Why You’re Single: Tarot Pick a Card
As a single myself, I sometimes wonder why I have difficulty finding “the one.” Luckily, we can use tarot to change our lives. It’s easy with a tarot pick a card!
All you must do is select one of the piles of cards above that sticks out to you the most. That’s your intuition speaking and that’s your tarot reading.
Once you’ve selected your cards, choose below or scroll down to your pile.
Let’s get to your reading.
Pile 1

What an interesting spread. There’s a lot of masculine, fiery energy here and quite a bit of personal passion. But you’re being held back by your past. Not very inspiring, is it?
Let’s get to the bottom of it.
Why You’re Single
The card I pulled for this position is the Five of Wands, a fire card about conflict. Do you see how everyone in the card is fighting against each other using sticks? I sense that you’ve been in the middle of a lot of drama and it’s not left a lot of room for you to feel comfortable and safe in a relationship.
This card always reminds me of the saying “sticks and stones may break my bones, but words will never hurt me.” That’s not true here, because wands, as a suit, is one of passion and motivation. You’ve been emotionally burned by the drama.
Everyone wanted their own thing, even if it hurt other people. Maybe you were like this yourself too. But this way of life doesn’t work for a loving relationship. It just can’t build trust.
What You Can Do About It
The Moonology card here is the South Node, which in astrology is about your karmic past. You’re supposed to grow away from it and towards your North Node. However, that’s not without problems because the South Node is considered “easy” and even a “gifted” area of your life.
But the way I read it in your spread is that your past and how you’ve been hurt has caused you to look at other people with distrust. After all, the conflict you experienced was particularly brutal and perhaps over multiple relationships.
Leaving your South Node and following your North Node usually requires you to be brave and do something different. In this case, I’m sensing that you need to go on a date with a bit more spontaneity. For instance, try meeting with someone before you do an exhaustive background check (in public!) or pick a new place or activity you’ve never done before to spice it up.
This will help you part from your preconceived notions about relationships by creating a new environment in which that potential date could turn into someone special.
Who You’ll Meet Next
Wow, this card pairs so well with the last one because the Three of Wands, Reversed speaks about playing it safe so much that it’s hurting you. When someone gets this card, they’re often encouraged to try new things.
But this is a person, so what I’m sensing is that the next person you’ll meet will be more daring and forward. This might be scary for you at first, but their courage and willingness to take chances will help bring you out of your shell.
However, this person isn’t just someone who likes to take risks: they take calculated risks. This will be a good balance for what you need now and what you need to grow. Be on the lookout for someone who challenges you in a good way.
Pile 2

There’s no doubt about it: you’ve been really challenged on the idea of true love even being possible. That’s not very encouraging for someone to enter into a new relationship, but I think there’s some good news in this spread that you need to hear.
Why You’re Single
I’m going to be honest: this is one of my least favorite cards. Why? Because the Seven of Cups is about all the opportunities you have – with a catch! Not everything that glitters is gold, but you tend to be too idealistic and too easily fooled to realize until it’s too late.
I’m sensing that you probably entered into a relationship or had a crush on somebody that seemed so perfect. But after a while, the curtain was pulled back and you realized that perfect somebody might’ve been a snake after all.
Some of you who pick this pile may have experienced this multiple times, but had some good relationships that still ended for some reason or another.
How absolutely frustrating!
The truth is, you’re not very good at entering a romantic relationship with a full awareness of where that relationship can go. So you’ve gotten into the habit of not entering one at all to protect yourself.
What You Can Do About It
This may seem counterintuitive to the last card, but your Moonology card, the Blue Moon, is beautifully ironic for your situation. It doesn’t happen often, but when it does, it’s an extraordinary event.
What does that mean for you and your singleness?
You need data. Lots of data.
Try casual dating where you don’t commit to anyone right away. This doesn’t necessarily mean one-night stands, and you can date modestly if you’d prefer, but the point is this: try meeting a lot of people before you settle on just one.
Don’t commit to anyone before the third date, or the third month, and allow yourself to see what you need in a relationship from a person. This will also help you understand your partner before you let yourself fall for a fantasy that may or may not exist. If you do this, you’ll be saved from a lot of potential and needless suffering down the road.
Your perfect match is out there. Believe that you’ll find them – even if you have to kiss a lot of frogs in the process.
Who You’ll Meet Next
Alright, when I did this tarot reading, I chose the “who you’ll meet next” as not necessarily your soulmate for every pile, so keep this in mind, especially given the message of your spread.
Here I pulled the Nine of Wands, and what I’m sensing is that the next person you meet is definitely not going to be your soulmate. It may even be the absolutely wrong person for you.
But here’s the cool thing about this card: see how the person is beaten up? This card is about standing strong no matter how many times you’ve been knocked down.
See the next person you date as an opportunity to learn more about yourself. Yeah, they aren’t going to be your perfect match: so have fun on that date and enjoy the experience for what it is. You can grow a lot in romance by finding out who you don’t want to spend the rest of your life with.
Pile 3

