What’s Moving in Your Life: Tarot Pick a Card
If you’ve been directed to this reading, then the universe wants you to know that something is about to happen to you soon.
All you have to do is look at the piles of cards above. Which dinosaur stands out to you the most? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading!
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Crow Tarot and the Mystical Shaman Oracle decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s figure out what’s moving in your life.
Pile 1: Tyrannosaurus Rex

A Time for Growth
With your first card being The Crow, I sense that there’s something mysterious going on in your life. It may seem threatening or above what you can handle, so you feel as if it’s going to hurt you.
But the good news is that’s not true! Your spread is overall favorable, so this card is really indicating the death and rebirth cycle that The Crow symbolizes. You’re going to go through a necessary change and it will improve your life for the better.
However, you’ll either be unaware of the changes taking place or you won’t be in control of them. That’s likely to cause anxiety and fear.
The way you can handle this is simple: recognize the need for growth and critically examine the friction you face. As long as you’re moving in a healthier direction, then the power of this card is at work in your life in a good way. Change may be unwelcome at first, but if that change is helping you out, you’re going to weather the transformation just fine.
You’re Free
The second card is The Devil, Reversed. Something has been oppressing you lately and making it difficult for you to live freely. This is likely to be some systematic authority or a particular person. There’s also a good chance you willingly ceded some of your power to this oppressive authority in search of something better.
Don’t feel bad about this. Corrupt systems and people tempt and entrap you on purpose.
But this oppressive force is going to lose its power over you. Perhaps the wisdom of The Crow card will help you see the ways your life needs to change or a fortunate event will befall you that will lead to your liberation.
This may be why you see The Crow as threatening. It requires a great power to overthrow another, so you may be worried that what’s next after your current oppression won’t be better. But this time? It is.
Abundant Life
The last card in your spread is the Ten of Pentacles. For some of you, you will complete some sort of project or obtain a higher position. This will afford you financial reward or a personal legacy. Others will be able to enjoy rest in relative abundance and comfort.
Either way, what’s moving in your life is a powerful and liberating force intent on making your life better. While I do think this is partly seeing the world and acting to your own advantage, I can’t help but feel that there’s a benefactor or spiritual power at force too. That would be the primary reason it seems mysterious to you because it’s not you.
Just be aware that what will get you to this final, abundant point may never be fully clear to you and not as easily repeated. Make sure that you enjoy the reward you do receive at the end and try to not let yourself fall into temptation of a higher, oppressive power again.
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Pile 2: Pterodactyl

Think Outside the Box
Your first card is The Coyote. Because of the rest of your challenging spread, I sense that you’re going to need to act cunningly to avoid a destabilizing event.
There are many ways to respond to a crisis. Some people run, others freeze, and some fight. You’re not meant to do any of that. Instead, you need to be clever and approach the crisis in a sideways manner.
The Coyote in this card represents your own ingenious approach to a coming problem. However, this card also refers to a spiritual being in Native American culture. If you have an animal familiar or spirit guide who helps you out, don’t hesitate to reach out to them. And if you’ve never reached out to one before – try it.
During this time you may also want to try methods you never did before, both mundane and occult. Just be mindful that what you’re doing is clever and not, for lack of a more gentle term, evil.
Restructure Your Life
The next card is The Tower. This refers to an event that’s coming soon which will destabilize you. It could be a bad or a good thing, but the effect is the same: your life is going to need restructuring.
Before this event happens, ask if you’re unsatisfied with anything in your life right now. Is there something you wish you didn’t have to do or something you wish you could do? Remember what that is and be prepared to lean into the change when the world around you falls apart in some manner.
There’s often a lot of opportunity in chaos. This is because most people are afraid to act. I think you’re going to be brave in this instance and manifest something important to you. The more you embrace what you value right now the clearer what you’ll need to do when The Tower event finally takes place.
Be Wily
Your third and final card is The Emperor, Reversed. To me, this refers to someone or something in your life that’s making things difficult. It’s not exactly clear to me what that is, which tells me those who choose this pile will have a variety of possible adversaries.
I think the reason why The Tower will fall isn’t something you did, but something this bad authority caused. They built a house of cards and it’s going to fall. Their “crown” will then be taken from them.
That’s why you should make use of the restructuring to your advantage. Someone has power over you they shouldn’t have and you do have the power to outwit them when the chaos they caused finally erupts.
You may be scared to challenge this bad authority. Perhaps they’re the government or a person you fear. But know this: they won’t be ready to handle you. It turns out you have tricks up your sleeve.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Triceratops

This Is Your Time
Your first card is Luminous Warrior. Although this may refer to someone in your life who’s going to help you, I believe this is an energy you’re going to embody yourself. There’s not a particular event that’s going to happen in your life, but you’re about to make an event for yourself instead.
There’s a lot of potential within you and it’s fighting to get out. Perhaps you’ve struggled to translate this energy positively before – maybe not. Either way, this potential can be harnessed and help you manifest something important in life.
Everyone is a bit different. Don’t be too concerned with the military aspects of this card, but rather the ambition and radiance it possesses. You’re going to let your true self shine and be unapologetic in your attempt to get what you want.
Fight for a Greater Cause
Your next card is The Chariot. This is about moving forward and it has military connotations because of that. When paired with the last card, it’s obvious that you’re going to make a big move soon.
I do think this move is going to be a risk. Every soldier who goes off to war may not return home. However, there’s a good chance that whatever you’re going to try and manifest will succeed.
But The Chariot also has a spiritual connotation too. Basically, it’s a reference to Jewish mysticism and a meditative practice to get close to god. As a Luminous Warrior, you may find it helpful to put whatever ambition you have in context to a greater purpose.
How you live, even the ambitions which improve your personal life, should do a greater good for the world. Think of a pop singer who releases songs on topics that people emotionally resonate with. No matter what you want for your life, no matter how much it could materially advantage you, there’s usually some way you can give back too.
And if you have that higher purpose, it will make you more fulfilled in your attempt to achieve it. No soldier, after all, wants to fight an unjust war.
Use Your Head
The third card in your spread is the Seven of Swords. This is a card of strategy. Because of the luminous nature of your first card and the meditative aspect of the second, you need to understand that your ambition can’t succeed if you brute force it.
Perhaps your ambition is difficult to achieve or you have personality traits that make it a challenge. Regardless, you need to approach your ambitions and what you’re fighting for with a plan.
Ask yourself what you need to do and how you’ll respond to challenges that come your way. Visualize and brainstorm. It’s what the best athletes in the world do to win their events.
If you prepare yourself for the battle ahead for your dreams, you’ll win the fight using your mind. Don’t be a foot soldier: be a general.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Thanks very much for a wonderful teaching and reminder of thoughts
Thanks, Alfred! I’m happy that it resonated with you! 🙂
Thank you and God bless you