Who Wants You: Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a reading for singles or those who just met someone and want to know what they’re truly like.
All you have to do is pick the pile that sticks out to you the most. Which animal inspires your intuition? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Here I’m using the Ethereal Visions Illuminated Tarot deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s find out who wants you and why.
Pile 1: Dog

Not Who They Seem
It seems like the person who wants you has a very appealing image. The Hierophant suggests this person has their life together or seems like they’re heading in the right direction.
That means on paper, this person is a catch. However, due to the rest of the spread, I feel it important to discuss how that is a mirage.
Or at least their good traits don’t outweigh their bad traits and bad intentions.
If you already know this person, then realize that they’re not being fully truthful about who they are or you’re blinded by the image they present themselves as. It’s not your fault for being fooled: this person seems to have a good reputation, is financially stable, tidy, or really any positive, organized trait.
They’re also likely to be strongly in pursuit of you so you may feel excited that someone seems so interested. And maybe they’re genuinely interested. But that’s not enough when it comes to a relationship. A few good traits and sincere interest don’t make up for the truly horrendous.
As for those who are single and haven’t met this person yet, I want you to be wary of first impressions. Don’t assume that the next good person you meet is this fake image, but keep this in the back of your mind as you date or are approached by others. Someone you meet over the next few months is a wolf in sheep’s clothing.
Don’t let your heart get stolen. This person, if they do appear in front of you, wants you to fall in love with their image first so you’re already committed and having to accept their very serious faults.
You’ll Make All The Sacrifices
The next card is The Hanged Man. This person will seem as if they’re willing to sacrifice anything to be with you. However, that will shift once you’re together and be a more abusive situation.
I expect a lot of gaslighting and emotional abuse even if it doesn’t get physical. There are reasons for this, and I believe it comes down to this person having an image for their life and trying to assert that with their partner.
No one is perfect, but this person believes they’re perfect. When you fail to be their perfect partner, you’ll be punished for it in some way.
One way to ferret out this person from other love interests you may be dating over the next few months is how much this person wants to change you. Yes, partners have things they’re looking for in a committed relationship, but good partners will be upfront about what they’re looking for so you can check for compatibility.
This person is not like that. Here’s a common example. A good partner who wants to be in a relationship with a spouse who stays home will say so early in the dating process. Probably even on the first date or in their online profile. If you don’t match it, they’ll respectfully move on or accept that their future partner doesn’t want to compromise on that.
But this toxic person will say they want someone who is independent and has their own job and quickly tries to push their new partner to work fewer hours and change their entire life. You’ll be the one making the ultimate sacrifices – never this person.
You won’t be an individual to this person, but a reflection of the perfect image they’re trying to present themselves as. No one could reasonably meet that expectation in a relationship.
Things May Go Very Wrong
Of all the spreads today, this is the one I’m most concerned about. Your final card is Justice, Reversed. This indicates that you will be treated unfairly in a relationship with this person and be hurt emotionally, physically, and perhaps even legally.
The universe doesn’t want you with this person, but because they seem so attractive, you’re at an especially high risk of being fooled.
Consider reviewing how to date safely and vetting anyone you meet with through your social network or through a longer dating process to determine compatibility.
Don’t be scared to date or fall in love, as you may meet another good person who has a good image and isn’t abusive, but you need to be cautious so you don’t get taken advantage of in the meantime.
Also, be on guard for those who seem aggressive in seeking you out. Flirting in public is great when done respectfully and it’s fine to agree to meet an interesting stranger again. So too is online dating. But if this person seems too good to be true… be wary. It’s probably a false image to entice your interest.
One example that comes to mind is single mothers. I hate when I hear single mothers mention that they have kids in online dating profiles. I know this is an unpopular opinion, but you’ll realize why this should be standard practice in the next few sentences.
They should let a partner know within a few dates or when they’ve been talking online for a while, but never in their profile. Why? Abusers will seek out single mothers and their children. Advertising it only sends up a flare to abusers. Abusers will often use their money to try and entice them to continue the relationship.
This is the kind of wariness I want you to have in dating in general, but especially over the next few months. So don’t be too upfront about your vulnerabilities either. Abusers seek out the vulnerable as easy targets. And this person? Bad, bad news. Don’t fall in love with the devil.
It’s not that I want you to keep your vulnerabilities like mental illness, a disability, or a poor financial situation a secret, but that these are traits you should withhold until you’ve been messaging for a while or you’ve met in person. As for someone you meet by chance, hold off until at least the next meeting.
