July 2024 — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on July 2024. Astrologically, we have Mars Conjunct Uranus in Taurus on the 15th. This is an assertive, radical energy that can motivate you or unsettle you – so be prepared for action around this time. Taurus should tame that energy a bit though.
To see what is likely to happen to you this month so you can use it to your advantage, pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Wild Unknown Animal Spirit Oracle and the Tarot decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to glimpse into the next month!
Pile 1: Pink Flowers

Oracle Cards
The first oracle card, Buffalo, is a practical, spiritual energy. If you’re North American, this animal may be of special importance due to the prevalent cultural imagery you’ve seen throughout your life. This could also be a message from the universe that you will soon receive a divine sign – so be ready to receive that.
This is a sign from the universe that you should have thoughts framed from a higher place, but you then need to bring it down to Earth. That makes sense since your spiritual card later on in the spread is The Empress. So find a grounding technique or tangible practice.
The second oracle card is the Golden Egg. This is a spiritual potential within your heart that will be made known to you at some point this month. Have patience – it’s not going to reveal itself easily and quickly. And even once it’s revealed, it may take some time to mature. This month may just be about cracking that egg and seeing what’s inside so it can grow.
The final oracle card is The Swan. A beautiful and elegant energy. This can be nurtured into creativity or some personal aim. It can also be an elevation of your character or spiritual experience.
It’s clear there’s a strong emphasis on spirituality this month for you, but I don’t think it’s going to take traditional forms and will instead be material in its manifestation. That might be for the best: spirituality is most useful to us when it can be integrated into our daily lives.
With your first tarot card being The Empress, it strongly reflects each of your oracle cards. This is a nurturing, gestating energy, so there’s probably something inside you that’s begging to materialize in the world.
So first, you really need to do some introspective or mystical practices. Journaling, meditation, shadow work – anything spiritual or introverted will work in this case. Don’t overthink it and pick what resonates with you most.
But your goal is to find the idea that’s within you and bring it out into the world. Don’t rest until you have. It seems like this idea will be meaningful and perhaps life changing. It has a purpose.
Your relationships won’t be as intuitive this month, though you’ll get some hard evidence that will help you to eventually see things clearly.
I think, because of the emphasis on your spiritual life, The Moon, Reversed means you won’t be as emotionally attached to others. Because this is a major arcana card and not a minor arcana card, I do see this detachment not as a momentary distraction, but part of a larger pattern in your life.
You may be neglecting your relationships or the formation of new ones. It’s okay to have goals and even to be busy, but you’re a social creature: these relationships need to be a higher priority than you’re currently giving them.
However, have patience with yourself: it takes time to integrate social action into your life. Make it your goal, starting this month, to work on one thing for the rest of the year. Maybe it’s calling someone you love each month or something smaller like asking someone about their day.
Good sign this month with the Three of Swords, Reversed card. This indicates getting over something difficult in your career or work environment. For some of you, this could be a sign that you’re falling back in love with what you do or that some difficulty you’re having is being resolved.
This can also be a sign that negative social relationships at work or because of work start to heal. For some of you, this could be due to the actions you take to make relationships a higher priority. However, some in this pile may just find their work a more pleasant experience than it has been recently.
Personal Development
The last thing the universe wants you to know is that you won’t be as confused. The Seven of Cups, Reversed does indicate you’ll successfully prioritize your relationships at your current level of comfort.
But it will require looking through the fog you didn’t realize was there, so don’t expect this prioritization to be successful in the first week. It may take all month.
You should, however, feel a sense of stability or certainty in your relationships going forward.
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Pile 2: Green Plant

