Your Current Archetype: Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a reading on your current archetype. An archetype is a role you’re embodying at a high level. You tend to have a general archetype, but this reading deals with the transitory archetypes we all experience because of life changes.
All you have to do is pick the pile that sticks out to you the most. Which animal inspires your intuition? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Here I’m using the Wild Unknown Archetypes Oracle and the Hanson-Roberts Tarot decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to learn about your current archetype and what that means for you.
Pile 1: Lion

You Are With the Universe Right Now
We live most of our lives in the presence of duality. This or that. Black or white. Good or bad. But your first card, the one that represents your current archetype, is The One.
This is a card of unity especially of divine origin. You may be embodying that power through a spiritual gift or a sense of greater understanding of the universe itself. Some may feel as if they finally have “the answer” they’ve always been seeking for themselves in life or on a topic that matters to them.
Regardless of how you feel, what you should expect during this phase of life is a sense of wholeness. And when I say wholeness what I mean is a connection to all that is.
To the good and the bad.
Although this archetype can be frustrating at times, realize that you’re in a prime position right now to make informed decisions and orient your life toward a higher purpose. This is an amazing opportunity you don’t want to miss.
Learn to Say No to Evil
The next card is The Devil. This is a card of temptation but especially a temptation that causes a duality. Your oneness is also an awareness of how that oneness can be severed.
You’re unlikely to stay in this archetype for the rest of your life, but that doesn’t mean the eventual breaking of your oneness into duality is a bad thing. Ideally, you’ll take all the lessons of this time to overcome temptations and remain in the light. So the duality exists, but you’ll be on the “light” side.
A good analogy is probably religions with an eschatology in which evil is eventually vanished (like Christianity). It’s not as if history is erased, but that you’re fully joined to the divine oneness through the defeat of temptation. It’s one thing to be tempted to do good – but quite another to be tempted to do something evil which by definition alienates you from others.
I don’t want you to think experiencing pain is necessary, but that you can use the challenges you unfortunately encounter to empower you to avoid future misfortunes. You unite with divine oneness by allowing yourself to comprehend what’s good and what should actually be.
Spirituality With Benefits
Your third card is a very promising one and it’s actually my favorite tarot card of all time: the Ten of Pentacles. This is a card of material abundance, but also a union with emotional fulfillment given the inclusion of a happy family.
The life you live will have a unique material fulfillment and that’s the manifestation of your relationship to divine unity. This is a card of continuity. What you’ll have in abundance will be so great that you can give to others.
And that’s the meaning of The One: when your life is abundant, and you’ll experience this more and more, you’re going to one to share and include others in that abundance. True oneness is limitless.
Expect your current archetype to help you transform into a more joyous person with a lot of benefits.
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Pile 2: Yeti

