesting nearly as much as you should, so your productivity is dead in the water. But it doesn’t have to be that way at all.
The good news is that the static energy of this card gives you time to attend to your problems and correct them. You can do this at a leisurely pace, but make sure you get started!
Enjoy Your Life
The second card is the New Moon in Aquarius with the wisdom message of “Bring love into the situation.” There are many ways a person can increase productivity, but for you one area you must think about is the regulation of emotions.
If a person is unhappy or discontent, then it doesn’t matter what tools or methods they use to be productive. Someone whose emotions are poorly regulated is less efficient in everything they do.
Now this could be because you’re depressed or have other life issues, your first card does indicate this as a possibility, but the problem could be about poor habits too. Perhaps your life is going well except on the productivity front.
You may need to reconsider your goals. It’s possible that what you’re aiming for you’re not really interested in. If that’s the case, you should try to find something you like better instead.
But some of you simply need more free time. Make sure that you’re setting aside time for your hobbies. That will help your emotional regulation too.
Find Your Passion to Empower Your Productivity
Your third card is the New Moon in Sagittarius with the wisdom message of “Luck is on your side.” Here I sense that you may have been making decisions based on what’s “logical” rather than where your heart lies.
Yes, paths that other people have treaded before are great examples to follow. However, everyone is an individual, including you, and you must use what’s “logical” as an illustration for ways life can be lived. It’s an option, not a requirement. Your own life will approach things differently.
For example, a person may choose to become a programmer instead of an artist because one is a better job than the other. But what makes programming a better job is demand. Reframing becoming an artist as fulfilling a demand is an excellent way to pursue a passion career. Did you know people will hire an artist to draw something for them?
Understand that whatever it is you want to do in life there’s a way to pursue that. You may need to find a more reasonable path within that domain, but something does exist. And if you go in that direction, you’ll eventually find your own lucky niche. And that is where you’ll be most productive.
It’s probably also why you’re feeling a bit dead – you’re not pursuing what makes you feel alive in the first place.
Would an artist really spend eight hours a day programming with enthusiasm compared to eight hours of drawing? Nope. So understand where you’ll be most productive too.
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Pile 3: Blue Tonic

Immense Potential
With your first card being Queen of Cups, you may be wondering why you can’t increase your productivity more than it is right now. I sense that you have great control over your emotions and a well of creative potential. However, you should also know that with this watery energy comes inherent chaos.
This tarot card is very peaceful, but do you see how the water seems to merge with the woman’s hair? In Western symbolism, water represents chaos. Here we see chaos becoming part of you.
Now you have a good handle on that chaos, but it does imply that things can go unexpectedly sometimes.
But what I want you to know is that just because you’re surprised doesn’t mean you can’t react positively. And in fact that’s exactly what you do!
What I think you’re struggling with is understanding the sheer potential at your fingertips. With all this chaos is immense potential. You’re being given opportunity after opportunity which can manifest crazy abundance. Yet how can you possibly pick just one?
That’s what the universe wants you to explore with this spread.
Trust In Your Path
There’s a lot of wildcard energy in your spread. The second card, First Quarter Moon, has the wisdom message of “Your commitment is being tested.” Despite your immense potential, the universe is a bit wary of giving you projects right now. That’s because you’re struggling to see things through.
This is a shame because you have the inherent ability to do this. But what you lack is taming the wildness within and channeling that potential as a single torrent of productivity.
So imagine productivity like this: an artist has many ideas, but only one canvas in front of them. Do they draw every idea in the world, or just one?
Wrong. You’re thinking in binaries and that’s exactly what you shouldn’t do.
An artist can infuse multiple ideas in a single painting to create something more vivid and complex than any singular idea.
Allow yourself to focus on one thing, but don’t push away the ideas that come to your mind or chase them down, forgetting what you started.
Keep pursuing your primary goals, though you may need to narrow down some things, and trust that everything you dream of will manifest in some way in what you do. Sometimes you’ll even do multiple projects at the same time. What doesn’t fit you’ll get to later anyway.
Free Yourself
The last card in your spread, New Moon in Aquarius, has the wisdom message of “Show the world the real you.” I think, perhaps because you’re still uncomfortable with your inner chaos, that you aren’t letting your true self shine in what you do.
But don’t be afraid. It’s okay to be different and unique because that’s what’s going to help you be more productive and manifest immense abundance in your life.
See how the woman, representing the water-bearer of the zodiac sign here, pours out her water. I see that as you letting your inner chaos flow into the world in a controlled manner. Don’t bottle yourself up anymore. It’s no way for you to live and it hampers your productivity.
Be yourself and be amazed at what you can do. Like water, you’ll naturally flow in all the right directions.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.