Oracle Cards
It’s come to my attention over the last few years that many people outside of North America don’t realize the Firefly is a real insect. They also seem to be disappearing, so they’re taking on a mythic quality even here. Symbolically, the Firefly is an inspirational force and also a fleeting one.
This suggests that you’ll have an amazing idea or motivation to do something, but it won’t last. Be prepared to capture ideas or act on something quickly – you’ll either forget the idea if you don’t or lose the motivation next month.
The second oracle card, Tiger, is about darkness and feminine energy. When combined with your first card, it means you may have the capacity to be very creative and motivated and perhaps you have many ideas that come and go like a storm.
Take this month as practice for capturing and prioritizing your ideas. Have a notetaking system or time set aside each month to pursue things that excite you, even if it’s not related to major work already in progress.
The final oracle card, Frog, is a healing energy. I sense a lot of chaos in your spread, but not necessarily a bad sort of chaos. However, it can distract you from other things that are important and you’re going to learn this month how and when your enthusiasm to pursue what excites you comes at what cost.
This reminds me of professional creatives who are so consumed by their art that they let their relationships or careers suffer. For some it’s worth it – but is it worth it for you? That’s something you’ll discover.
Although there’s a lot of spiritual energy in your life this month, it’s not focused on your spiritual practice. Instead, it serves like a muse. That muse will manifest with Eight of Coins, Reversed energy. Chaotic and imperfect, but also spontaneous.
It’s hard to be truly creative when everything is in order. It’s not that Type A people can’t be creative, they can, but they need to leave space for chaos so their ideas can flow freely.
You’ll be inspired by a muse energy, perhaps multiple muse energies, and you need to accept that you can’t organize them. Instead of trying to organize the inspiration of ideas, organize your capture of them.
So when ideas come to you, whether it’s in a planned brainstorming session or in the middle of your morning commute, be prepared to record them when it’s safe to do so. Don’t judge your ideas until you get to the work stage – just record them if they initially excite you. Ideas are rough drafts, after all.
This is the area of your life that will be the most frustrating for you this month, but I think in a productive way. The Lovers, Reversed suggests either a direct conflict with a romantic partner or a lack of focus on your love life.
I think this is happening so you can put your love life into context with your goals. Some of you will discover that you want to emphasize your relationships more, while others may want less commitment.
We see this work out with authors a bit like this: they work in the morning, sometimes before their partner is even awake, and then spend the afternoon and/or evenings with them. But not every author does this: some choose to focus entirely on their work and have more casual romantic connections.
If you’re in a relationship, chances are, you need to spend dedicated time with that partner every day once you’re committed. If that’s not something you want to do right now, or ever, you need to understand that before you break hearts. Your partner is your partner, not your side project.
Ironically, it seems like you’re set up to do well with work relationships. The Two of Cups suggests a healthy partnership. You may find this month that pursuing a relationship with someone in the same field would be good for you.
That’s not to say your romantic partner needs to do exactly what you do. If you’re successful, you could probably hire your partner as an assistant or in a support role. I’ve seen this happen often with homemakers who create successful blogs or social media accounts. Their spouse sometimes becomes something like their editor or manager.
Outside of romance, this card also indicates social reward in pursuing a social network related to your career or hobbies. You may not have the mental bandwidth for new friendships outside of what you’re doing for a living or as a dedicated hobby.
Personal Development
The last card is The Daughter of Cups. This is a creative card, but emotionally, it also indicates being immature or inconsistent with your behavior on some measurement. You’re sincere and exciting though.
Since this card is upright, I don’t think you’re spontaneous behavior is a bad thing, but it could result in hurt feelings in all relationships. I’ll use myself as an example: as a Type A, super serious person I often find most Type B, spontaneous people frustrating to be around. They feel the same about me.
Though we usually have the same interests, there’s a huge personality mismatch there. But nothing’s wrong with either of us.
Take to heart the importance of temperament and not just interest match in relationships. There’s nothing wrong with your personality whether you’re Type A, Type B, or something else, but not everyone you meet is going to be an uplifting connection. It’s okay not to pursue those relationships in a deep way.
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Pile 3: Purple Flowers

Oracle Cards
I don’t see a cohesive message in your spread and there are many things, indicating you may have an eventful or varied month to experience. There’s also no major arcana, meaning this month will be an average one rather than a significant one. It’s what you make of it rather than what’s destined for you.
The first oracle card is Elephant. This is a focused, wise energy. Because of the Seven of Wands later in your spread, this is a good month to pick something to prioritize, especially in your career or hobbies, and make considerable progress worthy of respect.
But with the Phoenix card, I also see an opportunity you may wish to take up. This is a card of reincarnation or being freed from karma. There’s an overall sense of freedom in your spread and I think that’s a sign that there’s a lot of room to use your free will and preferences to design your life how you would like it.
Is there something you always wanted, but didn’t pursue? Now might be the perfect time to look into that. I don’t see any serious obstacles in your path.
The next oracle card is Lamb. This a card of innocence and it mirrors your relationship card, Four of Swords, Reversed. Something is going right in your social life, but it probably came after some sort of sacrifice on your part or the part of someone else.
But the good news is that these cards are well-positioned, especially in context with the Phoenix card.
You’re going to accept something difficult. This difficulty isn’t huge, so don’t expect anything acutely negative. Rather, the Five of Cups, Reversed card simply suggests an emotional acceptance in the spiritual realm.
You may be working through things in your head when it comes to your spiritual life or life purpose. You’re probably not making any major decisions or revelations, but you’re on the road to a major change. Expect some hint of that this month, but it won’t fully reveal itself to you.
It may eventually be integrated into some sort of life redesign that comes later this year as a consequence of decisions you make this month.
We see a lamb on the Four of Swords, Reversed card. This is about waking up to something. Normally it means a spiritual awakening, but in your spread, I think you’ve either made a decision, faced the consequence of someone else’s decision, or have a new thought pattern.
Initially, it was a hard one and this may have been something you experienced in the past. But now, this month, what seemed like a sacrifice at the time is turning out for the best.
This probably means a relationship you let go of improved your life or a person you forgave really changed their life. Perhaps it was even you who changed.
The Seven of Wands is the most interesting card in your spread to me for some reason. I think it’s because it’s something you seem to have the most immediate control over and something that elevates your position in life the most.
If you pursue a project of interest and make progress, you’ll likely see some manifestation of reward. But that reward is going to come with its own set of challenges: people may be jealous or even try to bring you down.
They won’t succeed. You have a fire igniting your purpose. This will manifest either in your career or some sort of hobby you have.
Personal Development
The last card, Ten of Swords, Reversed, probably indicates something in progress. This suggests your life is getting back on track. Because of your overall spread this either means a minor setback is resolved or you’re proceeding on the path of a recovery you’ve been on for some time.
Either way, things are looking up for you in a way they haven’t for a long time. You’ll likely feel more positive and hopeful about your life. This positive thinking will motivate you to do what’s best for yourself even in the face of challenges.
This is a good month, even if it’s one you won’t remember distinctly. It sets the stage for better things.
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