Who Is Your Soulmate? Love Tarot Pick a Card
Are you single and feel drawn to use divine inspiration to learn more about your soulmate? Tarot is an excellent choice and it’s easy with a pick a card reading.
All you must do to get started is select one of the piles of cards above that sticks out to you the most. Take a moment to meditate and concentrate on each one if needed. Really let your heart flutter and feel passionate. Are you intuitively drawn to a particular set of cards or a certain heart? That’s your reading!
Once you’ve selected your cards, scroll down. The readings are divided into the Purple Heart, Pink Heart, and Blue Heart sections.
Make sure that you’ve selected your cards before you scroll down. That way, you’ll be using your intuition to make your choice.
Remember that this is a general reading, so take what resonates and leave what doesn’t. You also have free will – use your fortune strategically to your advantage and make changes to improve your life and future relationship.
Now let’s see who your soulmate is.
Purple Heart

True story, I almost reshuffled! But I didn’t want to deny someone an important reading and knew that there would be something in all these reversed cards that you need to hear about your soulmate.
I colored and cut out the hearts before I shuffled any pile, so I think there’s a connection to the “purple heart” symbolism of this spread. For those of you who aren’t aware, a Purple Heart is a medal given to American military veterans who are injured or killed in the line of duty. So what does that mean for you and your soulmate?
Your soulmate is a deeply wounded person. Something in their past, and I sense it was a relationship, went very wrong. Their fifth card, The Emperor, Reversed suggests they were dominated and potentially abused by their partner or someone who had authority over them. This caused them to mistrust people in their relationships because they haven’t experienced a positive and reciprocal love in a long time (if ever).
When you enter into a relationship with your soulmate, you need to let them lead you. This will help reassure them and allow them to understand a healthy exchange in a relationship.
But be aware of a few things. Their Strength, Reversed card suggests they don’t have a good understanding of their inner will and self-confidence, so they’re prone to be explosive in their self-expression.
I don’t think they’re a hothead, however. With The Hermit, Reversed, Your soulmate is a bit of an introvert and prefers to spend a lot of time alone. That means they don’t have as much social energy as you might expect, so make sure that you recognize their need for “me” time without letting them isolate away from you entirely.
Your soulmate’s wound also causes them to play it safe, according to their Three of Wands, Reversed card, so they don’t pursue opportunities in their life. It’s unlikely they will make the first move, so if you feel your heart fluttering around an introvert, try reaching out first. You may also need to plan the dates until they’re ready to open up to the relationship more.
It’s not all bad news with your partner. The Sun, Reversed is a card of temporary depression. This tells me that your relationship will change them for the better, and you will heal their wounds. What you’ll find is an idealistic daydreamer who really knows how to embrace their inner child.
You’re going to have a lot of fun together.
A word of warning, however – don’t just latch onto any aloof person and think they’re your soulmate. If you do that, you’re likely to end up in a toxic relationship. Your soulmate’s more difficult traits from their wounds can be easily mistaken for a more problematic and abusive personality.
That’s why you need to carefully vet your partner and look for the inner child within them which makes your relationship fun.
Pink Heart

With the pink heart guiding and symbolizing your reading, it’s easy to describe it as “sweet” and “innocent.” Not surprisingly, you have cards with similar meanings in your spread.
But your reading does start out with a reversal. The Five of Pentacles, Reversed speaks about a soulmate who likely came from money or is financially successful themselves to some degree, but they’ve fallen to hard times. This person has a preoccupation with materialism, and that has left them spiritually bankrupt.
This isn’t all bad news, however, because the card also promises recovery from this issue, and I’m seeing so much positivity in this spread that your soulmate either overcomes it before you meet them, or they overcome it at the start of your relationship.
With the Two of Cups, you shouldn’t be surprised to find that you and your soulmate are well matched and get along. This isn’t going to be a relationship where one leads and the other follows – you’re equal partners and are both crazy about each other.
There are a few other traits to be on the lookout for. First, your soulmate may be someone you already know, like a childhood friend. The Six of Cups is very much about young love and fun, though this card may indicate love at first sight and a surprise pregnancy too.
Be mindful that your soulmate has some great traits, and this should help you vet any crushes you develop. Their King of Cups card suggests they’re emotionally balanced. Look for someone who is genuinely kind and the sort of person everyone else goes to for guidance.
Your soulmate isn’t a shrinking wallflower either. The Queen of Wands suggests they have a vibrant personality which is very attractive. This kind of confidence makes them comfortable putting themselves out there and they’re creative because of it.
But more interesting and rarer is the more hidden side from this card that I think will really help you understand your soulmate from another date: they’re very self-aware and understand their shadow self.
Most people don’t want to admit their faults, but your soulmate understands who they are at an intimate level. This emotional maturity will make them seem wiser than their years, so they may be different from the typical social butterfly you see out in the world.
You may be afraid to approach them, but don’t be – this kind of person is good-natured and will be more reciprocal to your affections than you may expect. There’s too much here suggesting that the affection will be returned quickly for you not to put yourself out there. This amazing person isn’t out of your league – they’re waiting for you to introduce yourself.
Blue Heart

The traditional idea behind a blue heart is a cold heart… so is that true in your soulmate? Let’s find out.
What strikes me about the cards in your reading is that none of them are particularly emotive. I sense that your soulmate is going to be a more quiet, logical personality, especially with the Temperance card. That’s not to say they don’t love and have their own passions, but they may be more reserved in how they show their emotions.
Why is this the case?
Your soulmate avoided a major adverse event in The Tower, Reversed which set them on the path of a spiritual awakening. Who they are has radically changed. Expect someone who found spirituality, is obsessed with personal development, or went through a major shift in what they value in life.
But this event had a very positive effect on them. The Star suggests that even though they aren’t as emotional as other people, they still care just as deeply – even about other people they don’t know as well. They give and they give freely.
With you and those in their inner circle, this will be even more pronounced because of the Queen of Pentacles card. This is the card of the provider, and your soulmate is a practical, nurturing personality. Even if they aren’t as verbally and physically affectionate in public, they’ll be very loving at home and will likely prefer to spend a lot of quality time with you.
Their purpose in life seems to be making sure their life is in alignment with their values. That means even ordinary daily actions are part of a bigger personal plan. This isn’t a person who lives recklessly, as their Temperance card shows, and they’re very patient. Your soulmate will work very hard to get the lifestyle they want.
There is something to be aware of, however. The High Priestess, Reversed card indicates your soulmate may be a bit of an introvert. They may want to withdraw from the world. I believe this is because they don’t have a strong grasp of their intuition, despite their spiritual awakening, so they’re constantly working on spiritual growth. They feel lost and want to find themselves.
I sense your soulmate feels they aren’t worthy of the life they want to live, or you, so they may keep secrets from you and even themselves out of fear of being considered an imposter. This can mean your relationship will be difficult at times. What you need to be aware of about this is in the vetting stage: your soulmate isn’t likely to show their true selves to you and it’s going to take a while to crack their shell.
You will have to do some work in the relationship to make them realize a lifetime commitment is attractive and necessary.
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