Three Months From Now: Tarot Pick a Card
Your spirit guides want to prepare you for the future ahead. It’s easy with this psychic tarot pick a card.
All you have to do is look at the piles of tarot cards above. Which fruit sticks out to you the most? That’s your intuition speaking and your tarot reading.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Golden Art Nouveau Tarot deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s find out what’s going to happen to you in three months.
Pile 1: Watermelon

Prepare Yourself
Your first tarot card is the Nine of Wands. Notice how the man in the card is standing in a defensive position. He’s been beaten down, but not defeated. Perhaps he lost a battle, but he’s determined to win the war. No matter the cost, he’ll fight for it.
I sense that the next would destroy most people. However, you’re not most people and you’re going to withstand the worst because of your inner strength. You’re stronger than you even realize. And much stronger than your enemies or life realizes either.
As this card is in the suit of wands, expect this to be an issue related to your hobbies, a relationship, or an explosive situation. But you’re going to have supporters who stand behind you, giving you strength when you’re at your most vulnerable.
You Need Patience
The second card in your spread is the Ace of Pentacles, Reversed. The unfortunate result of these next three months is that you’re going to struggle to manifest, especially any new projects you start.
That means you’re going to doubt your ability to see things through and may even be a bit pessimistic. Do your best not to fall victim to this mindset. Your current struggles are temporary and perhaps even avoidable.
My recommendation is that you avoid starting any new projects without thorough planning and background support. You’re going to need someone to rely on when things get tough. Having a backup plan is also good.
Starting a business? Don’t quit your job unless you have an emergency fund.
But just because you struggle to manifest now doesn’t mean the work you put in won’t have dividends later. Just not right now.
Your Social Skills Provide a Path Forward
Your last card is the King of Cups. I think this pairs well with your first card because it effectively describes how you can overcome your tribulations and perhaps even avoid them.
This card represents a person with emotional maturity. He’s a stoic with a heart. That means you should perceive yourself and your situation as one of nuance. There’s always another angle in which you can exploit a weakness or use to your advantage.
That’s because you have a lot of self-control and can withstand situations that would make anyone else crumble. Your emotional endurance gives you the ability to see things in ways others can’t.
So when something bad happens, don’t despair. Instead, analyze. But don’t analyze just with your mind: use your empathy to see how other people are feeling. I do get the sense that other people are going to be at least partly involved in your trials this month. Don’t ignore their perspective: learn from it.
Empathy is your strongest tool because so few people use it. But three months from now it’s going to be the most important tool you have at your disposal.
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Pile 2: Plum

You’re Missing Something
The first card in your spread is The Magician, Reversed. I sense you’re going to have a hard time making things happen, likely because you don’t have the resources you need. Expect the next few months to be frustrating as you’re going to discover ways in which you’re unprepared.
But we can learn a lot about what you’re going to go through with this card. It features a magician with all the tools he needs to get things done. These tools are symbolized by each of the four suits of the tarot: cups, pentacles, swords, and wands.
The way he channels the energy he needs to use these tools is also significant: he relies upon the heavens to help him manifest what is here on earth.
So, looking at this card, something in the equation is missing. But what and why?
Don’t Rely on the Wrong Thing
Your next card is the Queen of Swords, Reversed. What’s interesting about your spread is that what’s missing is cold, inner rationality, but even though that’s something you’re missing, your third card does not ask you to find it again.
So let’s examine why you’re missing this feminine, rational energy. The Queen of Swords is a combination between feminine creativity and masculine rationality. It’s a deep, inner knowing. A rational intuition that’s inspired by evidence.
I sense that you don’t have all the knowledge you need to make rational decisions. But your answer isn’t to become more educated. Rather, your focus in the next few months to gather knowledge is entirely the wrong approach.
No matter how good someone is at something, a certain tool is not always appropriate for the job. I think you’re going to recognize you have this knowledge gap and pursue it, but that would be a mistake.
Even though this gap of knowledge exists, filling it won’t solve your problem of manifesting three months from now. You need to do something else entirely. You need a different tool.
Physical Creativity Is Needed
The last card in your spread is the Queen of Pentacles. This is a card of practical fertility and sheer material abundance. When we see this card in a tarot spread, we know that one needs to look within for the inherent creative ability we possess and then reflect that out into the world in a material way.
This is a creativity not of novels and poetry, but crafting and sculpture. This creativity is visible and tangible.
I sense that what you need to manifest must exists outside of your mind and in the real world. For example, someone who struggles to manifest a new job in this circumstance wouldn’t be served by learning new skills… but by creating a portfolio to show potential employers.
Don’t ask what you need to learn, but what you need to do and create. That’s what’s going to help you manifest in all areas of your life three months from now.
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Pile 3: Mango

You’ll Feel Powerless
Your first card here is the Page of Swords, Reversed. Three months from now, you’re on track to feeling powerless and at the mercy of the world. I think you’re going to sacrifice your independence or thoughts to someone else.
At times I think this can be a good thing, but the card present here has a negative connotation. You aren’t willfully surrendering your power to someone for your own good, but because you don’t have the power to advocate for yourself.
This could have happened for several reasons, but we can use this card as a clue. The man here is brave, but going into battle without armor. The world around him is also in chaos and there’s no certainty he’ll win.
I think you made a bad decision and the consequences are going to hit you back. Perhaps you didn’t have a choice and had to make this decision anyway.
However, let’s figure out how to put armor on you so this doesn’t have to happen.
Don’t Surrender
The next card is The Hierophant. I normally read this card in a positive light, but in your spread, it takes on a negative tone. I do think that whatever authority you surrender yourself to isn’t necessarily evil or anything like that. But the authority it has over you is not one you would have chosen happily.
I see the red-robed man here as someone with power and one who is passionate about it. You are represented by the clerics who bow before him, humbled and reverent. You don’t shine as brightly and are subservient to their authority.
I think that this was done to protect yourself. You didn’t have power in the face of the chaotic world, so you chose to yoke yourself to someone who did, like a job you didn’t want, an education path you’re not excited about, or a person you don’t truly love.
The person or entity who represents that authority is not necessarily bad… but are you going to be happy as a servant? You’ll never stand in that same, glorified place at the pope figure. Your own contributions to your life will be ignored.
Simply put: don’t commit to an authority, even a good authority, which you aren’t enthusiastic about. That’s going to be a short-sighted decision that will make you unhappy in the long run.
You Need to Improve Yourself
I won’t lie. You’re spread is particularly difficult to withstand and I think these next few months may be very trying for you. That’s because your last card, the Knight of Cups, Reversed, indicates that your ideals and dreams for the future have been dashed.
You no longer feel as inspired or ready to advocate for yourself as you once did. This likely leads you to feel less creative or emotionally available because some part of you is dead inside.
My advice to get through this time is to not let your dreams seem impossible. Accept that you may be facing a temporary obstacle and will need to take a break, rest your weary soul, and approach life from a new perspective.
Ask yourself where in life you’re unprepared to manifest your dreams and then research how to get prepared. Someone who can never find a date, for example, should learn how to flirt and improve their appearance.
There’s something you need to do to improve yourself to empower yourself. Find out what it is in these next few months and then start pursuing it. Don’t commit to a life path out of nihilistic frustration.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.