Unlock Your Potential — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on how you can unlock your potential. This is the perfect reading if you’re struggling right now or just want to boost your productivity.
All you have to do to receive this message is pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Believe In Your Own Magic Oracle deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to unlock your potential in this life.
Pile 1: Dog

Reveal Your Personal Truth
Your environment isn’t what it needs to be for you to live your best life. The first card, Evil Queen, has the wisdom message of “You deserve sugar, not salt.” There’s someone in your life that’s causing you to doubt yourself.
They victimize you with negative messages and are trying to twist your perception of the world. For many who chose this pile, this is someone with influence over you or a fake friend. A small number may be affected by a celebrity or public figure.
The solution is to stop listening, but that’s easier said than done. A practice of daily affirmations, which are positive statements about yourself, will help reprogram your mind and serve to protect you from negative influences.
Try looking up affirmations online. Write down the ones that resonate with you or that you wish reflected a truth about yourself. Then repeat every day until you’re able to recognize times in your daily life when someone is trying to warp your thinking and you fall back on your affirmations as truth instead.
Recharge Your Battery
There are only a handful of situations where you shouldn’t put yourself first. Someone taking care of a dependent, an airline pilot, an emergency doctor – the list goes on, but you’re probably not that person at all times.
Your second card, Mural, has the wisdom message of “Be your own first priority.” For those who really are independent of absolute responsibility, you probably have room to put yourself first. And even those with absolute responsibility can usually find ways to emphasize their own needs.
The parent of a young child can get help from a family member or babysitter. An airline pilot isn’t responsible for passengers on the ground. An emergency doctor needs only to show up for their shift.
Consider the boundaries of where you should and shouldn’t prioritize yourself. Once you know where you have room, guard that area of your life and learn to treat yourself.
Everyone needs relaxation and self-care. You can’t possibly begin to unlock your potential if your energy never gets the chance to get recharged.
Know Yourself
The last card in your spread is Mirror with the wisdom message of “Treat your body like the palace it is.” This isn’t about being a fit machine, but recognizing your body as the house of your soul.
You matter and that means your body matters. To make the most of your life, you need to recognize that your body is part of that equation. That means it needs rest, but you also need to defer to your bodily needs and uniqueness in anything you intend to do.
For example, someone who’s a night owl is not respecting their body if they force themselves to pursue a career that requires them to wake up early each morning.
Listen to your body. The more you pay attention to it, the better you can refine your goals and actions to be something you can reasonably and happily achieve.
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Pile 2: Hedgehog

Learn to Let Go
You need to be present. The first card, Nostalgia, has the wisdom message of “Focus on the here and now.” It’s okay to think about the past, especially the good parts, but your nostalgia should serve a purpose.
You live in the now, not the past, so if you focus too much on what has already happened you’re going to think in what if’s instead of what’s next.
An exercise you can try if you find this to be difficult is to ask yourself when you’re reminiscing how thinking about it helps you now and how long you should be doing it.
Sometimes, thinking of the past helps you contextualize the present. Other times it improves your mood. But perhaps when you do this exercise you’ll recognize you’re living in a fantasy or ruminating on things that are driving you crazy.
If you find that to be true, meditate for a few minutes and try to let go of the thoughts that are crossing your mind.
It seems like you’re going to get an opportunity with someone. This next card is Raindrops with the wisdom message of “Take a chance on them.” This could be romantic, friendship, or career-related, but it is a sign that unlocking your potential is being aware of an exciting chance that’s coming your way soon.
It’ll seem risky, especially if you compare it to the past. However, if there’s a part of you that’s excited or curious, you know that this opportunity is the one for you.
It’s not going to be 100% easy, otherwise this wouldn’t be a rain card, but I also see this card as a cleansing force. By pursuing this opportunity, you’re wiping your slate clean and getting the chance to start fresh.
Something exciting is going to happen and it’s going to alter how you perceive life in a positive way. But you have to trust that things can get better than you can believe right now.
Your Dreams Are Real
I think you underestimate yourself. The third card in your spread, Lighthouse, has the wisdom message of “Don’t doubt your worth.” This relates to possible rumination in your past or seeing your new opportunity as too unlike what you’ve done before.
But this card is a confirmation that you have enough of what you need to be successful. You may need to learn some things along the way, but you can trust that it’s possible.
Furthermore, this is a card signifying that you have the right to pursue an opportunity at any stage of readiness – it just means you might need to prep a bit first. But you have the right to prep and believe that you can achieve what you dream of.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Cat

Go Have Fun
For you, unlocking your potential is about throwing yourself into the situation. The first card, Homeward, has the wisdom message of “Take yourself out on a date.” You might be surprised by how much you can achieve by taking one more step in familiar territory.
What is it you can do for yourself that doesn’t require an adventure, but results in an adventure of spirit? I don’t leave the house much because of my sleep disorder, but I did go to the movies recently and really enjoyed it. It was a reminder that putting the effort in can be rewarding and I think that’s true for you too.
This adventure of spirit doesn’t need to be a responsibility. It can be something fun you do for yourself simply because you want to do it. And it doesn’t have to be a grand thing.
Going to the movies made me think I should do it more. I think you taking that step and pursuing something fun will open more doors for you than you could ever expect. Simply because you’re more willing now to walk through that door than before.
You’re Ready
You’re relying on a crutch. The second card, Wings, has the wisdom message of “You never needed those wings to fly.” There’s something in your life that’s propping you up that’s actually a handicap.
Think of a child learning to ride a bike. The training wheels help the child to stay upright, but once the child knows how to do this, keeping the training wheels on prevents the child from using the bike as it was designed.
Ask yourself what crutch you’re using and then you’ll see the area of your life where your potential has been limited. If you let that crutch go, you’ll start to see progress. But right now, that area of your life is stalled. You’re ready to go to the next level.
Trust Your Gut
You should pick your challenges so they don’t pick you. The final card, Thorns, has the wisdom message of “Weave together the crown you deserve.” A common example is health: if you exercise and eat right, the difficulty you pick today will be a health difficulty you don’t have later in life.
There’s a trade-off you need to make to unlock your potential. You’re afraid to face that challenge, but you should recognize that most things in life come with frustrations on the side. And judging by this card, you’re assuming that frustration isn’t worth it – but it is.
For example: someone might be an artist, but they’re afraid to be poor. But would they enjoy the monotony of a job they hate? Living a frugal lifestyle might be worth it for them (and who knows, maybe they’ll make more money than they think).
Trust your desires even if there appears to be an obstacle in the way. You’re going to find a way to make it not even matter to you in the end.
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