What You Need More of in Life: Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today we’re going to see what you need more of in life using tarot. This reading is about self-care and self-love practices to soothe your mind, body, and soul.
All you have to do is pick the pile that sticks out to you the most. Which animal inspires your intuition? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Sacred Self-Care Oracle deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s do some healing and make your life more abundantly pleasant!
Pile 1: Bird

Time to Go Outside
There’s a clear theme in your spread and that’s a need to go camping. You need to disconnect from the hustle and bustle of everyday life and spend some time enjoying nature and a peaceful, slow lifestyle.
For most of you, this camping trip could be something as simple as a local outing for a weekend. Sleep outdoors or in a rustic cabin. Eat smores on a bonfire. And really appreciate the nature around you. Take pictures. Birdwatch.
Now, you don’t have to do traditional camping. Your first card, Plan a Vacation, could be a more glamorous camping experience (glamping) or a traditional excursion.
Perhaps you want to go to the beach. There you can light a bonfire or rent a room with a fireplace. You can also light candles. Perhaps there you will go whale watching or swimming with dolphins.
There are a lot of options here, but make it a point to do something outdoorsy and away from your normal life within the next year.
Enjoy the Flame
But let’s talk about things closer to home. Your second card, Connect with Fire, could mean putting a firepit in your backyard, enjoying a fireplace in your home, or lighting candles.
I don’t like candles and I don’t use them often. But when I do, I make an event of it. Perhaps you could buy a nice candle and light it while reading a book or watching a movie. That way you can associate the scent with a nice experience where you get to relax.
Fire is a very relaxing and rewarding experience when done safely because it taps into something primal within us as humans. As an American, I have fond memories of camping and making smores (roasting marshmallows over a flame and placing it between chocolate and graham crackers) with friends and family.
You can use fire to create a wonderful experience that you can repeat often in your everyday life. It tends to make things feel special.
See What’s Out There
Your final card is Spend Time with Animals. While this is connected to camping, it can mean any kind of animal. If you have pets, spend more quality time with your pet either by playing or caring for them. Cats and dogs love the attention and bonding with you.
However, don’t have to limit with time with pets. Some cities have cat or dog cafes. You can also volunteer at shelters. Want a different sort of animal? Going to a farm or animal reserve could put you in contact with animals you don’t see every day.
You can also do something like animal watching. In college, I took a class on sea birds and mammals and we had a semester-long project to go out into nature and observe birds. It was a surprisingly soothing experience and you can find animal guidebooks for your region to make this even more rewarding.
There’s a lot to experience in the outdoors. Embrace the life that’s there. The world is a big place.
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Pile 2: Whale

Freshen Up Your Air
You have a fairly traditional spread for self-care. It’s primarily about getting into a self-care ritual with spiritual elements.
The first card is Deep Breathing. Meditation is good here, though I’ve heard wonderful testimonies about the Wim Hof method.
My own personal practice is to breathe in and out slowly for three times when I’m feeling anxious. As for a more formal practice, I like to use five-minute meditations on YouTube every day. I’ll also occasionally use nature sound playlists on Spotify.
I find that guided meditations on a topic are helpful for deep breathing because it can be difficult to meditate without hyperventilating or using an artificial pace. But explore meditation practices until you find one you like. Everyone is a bit different.
The reason deep breathing is helpful is that it allows you to be mindful and present in the moment. It can also help you detach from the worries in life.
Love Your Body
The second card is Nourish Your Temple. Many self-care practices you hear about are related to the body, specifically spoiling yourself with beauty or health treatments. I also consider good food part of this category.
You should treat your body like it’s valuable and deserving of compassion. It’s normal for people to treat their bodies as if it’s trash, either out of laziness, habit, or some sort of dysmorphia.
I think some people into spirituality also fall into this category If they become so gnostic that they see their body and the material world as evil. Your body is not evil. It’s good and you should treat it at every stage of your life as if it matters.
Ask yourself what you need to do to spoil your body. If this means a weekly beauty routine, go for it. If it means getting a massage, do it. If you want to eat delicious, whole food, then fill your plate.
How you treat your body will echo how you treat your soul. Don’t deny the humanity of any part of yourself or you’ll deny it to all of yourself.
Make a Spiritual Routine
The third card is Sync with the Moon. I see this as a spiritual routine. Consider following a lunar ritual schedule, or, if that’s too much to manage, setting aside an hour or so each week to practice a longer spiritual routine.
You can tie this in with your self-care routine too. What a lot of people do is meditate, journal, and take a long bath. Your routine may look a little different from this.
One reason people like to follow the moon is that it helps sync your body to astrological forces. The moon enters into a different astrological sign every few days. The New Moon and Full Moon are especially potent astrological moments.
But however you choose to make your spirituality routine, know that it will give you spiritual fuel to empower your life going forward.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Unicorn

Build Yourself Up
Your spread can be read as one theme or as three different things to do. The general theme is that you need to empower your body and use it to your advantage.
The first card in your spread is Build Strength. Making your body physically stronger will improve your health now and in the long term. You can lift weights, do pilates, or, like in this card, do a fun sport like boxing.
What I find especially interesting about this card is the third eye. For some of you, building strength may not only be physical. You may want to practice your spiritual gifts to level them up.
Sometimes I will use a random story generator, cover up the answer, and then do a tarot spread on the story to practice my psychic abilities. If you can see ghosts, you might go to haunted locations. Those who are empaths may want to use their empathy to help someone get to the bottom of their problems.
The stronger your body (or spirit), the better your life will be.
You Are a Mammal
The next card may seem a little bit naughty to you, but there’s a reason Sex is part of the foundation level of Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs. You’re a biological creature and reproduction is an inherent part of your psyche.
Now we have birth control so sex doesn’t have to be only about making babies. If you’re in a relationship, see this as a sign to enjoy intimate time together. It can really help promote romance.
For those who are single, you can pleasure yourself on your own, but I encourage you to consider the merits of dating. Self-pleasure and porn are no replacement for a fulfilling human connection.
Those who are struggling to meet someone may need to devote more time to being an attractive partner or going out on dates (whichever one you struggle with most). However, not everyone needs to be in a committed relationship. Some of you may benefit from casual encounters.
If you’re a minor and you’re reading this, I advise against having sex until you’re an adult because of the consequences you’ve no doubt heard about already. That said, appreciate the importance of sex as an essential and fun human activity when you are ready to pursue it.
Have a Goal
The final card in your spread is Make a Vision Board. Because of the body-related cards previous to this one, I get a strong sense you should imagine what your healthiest and happiest body would look like at this stage of your life.
Having that vision will give you a goal to aim for. But for some of you, this vision board activity may be a general one. Vision boards are tools people use to manifest their desires on a paper or digital board.
It’s difficult to stay focused on a goal when you don’t make it clear and concrete. A vision board solves that problem.
Just know that you can change your vision board if your goals change. But, in general, the goal isn’t to change your ideals simply because it’s hard. Instead of changing reasonable goals to become easier, change the way you work to reach those goals instead and use your vision board as a reminder of what matters to you.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.