Your Future Success — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading with a message on an upcoming success you’ll experience and how to make the most of it.
All you have to do to receive this message is pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Psychic Tarot Oracle deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s see what win you’re going to experience soon.
Pile 1: Blue

Take Your Time
It’s time to make an important decision according to the Choose Wisely card. This decision is going to be one you already know you should make or be related to something you struggle with.
If you pick the right path, and I believe you will, you will succeed in the way you want to.
However, it is possible to make the wrong choice, meaning your success could be delayed by a fruitless side quest. This is unlikely, but you should be aware of the possibility so you can easily prevent it.
Choosing wisely will require you to make a logical choice given the evidence at your disposal. Don’t choose hastily and take some time to weigh your options. Something as simple as a pros and cons list or a journal response could go a long way, but don’t be afraid to be more detailed in your analysis than that.
Trust your intuition on how much you should dwell on your options.
Build a Strength
Part of what will complicate your decision is your Shadow. Your shadow is the repressed part of yourself. It could be a wound, a bad trait, or even something good that you try to hide. But it always tends to resurface when you least expect it – especially when you’re trying to make a decision.
Someone who has a shadow of insecurity might not pick the path that would put them in front of the crowd… even if they’re a skilled speaker. But, on the flip side, their insecurity also likely pushes them to prepare. Which is part of the reason why they’re so skilled.
Your shadow isn’t something to ignore, but something to integrate in a healthy way. Identify what shadow part of yourself might complicate your decision-making and ask how it could be turned into a strength instead. If you’re at a loss, consider using an AI chat program to brainstorm some possibilities.
Not Alone, Not Powerless
You don’t have to depend entirely on yourself… nor do you need to confess your innermost shadow in order to receive support either. You have Spiritual Strength within you as well as a spiritual team.
There’s a reason why people who are religious are associated with greater well-being: having a connection to the divine aids a person in their life in unexpected ways. It’s like having a secret superpower.
This is partly due to the purpose that spirituality gives you, but the divine also intercedes through miracles and signs that help you make the right decisions. Spiritual power is a tool you can activate.
Regular spiritual activities will help here, but designing or participating in something special, especially around your shadow, would be really good. Shadowwork is a common recommendation, but guided meditation, confession, and even a ritual spell might be called for depending on your preference.
There are options here, so pick whatever sounds most exciting to you.
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Pile 2: White

Aim for the Good
You have immense power and competence within you to achieve success. The first card, Power, features a kingly figure and his lion reflection.
In symbology, lions are regal, graceful, and wild. It’s important to master the beast within you and not let your power cause you to become evil. But, when properly applied, your power can be for more than your benefit.
Even someone who is a Wall Street investor can use a traditionally selfish career for good. They could donate some of their wealth to charity or make it a point to only invest in moral ways. Thus, they would be encouraging the growth of a more moral economy.
The point is that power and morality don’t have to be strangers: nor does using your ambition to reach for what you want have to be against the common good either. Just make sure that you leave room for compassion.
So don’t feel guilty for wanting power. Just use it responsibly.
Do What’s New
It’s time to trust yourself and start something fresh. The New Beginnings card asks you to approach life with more novelty. This could mean starting a new project or modifying your current approach with something you’ve never tried before.
Your innate competence is good for a lot of things, but you may get too comfortable with what you’re good at and let your approach get a bit stale. This is the reason why famous content creators on YouTube don’t continue to maintain their success even if they’re consistent in their uploading: they don’t move with the times.
Life is changing all around you and resting on your laurels will cause you to miss new opportunities. But know this: some of what you already do is likely to transfer to new approaches. So try new things, but don’t reinvent the wheel entirely. It’s okay to try new with a bit of old.
Pay Attention
Something in your life is going to be illuminated. The last card, Light, is asking you to pay attention to something that will stand out soon.
Notice that the woman in the card is looking up: this is a confirmation that the message will come from a higher dimension.
Historically, many monarchs attributed their right to rule to the divine. Your abilities also come from the divine. That means that achieving success will require you to align yourself to what’s good.
But you won’t have to make a guess here: the universe is going to send a message to keep you on track. Continue on as you are. If you do something wrong, the universe will let you know loud and clear.
Don’t ignore your conscience. But if you do, the universe will blind you with light.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Pink

Love the Journey
You’ve got a journey ahead of you, but interesting times create amazing rewards. The first card, Obstacles & Challenges, evokes the idea of a quest.
For you, being successful means taking on an epic project. This project might be a defining one and related to your life purpose, or it could be a personal endeavor that you want to achieve (like finding love). But whatever it is, it’s the kind of quest that doesn’t happen overnight.
People like to think of manifestation as instant, and sometimes it is, but often you’re attracting the path more than the destination. We don’t manifest a partner, we manifest a love story and I think that type of journey is happening for you.
So instead of trying to think of your success, think of the pathway to get there and all that it entails.
All the Feels
Because of your second card, Mental Conflict, I think you’re struggling with doubt. Some in this pile are angry over their progress towards success while others don’t believe they deserve success.
But both possible interpretations here suggest that those who chose the pile are unhappy with some element of their journey.
It might help you to know that successful people aren’t 100% happy all the time. Sometimes, they have a bad day at work. Sometimes, their successful careers aren’t what makes them happy and something else is.
That doesn’t mean you shouldn’t reach for success or value it, but understand that defining all of who you are based on what you’re trying to achieve is a recipe for disappointment. You’re a complex person with a variety of interests. It’s okay to feel conflicted sometimes. You aren’t strange for being emotional.
You’re Allowed to Want
I do think you’re going to be successful. The last card, Stand Your Ground, indicates you’ll have something worthy to defend.
But for you to successfully defend that, you need to feel like you’ve earned it and that you’re allowed to have it.
Your mental conflicts will likely feed into your self-doubt, and if you let that eat at you, you’re going to not fight when you need to. You’ll give up when times are hard and let failure drown you.
However, that’s all in your mind. Not so much that challenges don’t exist, but that you don’t have the right and ability to overcome them. You do.
Don’t take friction as an immediate sign you should cease enjoying what you have or protecting what you’re working towards. Sometimes friction isn’t a sign you’re doing anything existentially wrong, but that you need to fight for what’s yours. You’re allowed to have that victory.
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