This will make it much harder for abusers like the person in this pile to more easily find you.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Kangaroos

There’s Not Love Yet
This is an interesting spread and it likely has to do with a few different situations: you’re meeting a blind date or potential arranged marriage partner, you’re in a casual relationship, or you’re going to go out on a date with someone who isn’t emotionally invested in you… yet.
The first card, Ace of Cups, Reversed, means that this person who wants you is seeking you out for a relationship, but not a romantic one. I don’t see malevolence in this. For those on a blind date or potential arranged marriage, this person has hopes it’ll be a love match eventually, but they just don’t know yet if that’s possible.
As for those in a hookup situation, this person enjoys the physical side of things. If you’re already in a hookup situation, they don’t have feelings for you at this time. For those who hook up often and have new partners frequently, know that these future partners don’t love you either.
Although I think relationships shouldn’t be casual and people should take a more traditional approach to dating, there is an indication that some hookups lead to committed relationships. So that means you shouldn’t automatically disregard someone you meet in a casual situation as a future long-term partner.
But I want you to be aware that the initial attraction you feel may mask long-term incompatibility. I’ve seen a lot of people complain that their casual relationship feels more like a committed one but without the security. This is because people emotionally invest themselves in the other person without checking if this pseudo-commitment is real. Sexual attraction doesn’t always equate to love and pair bonding.
No matter your relationship status or which category you fall into, I want you to make sure that you determine a match of values before you proceed with commitment. And also make sure that you’re on the same page when it comes to your relationship.
For the few of you in an arranged marriage matchmaking situation and are okay with it, ask yourself if you need romantic love to proceed. If that’s the case, make sure that you inform your parents or whoever is introducing you to potential matches that you’re willing to go on blind dates, but you plan to veto any options that don’t have the potential for a romantic future. Try a few dates though before you reject someone.
Different From What You Know
Not everyone who encounters this person I’m talking about will enter into a romantic relationship with them. However, the experience is fundamental to your romantic health in the future.
The second card in your spread is the Six of Cups, Reversed. The person, or perhaps persons if you’re meeting a lot of people over the next few months, may not seem attractive at first.
That’s because they’re very different from what you know and are comfortable with. For some of you, this is going to indicate a deep incompatibility that can’t be reconciled. But for others, it’s a learning experience on your capacity to love.
People often have ideas about who they want to love romantically. They have a wishlist and try to find someone who meets most or all of these traits. But this wishlist isn’t often informed by first-hand experience of others but by cultural influences or limited experiences.
Someone may think they would only be interested in someone taller or richer than them, but then discover that their future partner has none of these things and it doesn’t bother them.
But this also goes for the people you’re meeting too. I think the reason why there isn’t an initial attraction on their part is that you don’t fit their own wishlist. Just like you have dreams of the type of person you would like to be with, so do they. And their wishlist might also be similarly impersonal to their true needs.
That’s why going on dates and not writing someone off can be crucial. Modern culture can make this a hookup situation at times, but go beyond that sexual inclination and see blind dates, hookups, and casual relationships as the potential introduction they can truly be: getting to know another human being.
Go beyond first impressions or sexual attraction. This person has their own goals, interests, and personal quirks. You may be surprised by what you find compatible that you previously didn’t – and so will they. But this requires more than first impressions. It requires true and sincere dating to know each other.
If after a few dates you still aren’t feeling it, you can walk away. But whether or not you stay with this person, you’re going to learn a lot about what you truly want in a romantic partner. It’ll probably surprise you.
The Meaning of Love
Your final card is Death, Reversed. In general, I have very positive feelings about the future of your romantic relationship when it comes to this person. That’s because you and them don’t have to fundamentally change who you are to be together.
That’s not to say you won’t grow as a person in this relationship, but that your core identity doesn’t have to be sacrificed to be together. You will only become more of yourself, not less.
Here’s an example of how it could work out: an artistic person never thought they would fall in love with a scientist. The artist is messy and doesn’t live by a schedule. The scientist is a neat freak and has every moment of their day planned out.
But, they like each other for multiple reasons and their key differences don’t get on the other’s nerves. They each have their own friends to talk about their work interests with. The artist also has a studio room where they can be as messy as they like while the neat freak does most of the deep cleaning. They also organize the most important dates and bills on a family calendar so the messier partner can be involved in major household decisions.
However, they will both appreciate what the other has: the scientist loves going to the art museum with their partner and the artist loves to hear about the latest discoveries in other’s field.
When it comes to falling in love, you should be falling in love with the other person, not your wishlist of traits. Through this experience you’re either going to find “the one” or you’re going to learn what you truly like and begin the real search from now on.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Polar Bears

A Good Person
I really like this spread of all the spreads today. That’s because every card is positive and enthusiastic which is exactly what I would like to see in a person interested in another.
