What Soul Era You’re In: Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a reading based on the current stage you’re soul is in right now. This is basically how you’re relating to the higher consciousness of the universe.
All you have to do is pick the pile that sticks out to you the most. Which animal inspires your intuition? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Mystical Manga Tarot deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to find out what soul era you’re in.
Pile 1: Dog

Lack of Spiritual Passion
With all three tarot cards reversed, this is a sign of negative energy. Fortunately, all of these cards are also minor arcana. That means your soul is going through a difficult time, but it’s something you can overcome and in a manner that’s a lot easier than you think.
I also see two wand cards. This is a suit of spiritual energy and it’s very important in relation to the topic of this reading. You’re regressing a little spiritually.
So let’s find out what’s going on here.
The first card in your spread is the Five of Wands, Reversed. This indicates that you’re avoiding conflict. Sometimes this is necessary and you may have even needed it because you’re exhausted.
That said, too much conflict avoidance stifles growth. You’re playing it safe and this is causing you to not make progress in life. You may also find that you’re stuck spiritually too: you need to break out of your routine.
Try Something New
Your second card is the Seven of Wands, Reversed. Because you’ve avoided conflict, you may have found yourself in a situation where you don’t have to fight or you’ve accepted defeat. This card also confirms you may be dealing with burnout or exhaustion.
This could be exhaustion related to your daily life, but some who chose this pile may be spiritually burned out. Your spiritual routine isn’t providing the same connection to the universe it did previously and you may have checked out mentally.
It takes time to build consistency and if you push too hard in life or your spirituality too early, you will eventually burn out.
First, I want you to know that it’s okay to take a break. Although your spread is telling you that you need to make a change, this may not be an immediate change. Take however much time you need to rest and recuperate your energy before acting.
But you will need to actively engage in your spiritual practices again and even try something new. What you’re currently doing isn’t sufficient.
That could mean doing an intense spiritual ritual or retreat. For some of you, this may be a long meditation while for others it may be a multi-week trip to another country.
The World Is Not Enough
The final card in your spread is the Four of Pentacles, Reversed. You may feel like your connection to the world is slipping. This is because you’re out of spiritual alignment. Every culture has a different term for this, but in the West, it’s generally called the Mind-Body-Spiritual connection.
A holistic relationship of yourself to the universe is necessary for your overall health. Your current unhealthy balance is essentially coming from your burnout, but it’s manifesting in your material world. Because of this, you may have feelings of desperation whenever you feel there’s a lack.
This lack may be felt when it comes to money, possessions, health, career, or your environment. So in response, you get greedy for fear of losing what you treasure.
Know this feeling is temporary, but it may cause you to have negative relationships with the material world and other people. Keep this tendency in mind to reduce your likelihood of burning bridges that don’t need to be incinerated just to protect your stuff.
Yes, I’m saying you’re being a bit of a bridge toll and not letting anyone cross you.
However, once you tap into your spiritual routine again, you should feel this negativity resolve itself.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Sloth