You’re Getting Stronger
Wow! You may be in for a challenging time. Your current archetype is The Underworld. I actually had an intuitive download when I saw this card and thought of the hero’s journey. This is basically where you go into darkness, confront the shadows, and come out transformed.
Because of the second and third card in your spread, your particular shadow likely has to do with the past or the past somehow informs the challenges your facing right now.
For some of you, this challenge may be mental or emotional rather than an upfront, traumatic experience. Others are going through a hard time in the traditional sense.
But whichever one you are, know that this is a spiritually potent time for you. The Underworld is always associated with supernatural qualities, meaning you’re either going through a spiritual awakening or some sort of spiritually important moment in your life. I imagine a minority of you may even be haunted.
This will have a very strong effect on your soul. Because of this, you may feel weirdly tired at times even when you didn’t do anything physically taxing. That’s normal. You’re embodying more soul energy and fusing more energy into your body as a sort of power-up.
It’s Time to Move On
The second card in your spread is the Six of Cups, Reversed. To overcome the challenge you’re facing, you need to look back on some aspect of your past and reject it.
That doesn’t mean cutting contact with everyone you know or viewing your memories with disregard. But rather it’s about choosing to live mindfully in the present and stop comparing your present to the past.
You need momentum right now. Having The Underworld as your current archetype is not something you want to be in for a long time, so having forward momentum will get you out of the shadow and into the light again.
For some of you, the darkness can be exciting. Really! You may be exploring new spiritual realms and trying some courageous practices. That’s not bad, but if you spend too long in this spiritually potent realm you won’t be focused on manifesting in your actual life – and manifesting is always about the present, not the past or some unreachable future.
There’s something about your past that’s tying you to The Underworld like a phantom. It’s haunting you and you want to revisit it or revise it even though nothing can give the restart you so desperately seek.
What you need is to move forward. Example: stuck over an ex? Try dating. Can’t make a book idea work? Try a new idea.
Perhaps this past will resurface one day in the future in a new way, but for now, you need to move on with your life.
Think Differently
Your third card is The Hierophant, Reversed. This is about disorder or breaking the rules. For you to move forward, you need to try something different or something you’ve never done before. Perhaps it’s something you’ve always wanted to do, but never actually tried.
The reason you need this now more than ever is that it’s how you’ll welcome the momentum into your life and break The Underworld’s hold. Challenges are overcome through growth and your personal transformation will bring novelty and new perspectives into your life.
This is a boss battle you’re about to win, but you need a new weapon and that weapon will be forged in trying something new.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Ladybug

Good Things Ahead
What fun! Your current archetype is The Kiss. For many who chose this pile, what you think it means is what it means! Some will be falling in love or progressing in their relationship.
But this card is about more than that. Think of romance stories in which the first kiss is a monumental event. That’s because it symbolically represents union and romantic chemistry. It’s a powerful experience and it changes the lives of the couple forever.
Overall, this current archetype means you’re going to encounter a monumental shift in your life for the better. You’ll feel intimately connected to something or someone else and be filled with a lot of optimism for the future.
This is going to be an exciting time for you, but I must give a little warning: every romance story is fraught with complications in the plot. Just because a happy ending seems likely it doesn’t mean you won’t have a rocky road despite all the wonderful things ahead of you.
So let’s get into that.
Some Blessings Wear Masks
Your next card is the Page of Cups, Reversed. In this position, it usually means an “unhappy surprise.” But wait! Think carefully about romantic stories here. Doesn’t the couple involved usually see the other person as “not their type?”
Then their entire world is shaken to the core because they realize what they thought was true wasn’t!
You have built a vision in your mind of what you think you want. And perhaps this is usually the case. Some of you may not like a certain type of person, but that’s just because you haven’t meant the right type of person who represents that job, personality, appearance, and et cetera.
This goes for other life events too. Sometimes a job you don’t care for would be amazing with the right coworkers or the right mission.
Open yourself up to possibilities here. Instead of automatically turning something down because it initially seems out of place for you, entertain the possibility that there’s more to learn and experience. Until something truly disgusts you, don’t let first impressions determine how you’ll act in every future situation. Because this unhappy surprise is probably a blessing in disguise.
Sometimes first impressions are wrong and that’s going to happen for you in this current archetype period.
Perfect Ending
The third card in this pile is the Two of Swords, Reversed. I sense two different things happening for those who chose this pile so be aware that one or the other is going to apply to you, but probably not both.
For some, you’re not going to be using your intuition. Instead, you’re going to be relying on facts or “good advice” from others that doesn’t reflect your inner desires. In romance, this is going to be like the person in a story who turns down their soulmate because of previous prejudices instead of how their heart races when they’re around them.
For non-romantic encounters, you’re likely to reject the future that The Kiss presents to you. You’ll let your optimism die to rationality and hope will go with it.
The other meaning is that you’re going to be given two choices and there really won’t be a better option. However, if you don’t pick one your lack of choice will lead you to lose both.
Either way, know that you have to trust your gut and perhaps even take a leap of faith. It’s scary, but it’s going to be rewarding in the end and you’ll get your happily ever after. It just seems scarier than it actually is right now.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.