The first card is Strength. This person is a generally good character and has immense depths of personality and virtue. While I do think this card does indicate someone physically attractive and healthy, I also see a few other interesting possibilities.
The first is that this person may be introverted. Not shy, due to the second card, but certainly someone who isn’t the life of the party. They’re the type of person where the phrase “still waters run deep” applies. This person is capable and has an inner beast within them, but it’s fully in their control.
This means they can do some amazing things. A weak person isn’t always virtuous – it just means they have no way to get one over you so you just assume they wouldn’t if they got power. But a strong person who chooses to be virtuous can victimize you and choose not to.
That means this person has some sort of power. They might be rich, of a high social class or prestige, or extremely skilled at whatever it is they do. Even if this person is introverted, you won’t miss them once you meet them: they’re a true romantic catch in every sense of the word.
But this reading is Who Wants You which means this person, once you meet, is already attracted to you. Because of the rest of the spread, they may likely be the one pursuing you rather than you pursuing them, introversion be damned.
I think there’s a very real possibility you won’t believe they’re interested in you. Push away these self-destructive thoughts and trust that when someone is showing interest in you, they’re probably sincere.
Be open to accepting a date with them. They’ll probably be the first one to ask, but since they’re introverted, the way they ask may not be direct. For example, they might say, “I’d really like to see that new movie this weekend.”
They’re not talking about themselves: they’re telling you that they’re available and wanting to see if you are too without introducing a potentially embarrassing refusal for you both.
Quick Thinking and Actions
Something to realize about this person is that they’re introverted but impulsive. The second card, Knight of Swords, indicates an ambitious and rash personality. This is very similar to my own personality and I’m one of the most introverted people I’ve ever met.
This type of personality isn’t easy to deal with. Most impulsive, ambitious people also tend to be extroverted and essentially narrate everything they’re doing so there aren’t any surprises. This person is not going to be like that.
Their mind works at a hundred miles an hour and they’re very action-oriented for an introvert. That means they think things over and then pounce without ceremony.
Learning to deal with this trait will determine whether or not you can handle the relationship. My advice is never to ask “What are you thinking?” but some variation of “What are you planning to do?” instead.
This person won’t share their plans that are still being worked on, but if they’re about to act, this will give you some warning first and give you some ability to participate in the plan.
For example, you could be on a date and notice this person seems to be mulling something over at the end. Instead of asking what they’re thinking, you could ask if they’re wanting to try something else out before the end of the night. Perhaps they want to go out for another drink, walk through the nearby park, or go home with you.
This can also translate into commitment too. This person will likely determine whether or not you have long-term compatibility early in the relationship. They’re not one to leave anything to change. Their impulsion doesn’t lean that way. You may want to take things slow, but they may be trying to determine your values and what you’re like in different situations before they invest themselves emotionally.
That’s because this person is action-oriented and is trying to accomplish something with each early date. At times, it may feel like an interview!
This may annoy you, but it also allows you to determine if their values match yours too. Take this opportunity to save time and your heart. Not everyone in this pile will ultimately find this person the perfect match even though they may sincerely like you themselves. A relationship with them will feel like a whirlwind in the beginning but get slower and more easygoing the longer it proceeds.
Communication is Key
Your final card is The Well. There’s a lot of complexity to this person that you won’t discover right away. While this person is likely to determine values compatibility early on, the nuances of their personalities and interests won’t become clear for a while.
If you’re an introvert, then you already know that’s true for you too, but everyone who picked this pile is likely to be surprised by some of the nuances of their partner’s personality.
It’s important to figure out how you’ll spend time together and how you’ll feel when you’re apart. Knowing each other’s love languages is important for this. If your love language is quality time but this person’s favorite hobby is time-consuming and something you can’t stand, you may not be compatible despite sharing so many other values.
But perhaps you do share niche interests and you find not only a romantic partner, but a friend.
In the modern era, we’re used to looking for friends in our romantic partners. That’s because of the mobile nature of our economies. Our romantic partners are often the only person we can lean on our that’s around our age due to moving for new jobs and friends and family being busy with their own lives.
However, not everyone realizes the importance of the emotional support a partner needs to be able to give. They seek someone who they can go on romantic dates with, but not somebody they’re okay eating a casual dinner with after a long day of work. You not only need this person to be romantically interested in you, but able to compliment your communication style.
This is what you need to learn by meeting this person: an attractive, good personality may or may not be ultimately compatible with you. I hope they are in this case, but to find out, you must learn if you can communicate multiple levels and types of love with each other.
But like I said at the beginning… I’m pretty optimistic about this potential relationship.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.