When Is Your Next Date?: Tarot Pick a Card
Dates and other romantic outings are important to the health of a relationship. Whether you’re single and looking for love or in a relationship and hoping to spice things up, this tarot pick a card reading will help you look into the future.
All you have to do is select one of the piles above. Which animal couple stands out to you the most?
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Today I’m using the Everyday Tarot and the Work Your Light oracle decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s find out when your next date is going to be.
Pile 1: Birds

You’re Missing Out
Your first card is The Star, Reversed. The number on this card is seventeen with the numerological value of eight (7+1). The number eight reversed here indicates there isn’t a lot of change or movement in your dating life right now. And with the meaning of the card here, not being connected to the universe, I sense you’ve missed an opportunity to date in the past which was necessary for your love life.
There are a lot of reasons this could be the case. Perhaps you aren’t pursuing your destiny with the enthusiasm you need to embrace your highest good or you keep ignoring signs and symbols that show up in your life. You may also be missing opportunities to flirt.
I get the strong sense for you singles in this pile that someone was interested in you, but you turned them down knowingly or unknowingly. For those who are in a relationship, you’re not spending enough time with your partner.
Getting Back Into Dating
The second card, Transformation, has the healing message of “Things are changing at a cellular level. Deep healing.” That means even though you’ve missed your opportunity to date in the past, this problem isn’t going to persist.
Right now, you’re going through important changes that will help you accept and even heal the romantic wounds you have. If you’re not pursuing opportunities to date, your self-confidence or openness to experience is about to change.
For those in a relationship, you’re turning the page and looking at your relationship with a fresh perspective. Perhaps you’ve not been as romantic or even as kind as you would like together, but you can put that past you and create new memories by going on fun dates.
Reconsider How You View Dating
Your last card, The Crumbling, has the wisdom message of “What are you clinging on to?” While a few who choose this pile may need to push a toxic significant other out of their life, the majority need to shift their perspective of what dating is.
Yes, you can go out for dinner and a movie. But a date can be anything, from a walk in the park to a night in playing a board game.
Your goal is to spend meaningful time with your partner where you get to know them better separate from your day-to-day routine.
It’s also key for the singles who chose this pile to make sure your idea of dating and who you can date shouldn’t just reflect cultural norms. Listen to your heart and allow those emotions to flutter within you. Your intuition works in sync with your heart to help you follow the best path forward.
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Pile 2: Rabbits

It’s In Your Hands
Your first card is the Ace of Wands. An ace is a tarot spread is usually the person the tarot reading is about, and with it being upright and having the numerology of one, I sense your next date is close by.
Those in a relationship or who are particularly enterprising with dating may go on their next date tomorrow, one week, or one month from when they read this fortune. In addition, the meaning of this card is closely tied to inner fire and passion.
In other words, you have it within you to make your next date happen immediately. It’s not something you have to prepare for or even work that hard on manifesting. If you do the normal things, such as asking someone out you’re interested in, going to a bar, or signing up for online dating – you’re going to meet someone soon.
But that also means ignoring how much power you have in this situation could lead to it passing you by. Dating doesn’t just happen for you. It’s initiated by you through a direct action you take.
And as for those in a relationship – just go out to dinner already. You don’t need a whole itinerary. Go do what inspires the two of you most right now.
Care About Yourself First
The second card in your tarot spread is Pleiades with the wisdom message of “Double mission: channeling and uplifting humanity.” Here is where your spread gets interesting and specific about the highest good for your next date.
A date doesn’t have to be only romantic and only personal. For you, I think it’ll be more meaningful to look for your next dating opportunity in the context of some greater good. Take someone volunteering or strike up a conversation at something like a protest.
While this may seem out of place at first, I think the singles in this pile should be looking for someone who shares their values while those in a relationship should affirm those values through a shared activity.
Doing something good for another person uplifts our own spirit and mood, so imagine what doing something good could do for your relationship. You need to love yourself so it’ll be easier for others to love you too.
Do Good Together
The third card in your spread is Star Mother with the wisdom message of “How can you mother yourself?” I do sense that many in this pile may become distracted by dating or their desire to date. This will lead you to focus too much on your partner, date, or, if you’re volunteering, humanitarian work.
Understand that the first person you should care for is yourself. This may seem selfish, but nobody knows what you need better than yourself, and tending to your needs means it’s no longer the responsibility of others to care for you. This allows your partner (and the world) to interact with you at a higher level instead of just your basic needs.
Ask yourself what you need to do to feel more at peace with yourself? Now’s the time to make sure you give yourself enough self-care. Treat yourself like someone you love and are responsible for.
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Pile 3: Cats

See the Love in Your Everyday Life
Your first card is the Three of Pentacles, Reversed. You had an opportunity to go on a date recently, within three days to three months, but turned it down. This was likely in a work, education, or spiritual setting. For some of you, this will also be while pursuing a hobby.
Three upright has the numerological meaning of group togetherness and creativity. For my singles who chose this pile, you had the opportunity to date a fellow classmate, coworker, member of your spiritual community, or peer in your field of interest. But you probably turned them down because it wasn’t “appropriate.”
This may have been a direct rejection, but you could have also ignored their flirtations.
For those in a relationship, I sense you were too focused on the normal routine of your life that you haven’t made enough time to date. The solution here is simple, however: schedule dates in the future and make it a priority. Once or twice a month is a good minimum.
Make Relaxation a Priority Too
Your next card is Deep Replenishment with the wisdom message of “Retreat. Rest. Be held.” Even though you’ve missed an opportunity to date lately, I don’t necessarily think you should put yourself forward (unless you’re already in a relationship). For my singles, it’s possible the person who wanted to ask you out wasn’t someone you would’ve been interested in anyways.
I think that you have a lot going on in your life right now and it may be difficult for you to make dating a priority. Consider scaling back some of your responsibilities and projects and giving yourself more private time. In other words, I think you need to date yourself first.
For those in a relationship, you should make it a priority to date, but I also think you need to ensure both of you have time to yourself other than your responsibilities and dates with each other. You need time to relax and unwind. Otherwise, I don’t think you’re going to get much out of your dates anyway.
Look to the Future
The last card in your spread, Anna, Grandmother of Jesus, has the wisdom message of “Seeding the light. Laying foundations. Divine plan.” There are a few different meanings here and it’s not going to apply to everyone in the pile the same way.
For my singles, you need to think more strategically about your dating. Don’t go about haphazardly, and you may want to avoid casual dating. Look towards the future and what sort of commitment you want and who you want it with.
As for those in a relationship, I think that the universe wants you to focus more on your family than anything else. If you’ve wanted to have children, now’s the time, and if you want to spend more time with your children, you need to do it.
Those who don’t want children may want to consider what the legacy of their relationship will impart to the world. This could mean making sure all your papers are in order, such as wills, but this could just be about discussing commitment for the next phase of your relationship.
In general, I get the sense most in this pile are ignoring some part of their destiny when it comes to romance. Make sure you’re open to the universe’s signs.
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