Your Key to Motivation — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on how you can be more motivated in life.
All you have to do to receive this message is pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Sacred Rebels Oracle deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s find your key to motivation.
Pile 1: Church

Be in Motion
When it comes to achieving anything in life, you need to embrace chaos and the void. This isn’t easy, but necessary to create something that didn’t exist before.
The first card, Be the Hunter, Not the Hunted, indicates that motivation for you is identifying a goal instead of waiting for a goal to fall in your lap. An object at rest will stay at rest, but an object in motion will stay in motion and even build momentum. This is a physical law of the universe and it seems to be true psychologically.
Any goal, even one that’s imperfect now and will be changed later, will cause you to be active and forward-thinking. Instead of waiting for the perfect path forward, pick the best or easiest goal you can act on and act on it.
Momentum will follow and you can build on that to your preference.
Powerful Decision-Making
The great thing about free will is that you get to change your direction. A lot of things in the universe don’t have that power, meaning they’re stuck in a chain reaction that they can’t participate in.
The second card is Relax the Hold of Darkness and Be at Cause. Embracing chaos and the void doesn’t mean letting it choose what to do. Instead, it’s acknowledging all the space and disorganization around you and choosing to be the cause of new organization, manifestation, or movement.
Many people believe that the universe will “end” due to the heat death where everything spreads too far apart. But this negates the fact there are creatures, like humans, that aren’t stuck in place and may come up with ways to keep things closer together.
I want you to recognize that part of being motivated is understanding you have the ability to change not only your destiny, but the destiny of those around you and perhaps the universe itself. You aren’t a dependent: you’re an agent of change.
Infinite Possibility
However, you’re not the only agent of change. There are other humans, other animals, and perhaps even aliens acting in our physical universe – let alone spiritual beings.
That means there’s a lot of action and momentum occurring all around you. The third card, Faith in the Process, is about accepting that what you act on won’t manifest immediately, and sometimes, at all.
But you can still trust that a lot of what you do will manifest. There’s a lot of void out there, and because the universe is expanding, there’s more space to fill than ever before.
Have faith that there is opportunity for you, even if your first opportunity didn’t work out. The universe just works that way. You won’t always crash into others. Sometimes, you just keep going.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Dice

Know the Difference
For you, being motivated is about being inspired. Inspiration here is distinct from motivation in that it has a divine or spiritual element.
The first card, New Birth, Guarded Vigilantly, indicates that your inspiration comes as a whisper. This is probably normal: the messaging we get that motivates us in the material world is always louder.
But the way to hear that whisper is to introspect. How do you feel about something? Let’s use an example: a person may be motivated to become a politician because they know that power can change the world.
But if they looked within themselves, they might realize they’re inspired to help others. Is being a politician the most direct way to do that? No. They might prefer doing something else and only believe being a politician is best because they’re in the news.
You need to determine the difference between external and internal messaging and then favor internal messaging first. Journaling is usually the best option here for that reason. You’re organizing your thoughts and questioning yourself rather than parroting the beliefs of others.
You’re Unique
As a Type A person, I love doing the logical thing and making the logical choice. And yet here I am, a tarot reader.
I suspect with your second card, Beyond the Mind, The Heart Beats, that there is something contradictory about you. What’s normal for people “like you” may not resonate with you. That means you need to be comfortable with the idea you’re going to act in an unexpected way.
Your key to motivation is understanding that you’re unique in some important aspect of your life. That difference is going to stand out, so you may feel discouraged from pursuing that. But you need to trust your heart here because it will help you to look past your differences and embrace them.
Stop Ignoring Your Heart
The last card, Inspiration, really echoes the others and showcases the importance of feeling spiritually and existentially motivated. This is different from normal material motivation.
This is what motivates the artist to create a priceless work of art. The scientist to discover the cure of a rare disease. The parent to love a difficult child.
It’s very powerful in its effect even though the inspiration itself whispers within you. There’s some part of you that knows this idea is not only important to you, but somehow important to the universe itself even if it may not be profitable. It’s a sacrifice as much as it uplifts your lived experience.
Generally speaking, inspiration is related to your life purpose. It either motivates you to pursue a life purpose or to achieve some important side quest.
This life purpose isn’t always 100% fun or even 100% rewarding. Not all writers enjoy the process of writing or even get paid for their work, but the compulsion is too strong to ignore.
I’m not saying that your deepest inspirations will pay the bills. But I do think ignoring them will cause an internal unrest that will make it harder for you to achieve anything else in life, including the job that does pay your bills. Because you’ll always be wondering what if and disappointed you aren’t making progress.
Tend to your inspirations, even if part time. It’ll either lead you to a fulfilling life or give you the mental bandwidth to finally give everyday life attention because you aren’t trying to cover your ears.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Tree

Give Yourself Space
There’s some sort of pain that’s making it difficult for you to be motivated. The first card, Release the Dark Wound, Let Love Live, indicates that this pain is an obstacle to your success.
For some, this pain could be a literal pain while for others an emotional pain. It could be a big, life-altering wound, or a metaphorical papercut that’s warping your perception of reality. Don’t judge the intensity of your pain. It’s there, and that’s enough for it to be important.
But the effect is the same: it’s taking too much of your attention and it’s time to let it go.
Most in this pile have an emotional wound and it’s time to move on. Others may have a medical issue they’re not addressing and should see a doctor. You don’t have to live in pain anymore. See someone. Your symptoms matter.
Let’s focus on those with emotional wounds though. I think you’re clinging onto the pain like an identity. For a while, it probably rightfully was your identity.
But circumstances change and you change. It’s time to transform into the new you.
Be Original and Compassionate to Yourself
So much about your next step is mental. The second card, Going Beyond Normal, features someone focusing on a lightbulb above their head.
Whether you’re following a health plan or transforming into your future self, it requires discipline and contemplation. Living on autopilot won’t be enough. You need to be intentional… and you might need to approach things differently.
The person who is diagnosed with a health issue might need to take it easy with even simple things like cleaning despite common advice being a super clean space makes you happy. Being exhausted tends to make someone even more unhappy. The person who had a broken heart and swore off love needs to vet their dates more carefully or pick new locations.
Let’s use an example of an emotional wound. Imagine a bookworm who met their ex at a library. Their abusive ex had a halo effect because of their shared interests and this bookworm ignored the warning signs. In the future, dating may mean not choosing another bookworm as a partner – it’s safer for them to not let the halo effect lead them astray.
Be prepared to make a radical change in your life. It’ll make you happier, even if it goes against traditional advice like finding a partner who likes the same things you do.
Choosing What’s Good in Life
The final card, Diving for Light, means motivating yourself is built on a foundation of wanting the best for yourself.
It’s hard to believe for people whose lives are going well, but some don’t believe they deserve good things. This leads them to sabotage their lives.
You’re doing this in some way. Perhaps not in every area, but in enough areas to downgrade your lived experience on a daily or near-daily basis. You may even be putting a lot of weight on what is going well and ignoring the parts that are making you suffer.
But you need to attend to the areas of life you aren’t letting yourself be happy with. I want you, after this reading, to write down or say out loud why you’re worthy of that area of your life being better.
Because you deserve to be happy. You deserve what’s good and just. You’re allowed to want things to be better. So open yourself to the motivation of making that change.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Absolutely right..Thanks a lot
Thanks so much! 🙂
Absolutely right..Thanks a lot God bless you and me too