The Future of Your Career: Tarot Pick a Card
The universe has an important message about your career. Are you ready to hear it with this psychic tarot pick a card?
All you have to do is select one of the piles above. Which person sticks out to you the most?
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Everyday Tarot deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to figure out the future of your career.
Pile 1: White Shirt

You’re Going to Get an Offer
Your first card is the Four of Cups. This means you’re going to be given an offer, but you aren’t sure if you should take it.
This anxiety exists for a reason, and I think it could have two distinct meanings for the people who chose this pile.
The first is that you’re not sure that you’re worthy of the offer or that you’re unready to take it on. You believe that offers may come again in the future (see the cups in line). However, you need to understand that this particular offer may not come again. That means you need to critically examine if the risks outweigh the rewards.
The second is that the offer may not be appropriate for you at all. For some who choose this pile, you may suffer from being promoted beyond your capability or the opportunity isn’t as great as the person giving it to you is making it out to be.
Whichever one ultimately resonates for you, take time to consider whether such an offer is a good fit when it happens. You don’t want to make the wrong decision.
Focus on Happiness
The second card in your spread is the Ten of Cups. I see your next two cards as representing the context of your decision. In this case, one of the areas you need to think about is your family and domestic happiness.
Will this new opportunity take time away from the people you love? If so, it may not be worth the wages or prestige it offers.
But if your family is struggling to make ends meet, you’re looking to buy a house, or have children, investing time into a new opportunity will afford you the budget you need to manifest the life you want.
Overall, you need to seriously think about how happy this offer is going to make you and the people in your family. Thinking only about materialism or personal ambition would be a mistake.
You Fear Having Nothing
The last card in your spread is the Four of Pentacles. This is a card about stability, but also greed. I think a lot of the reason why you may be conflicted when you receive this offer is out of the fear you won’t have enough.
Moves in the economy and the world can cause someone to react in a destructive way to preserve their own life. While I think you should prepare for the worst, you shouldn’t expect the worst to happen. Despite everything terrible that has happened in the world in the last century, most suffering in the developed world isn’t one of abject poverty.
You have a lot of control over your personal spending. Instead of taking a bad offer or rejecting one because it doesn’t make enough money, consider if you’re already meeting your basic needs and saving money for emergencies. This could mean cutting back on subscription services or buying generic.
Make sure that your lifestyle is conducive to you being open to career opportunities that come your way. You can then choose, of your unrestricted free will, whether or not to pursue them. But don’t do it out of fear of not having enough.
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Pile 2: Blue Shirt

Get Your Life In Order
The first card here is the Four of Swords. Overall, your career life is going to be pretty quiet in the near future, but I don’t think that’s necessarily a bad thing. You’re entering a lull of activity, so you’ll be able to focus on creating the future you want instead.
First, take this time to rest. The card here features a person lying in a tomb. You may have been suffering from burnout lately or about to hit your limit. Now’s the time to take care of yourself and reorganize how much effort you put into things. Effort doesn’t always equal competency.
Second, notice how the swords are poised to fall onto the person in the tomb? There are likely threats or issues in your work life that you haven’t attended to enough. Although they aren’t explosive problems right now, they could be in the future. Might as well address them when they aren’t yet dangerous.
Time to Get Educated
Your second card is The Hanged Man. There are a few meanings to this card, but I think the strongest one for your spread is education. You need to invest in the future of your career by learning skills.
This could mean improving your current skills so you’re a better employee, but it could also mean preparing for a job promotion or a different career.
Some of you will want to go to college or a training program to get a more formal education. This is likely the case if you feel you’re at a dead-end in your career and can’t move forward.
But some of you are more enterprising. The career you imagine for yourself doesn’t have traditional qualifications, so you need to make your own.
Regardless, this is all going to require you to sacrifice some of your time to make it happen. If you have savings or can take out loans, then you can focus completely on your education. But some of you will need to let go of some of your leisure time or go part-time at work.
Don’t Miss the Boat
Your third and last card is the Judgement, Reversed card. This can be read in several ways.
For some of you, the reason your career is at the dead-end or you feel as if the swords are hanging above you is that you were unprepared to take an opportunity that came your way. It would have positively changed your life, but you can’t rise to the occasion. You missed your Judgement Day.
This was very disappointing and you probably felt as if your dreams can no longer come true. That isn’t the case. All you need to do is improve your current skills or learn new ones so you can pursue a future opportunity.
As for the rest of you, I sense that you’re going to feel more at peace by pursuing your education. This is because you’re freeing yourself from the limitations of your current career and setting yourself on a more positive future path.
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Pile 3: Orange Shirt

A Happy Blessing
What a fortunate spread. Your first card is the Wheel of Fortune, indicating that something great is about to happen in your career. I believe this is likely a raise, bonus, or new opportunity that you’ve always wanted.
It’s not coming to come with frustrating conditions and it will generally improve your life.
However, be aware that this fortune that befalls you doesn’t mean you will continuously receive blessings. It’s likely since this is career-related to be an individual event, so be careful not to see your rise in income as a sign to spend beyond your means.
It may be a while before you get another raise or bonus.
Still, enjoy this moment of fortune for what it is. You deserve it.
Be Aware
Your second card is The High Priestess, Reversed. Although a lot is going right in your career currently, I do sense that you’re not going to be using your intuition as much as you should. This can cause you to misinterpret things happening in that sphere of life.
Perhaps you’re doing this because you’re so happy that you don’t think anything else can go wrong. And indeed, I don’t sense anything else negative about this spread. However, this is a warning from the universe that you may be blinding yourself and it can cause problems down the road.
Make sure that you’re in tune with your intuition at work. It may be a good idea to keep a journal or have a conversation with yourself at the end of each day about what you did, what you experienced, and how you feel about it. This doesn’t have to be complex – a simple sentence or two is enough.
This will help you consider your career and your performance with an eye toward improvement. It also means that a bad boss, coworker, or client is unlikely to be able to screw you over because you’ll be more aware of your environment.
Enjoy Yourself
The last card in your spread is The Sun, another happy card. I believe you’re going to have the opportunity to express yourself or have a lot of fun on the job. This is good because it means you’re going to see your career as a source of strength instead of struggle.
You’re going to go into work excited most days and find a lot of fulfillment in what you do. Even if you have a “dead end” job like retail, you’re still going to find a way to be happy and fulfilled in how you help others to make your job meaningful.
Regardless of your career right now, things are going to be looking up during your day-to-day experience working. While you do need to be on the lookout for things in the future, your current relationship with the people you work with and for is going to be positive and there’s going to be a lot of happy flow.
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