Your Career Do-Over: Tarot Pick a Card
This tarot pick a card is for those who feel like something needs to change on the job or in their hobby. The universe is pulling into a special message today on that topic.
All you have to do is look at the piles of cards above. Which animal stands out to you the most? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading!
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Good Tarot and the Soul’s Journey Lesson Oracle decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to figure out your career do-over.
Pile 1: Nerd Bulldog
You Have the Power
Your first card is Perseverance with the wisdom message of “I know that I can do whatever I set my mind to.” This is a direct sign from the universe that something you desperately want is possible to achieve in your career or hobby.
However, that doesn’t mean you will get it without effort. The word here, Perseverance, does indicate persistence through struggle and having patience. But what you desire will come your way.
You may find it particularly helpful to be clear as to what you’re aiming for. Most productivity advice I’ve encountered suggests having one major goal and then breaking it down into steps.
But be aware that the struggles you face may lead to you adjusting that plan or even having eureka moments that cause you to shift what you want.
That’s all okay: just keep pushing, and eventually, you’ll have what you want even when what that may be could change.
Happy Diversions
What I find interesting about the next two cards are the suits. When you hear about productivity and achievement, there will usually be descriptions of a rational plan of action based on reality. That isn’t a bad idea, but what the universe really wants you to lean on is your passionate heart.
The second card in your spread, Messenger of Fire, represents you carrying the torch of what you desire. As you go about your career journey, you’ll find that everywhere you go, you’ll light more fires.
I think you’re going to find a series of side projects or interests that will kindle the flame of your passion for your career. Enjoy what appears to be momentary diversions as it’s the universe expanding what’s possible in your career.
A good example of this would be a singer who takes half a year off to star in a movie musical. This would prevent them from being in the recording studio, but expand their possible formats of expression.
Your opportunities will grow. Just make sure that you’re pursuing the ones that excite you.
Embrace Feeling
Your last card is the Messenger of Water. You’re going to be very emotional when it comes to your career or hobby. It may be difficult for you to be stoic in challenging times or to be unaffected by negative events.
However, your strength of emotions can also empower your love for what you do too. Strong emotions can amplify the good in what you’re doing and it will make your desires all the more potent.
Not to mention embracing emotions makes it easier to use your intuition, especially of the social sort, which allows increased networking and positive relationships among those you encounter around your work and hobbies.
Let yourself feel everything. It will help you feel alive.
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Pile 2: Sleeping Cat
Take a Break
I see that the first card in your spread is Health with the wisdom message of “I will honor the physical vessel that enshrines my soul.” It seems like your career or hobby doesn’t have you at your best right now.
Perhaps you’ve pushed yourself too far or you have health issues unrelated to your career and hobbies. The result of either is that the time you spend is not efficient or effective.
There’s this concept in productivity called “Deep Work” and it seems to correlate to knowledge and office workers. Most people only do two to three hours of work a day. Most people aren’t capable of doing more since work takes so much out of people.
It’ll benefit you to scale back your work in some way. Either take a much-needed vacation or make sure that the first few hours of work you do is only the things that have the most benefit. This will help you make progress even as you work fewer hours.
If you can’t take time off, require less of yourself in the evening hours and just relax. You need and deserve it.
Love Yourself
The next card in your spread is Love, Reversed. This correlates to the Strength card in a traditional tarot deck by imagery and I get the strong sense that your inner self is turbulent right now.
Even if everything is working on the outside, there’s chaos brewing within you. It may be causing toxic thoughts or forming negative emotional patterns that will explode in your face.
In addition to taking time off work, you may find it helpful to do some self-care. This is different for everyone. I like to shut my brain off with television so I stop ruminating thoughts. You may want to hang out with a friend or meditate.
Whatever you choose to do, it should reduce your negative emotions and increase positive ones. If this is something you can do by yourself, great – but don’t feel ashamed if you need to ask for help or see a therapist. We all need assistance now and again.
Don’t Get Distracted
Your third card is Seven of Water, Reversed. It appears as if your choices right now are limited, and judging by your spread, this may not be a happy sort of focus but rather feeling boxed in. Your career and hobby opportunities just aren’t as plentiful as they could be.
You may have been limited because the universe is trying to lighten your load, but for some of you, these limitations may be the source of your frustration and bad health.
I don’t see a particular solution in this card, likely because you first need to take a break and pursue self-care before these limitations can be addressed. But know this: every limitation can be used as a launching point or even entirely overcome.
But right now, those limitations aren’t your priority. Soothe your spirit and rest your weary heart. The rest will come later.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: White Bulldog
Stop Outsourcing Responsibility
Your first card is Blame with the wisdom message of “I accept responsibility for my well-being.” In life, a lot of bad things can happen. Sometimes their origin lies in others, but sometimes it’s in ourselves.
Neither really matters. Right now, when it comes to your career or hobby, the universe thinks that you are the most able to manifest a happy change.
This is good because when something is in your control, you’re not dependent on others. Taking responsibility for your career or hobby will allow you to direct what you’re going to focus on.
So ask yourself this question: in what ways have you become dependent or reliant on others that don’t need to be?
Once you identify this, it’s time to take responsibility for that area. This will be scary and overwhelming at first, but you’ll feel a sense of pride when you take full control and can manage it successfully.
It Will Improve Your Emotional Health
The second card is King of Water, Reversed. You don’t have control over your emotions. I think this lack of responsibility in some area of your career or hobby is affecting you more than you realize.
When something controls our career, we feel at the mercy of that force. We can then only aimlessly accept or react to what’s given to us.
Being able to initiate in that area of your career or hobby will settle your heart in ways you don’t expect. You’ll feel more sure of yourself and in control of your feelings. You won’t be waiting for everything to go right (or wrong), but have a say in the way things operate.
Another benefit is that you’ll feel more like an authority in your field. Of course, some things should be outsourced, but if something is causing you anxiety to let other people manage, it’s a sign that you should take control of it instead – at least for a little while.
Seek Personal Enlightenment
Your last card, Hermit, echoes the meaning of your spread. This is about stepping away from the world and focusing on your inner world instead. When it comes to your career or hobby, this is intense self-improvement.
For many of you, this is just a confirmation to take control. But for others, it’s a sign to not only take control, but learn what that thing is and how it works.
Here’s a good example: say that you’re a photographer and you always use models in your work. But your relationship with those models hasn’t been great. Choosing to become the model in your photos for a while (or being the subject of another photographer) would help you understand what it’s like to be on the other end of the camera.
Taking responsibility expands the horizon of your understanding and will improve outcomes in your career or hobby. This will inevitably open doors you don’t expect too.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.