You’re Saying No to the Universe
Hello, the universe is trying to reach you, but you aren’t listening! The first card in your spread is the Four of Cups. We see that the man in the card is being offered something from spirit, but he isn’t enthused about it.
Some of you may have already received and understood the message the universe is sending you. Therefore, not listening is a choice and not ignorance.
One thing I want you to know is that the universe is sending you a message, but you’re using your free will to ignore it on some level. Sometimes, the universe, your spirit guides, or whoever is trying to reach you has a great idea. Unfortunately, their idea of what is good is in conflict with what you think is good.
You may have very good reasons for this refusal, but I do want you to seriously contemplate whatever messages you’re being sent right now. The reason for this is that you may not be considering all the data effectively.
I want you to be sure that your acceptance or refusal of the universe’s message is done with full awareness and acceptance of what comes next.
Be Engaged
Whatever the universe is offering you, it comes at a cost. So yeah, you have justifiable reasons to pause and think about it. The second card, The Hanged Man, Reversed, indicates that you don’t want to accept the risk. But know that this risk does come with a reward.
That’s why I want you to seriously consider the message the universe is sending. Are you refusing it because you’re scared of the challenge ahead of you, or are you refusing it because you simply don’t want to pay the potential cost?
No judgment here if that’s the case, but it’s possible you’re letting your emotions get to you. Some risks are worth it! And if it’s not, rejecting out of fear will only lead to regret instead of peace.
That’s what soul era you’re in right now: an emotionally sensitive one. But this sensitivity is manifesting in an intense brooding. All you do is meditate, meditate, and meditate on your thoughts and feelings. You aren’t making as many decisions as you should.
Spiritually, it would help you to do more material practices. As an example, many Christians go to church each week and passively receive a sermon message. This lack of engagement can lead to them only internalizing what they learn in their head and never bringing it into their daily lives.
What helps many Christians is to be more active in their spiritual practice: they do a daily Bible journal practice, join a Bible group, or create something inspired by their religion. Tolkien did this with the Lord of the Rings.
You’re being too passive right now in your contemplation and this causing you not to manifest those lessons you’re contemplating into your everyday life. Find a more materialistic or socially engaging practice instead of one where you’re just in your head. It’s going to help you be more decisive and in line with the universe.
You’re Intelligence Is Strong
The third card in your spread is the King of Swords. Look, you’re making emotional decisions right now and the answer to all that brooding you’re doing is more objective than you realize. There is a right answer, not a subjective one that you’re emotionally aligned with.
The good news is that this card indicates you have the ability already to make that decision and be satisfied. You can parse the message the universe sent you and analyze it with the risks and rewards and come to a good conclusion that makes logical sense.
Trust yourself. You’re going to make the right decision because you have the universe’s message and your mind to guide you in whichever way you ultimately choose.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Red Panda

Lucky, But Frustrated
Lots of powerful energy in your spread. I see two major arcana cards and this indicates to me that you’re going through an important era in your spiritual development. This will likely have karmic effects for the rest of your life.
Let’s get into it with your first card: the Six of Pentacles suggests that you have a lot of abundance right now. This abundance may be in financial fluidity, lots of possessions, good health, a promising career, or just an overall positive environment.
You have so much that you could give to others if you so wanted.
That said, you may feel like everybody is asking for a handout and that what you have isn’t yours. This abundant soul era feels less connected to a higher consciousness and one where you feel trapped in the mundane world with mundane concerns. The term “first world problems” comes to mind.
Abundance? Sure. Too bad it seems all too fleeting and you’re frustrated that what you have seems to leave your hands as soon as you get it!
Flip the Script
The second card is a major arcana card and it’s The Moon, Reversed. This means that you’re repressed and confused. The light of the moon isn’t shining on you during your darkest times.
Even though you have a lot of luck, it also seems like you have a lot of misfortune. This is confusing because you don’t really know what to think of your life because of it and you may even wonder if you deserve the bad things that are happening to you.
No. You probably don’t. But what I think is happening in this soul era is that you don’t have a stabilizing force and it’s hard to make the most of the opportunities that come your way. So these opportunities just pass on by and don’t have a lasting effect.
What you need to do is embrace spiritual routines and also embrace mystery. Too often, people pursue spirituality but neglect mysticism. Mysticism is a union with higher consciousness and the answers aren’t always concrete or material.
That said, the more you spend time with mystic practices the less weight you will feel in your everyday life. Meditation, spellwork, and any intense practice, traditional or modern, are going to bring out that mystical quality your life needs.
Just be aware the answers you receive won’t be easy to write down. It’s more a feeling and that feeling is going to help mysteriously stabilize your life. I can’t describe it concretely and that’s the point. It can only be experienced by you.
All Things Must End to Begin Again
The final card is Death. I could have sworn I pulled this card reversed before I set it aside to take a picture, but now it’s upright. Instead of an error, I think this is a sign from the universe that you will prevent stagnation in your life and appropriately transform.
Death in tarot can mean many things, but the most common meaning is the ending of one life cycle and the beginning of the next. This soul era is about to end, but for it to end, you must address greater spiritual mysteries and pull away from the ordinary concerns of the world that are weighing you down.
Expect a dark night of the soul or some sort of spiritual awakening which should drastically change things for you. When that happens, know you are in a new soul era.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.