Two reversals and a hopeful card… I just know this is going to be an important message you need to hear because you’re likely feeling super down about being single, and it seems to have something to do with the way you communicate given the sword energy in your spread.
Here’s what Spirit wants you to know.
Why You’re Single
The Page of Swords, Reversed is about someone who isn’t able to express themselves to others. I get a sense that some of you who chose this pile may be LGBTQ, asexual, or have some sort of hang-ups about relationships that make it hard for you to put yourself out there. You may not even really want to end being single yet, but are feeling pressured and inadequate.
In most cultures, if not all, we’re pushed to enter a relationship even if we’re not ready. There were good reasons for this historically, but it was primarily for the good of children and most of us either don’t have children, won’t have children, or can provide for children on our own. That makes the necessity of entering a relationship a wonderful option rather than a requirement.
You’ve chosen to be single because your idea of a relationship isn’t matching what other people expect from you. That’s okay. But if you aren’t willing to admit who you really are when it comes to love, you aren’t going to meet that other person. Or stop other people from pushing you into a relationship you don’t even want.
What You Can Do About It
However you feel about romance, you have to embrace your life dreams and go for them. Your Moonology, Waxing Crescent Moon, is about the Moon beginning its transformation into the Full Moon. This is an especially beautiful card and what you want for your life is also beautiful.
You don’t have faith in your dreams becoming reality. That needs to change. This isn’t just a card about dreaming, but acting on that dream and believing it will happen.
Take some time to look inside yourself and think about how it is you want to live and begin making changes. It’ll be scary at first, but once you act on your dreams, you’ll begin to feel liberated.
Who You’ll Meet Next
Your final tarot card, King of Swords, Reversed, speaks of not expressing yourself correctly even though there’s a lot of power behind that expression. That’s okay: you aren’t used to expressing yourself when it comes to relationships and you’re going to have trouble figuring it out at first.
If you’re romantically interested in a relationship, I sense that an introverted, deep soul is who you need to meet. When I say need to meet, I’m getting the message from Spirit that you need to make the first move. The reason why I think you need to make the first move, even if this person is ultimately not your perfect match, is because it’s going to set a good tone for your relationship going forward.
People get confused by how you communicate your romantic attentions, so you need to be very direct to be understood. That’s why you need to seek out someone with a lot of empathy and depth: they’ll be able to understand the nuances of your expressions even when you bluster through with mistakes. You need to find the listener, not the talker.
As for those of you who aren’t interested in a relationship, I sense that you’re not likely to make your intentions clear to the people around you at first. That’s fine: you’re still figuring yourself out on the inside and you need to be comfortable with that expression. The person you need to meet next is yourself.
That doesn’t mean you don’t live your life as you wish. Decide to stop dating, even if you’re keeping it a secret from your family and friends, and relax in the feeling of being more of who you are.
Eventually, you’ll feel secure enough to reveal the truth about how you feel about being single.