Personal Growth Insights — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on what you need to know to grow as a person.
All you have to do to receive this message is pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Tattoo Tarot deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s see what the universe wants you to know to grow in life.
Pile 1: Suitcases

Be Less Impulsive
You can be a bit impulsive, according to the Knave of Swords, Reversed. This impulsivity can either be in action or thought, but it’s going to result in you finding yourself in situations you’re unprepared for.
This can be frustrating for you, but it doesn’t have to be this way. One thing the universe wants you to do is consider the third card, Five of Cups, Reversed, which is about accepting what you let go.
I think you’re impulsive because you’re trying to hold onto something out of desperation. So you’ll act desperately in response. But the reason this doesn’t help you is that if you let go of what’s no longer serving you, the desire to strike out desperately will diminish.
Your behavior will thus be more manageable and feel easier to live with.
Know the Weight of Your World
However, it’s not just about doing less. The Chariot is an indication that you should push bravely ahead for things that matter. For that reason, understanding your values and commitments is very important.
Are you holding on to too many things that your entire load is beyond what you can carry? It’s okay to put something down, even temporarily, so you can put your full attention on your current project.
I see a need for focus in your life. Not perfect focus mind you, but a narrowing of your current orientation in life.
Write down a list of all your current commitments, goals, and activities you do or would like to do frequently. Then rewrite that list to be 70% shorter. What did you let go? Why did you let it go? The why is very important and will help you to understand how to prioritize in the future if you internalize this self-reflection.
Now I want you to be ruthless. Reduce your second list by 50% and then see where your priorities truly are right now.
You might do more than your shortlist, but what’s on your shortlist is the load you can carry most of the time.
Build Inner Power
Something I need you to understand is that your ability to carry more weight than your current shortlist will grow. However, you tend to push yourself past your limits.
When exercising, you grow by pushing yourself not to exhaustion, but through progressive overload. Another way to describe this is gradually, progressively, or incrementally.
You can test out adding more things, bit by bit, but never have so much on your plate that you can’t function without existing in a state of chaos.
Life should never feel like it’s impossible. A challenge at times, certainly, but not impossible.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Clock

Don’t Give Up
I see a lack of positive fire in your spread. You’re not being challenged enough and that’s why you’re not growing.
The first card, Seven of Wands, Reversed, indicates you’re not in a situation that is productive to personal development.
For some of you, your environment was so negative that you gave up progressing in your life. I can’t fault you for that disappointment, but it’s led to a lack of personal agency. You don’t believe you deserve better and you see any friction as a sign to give up.
Again, understandable. But you should never give up on yourself. You deserve better than you have, even if you’re comfortable. You’re always allowed to want and strive for more.
Be Willing to Be Different
You need to be more adventurous. The second card in your spread, Knage of Wands, Reversed, shows me that you’re shying away from personal exploration.
This could mean going to new places and trying new things, but let’s narrow that meaning to something more immediate in its action. Someone who isn’t adventurous lives a stale life. They repeat the same things over and over, even if an opportunity presents itself.
In fact, they live lives where they try to reduce even a chance of opportunity or growth. It’s just too scary for them to contemplate any change at all.
That’s what you want to prevent. One of the easiest ways to ease into this is by researching new topics. Say your normal hobby is jigsaw puzzles. Why don’t you try another mind game like 3D puzzles or crosswords?
Being adventurous doesn’t mean completely changing your life. Even a small transformation can change things for you. You aren’t trying to redefine your entire identity, but expand that identity to be even more you.
The Growing You
The final card in your spread is Death. This is a card of dying to yourself and being reborn, especially in your spread. For you, growing will require you to completely change at least one aspect of yourself and transition into a new chapter.
This would be like someone who is shy deciding that instead of being shy, they’ll be brave in social situations. Maybe they’ll still be introverted, but they won’t fear interacting with others.
Pick one thing about yourself you don’t like or you’re unsatisfied with. Make it your goal to die and be reborn in that area. It doesn’t have to be a big change, but it should be one you’d be personally proud of and intrigued by.
And it’s best if you choose this proactively. It’s better to change on your own terms than be changed by life itself.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Hat

Be Ready to Think
You’re entering into a holding period in your life where there won’t be much physical action, but a lot of mental action.
The first card, The Hanged Man, Reversed, tells me you’re not as mentally engaged as you should be. Not a surprise: people don’t realize it, but being truly involved in your mental self-improvement is incredibly taxing. That’s why people tend to loaf around on social media and television. It’s easy on the mind.
But the universe wants you to do more than you currently are and it’s going to require you to sacrifice some of that leisure time to tackle self-improvement head on.
The good news is that this is like working out. It’s hard, but if you do it correctly, you’ll be a more fit and fulfilled person.
Someone Has Your Back
But I don’t think you’ll do it alone. The second card, King of Wands, indicates someone is going to come into your life and inspire you. This may be directly in real life, but since this is a very mental spread, be open to an influencer, celebrity, author, or so on to make you stop and think, I need to look into this more.
You’re going to have a role model, at least temporarily, that you’ll learn from. This would be like an artist who discovers a painter they really love so they study that artist’s work for months to really understand how they accomplished what they did.
Yes, this spread is a sign your mental engagement will also be one of the heart: you’re going to be inspired to do what you love at an advanced level.
In other words, you’ll likely experience being in the flow state and really enjoyment your research a lot.
Respect Time
The last card is the Four of Swords. This is a card of rest, especially mental rest. You’ll feel a desire to push past this and even an anxiety because of that impulse. However, if you stop your rest too early, you’ll miss out on a lot of mental sorting.
Rest is important when it comes to learning. It helps your brain make connections and neural pathways. So don’t be in a rush to actively use what you learn in a practical way or assume any of your initial applications will be especially skilled.
It takes literal time for your proficiency to manifest – but it will. You just need to trust the process and not push to be an expert overnight. You really do need to sleep on it.
However long you think it will take for you to learn what you seek, double it.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.