How You Look to Others: Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a reading about how you look to others. These traits may be traits you have but may also just be how you’re perceived. Regardless, you can use this knowledge as a cheat code to navigate your social relationships!
All you have to do is pick the pile that sticks out to you the most. Which animal inspires your intuition? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Here I’m using the Golden Art Nouveau Tarot deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to see what others think of you.
Pile 1: Owl

You’re an Emotional Tsunami
People have a generally good opinion of you, but the first card, King of Cups, Reversed, means they see you as a turbulent personality.
For the extroverts, this turbulence manifests as your emotions controlling the room. What you feel is what everyone else must also feel. You probably have a particularly strong energy and might even be an empath.
Unfortunately, all that powerful energy is directed outward and is making people feel uneasy.
As for the introverts, this turbulence appears to poison you more than the environment. They’re really concerned that you aren’t living your best life and are struggling, but they have no idea how or even if they can help.
Whether you’re an extrovert or introvert, consider looking at how you express your emotions. Because the way you’re being perceived on that front isn’t positive right now.
Explain Yourself So You’ll Be Understood
The second card, Nine of Swords, Reversed, is interesting. It implies that you aren’t always perceived as logical, but that the way you defy logic is beneficial.
Perhaps the reason people perceive your emotions as turbulent is due to the strong intuition you possess. You’re able to link things together that others can’t, and this empowers you to do amazing things.
But they think you don’t have anything to worry about as this card in reverse is about not being anxious. This may be why your emotional turbulence isn’t received well as they may think you complain over the littlest of things.
That hurts when people don’t take your concerns seriously. However, I think they believe this because they don’t see the same connections between things you do and can’t analyze as effectively with their intuition. They’re blind and you’re not.
Try letting people know with supporting arguments when they seem to dismiss your concerns about something, personal or otherwise. Just saying your feelings without explaining how you got there isn’t sufficient.
If You Want to Be a Guru
Your final card is amazing. With The Hermit, other people think you’re wise. Thank goodness, right? Sure, they think you’re too emotional and you get worked up over nothing, but when emotions aren’t involved, they really trust your judgment.
That’s because of your intuition, but they trust your intuition even more when it appears you spend some time contemplating your positions.
Other people see you as someone who could be a wise mentor and worthy of seeking out to ask for advice.
Now whether you feel that you’re this wise guru, you can use this perception of yourself to your advantage. Your special interests that other people know are special interests will cause them to think you’re an expert in that area.
However, you can be seen as an expert in unrelated areas by dramatically pausing or taking time to “research” an answer before getting back to someone. This delay will cause the other person to think you put a lot of effort into your analysis and are probably right.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Panda

You’re Superhuman, Right?
Other people think you’re tough according to the Nine of Wands card. They’ve seen your ability to survive some unfortunate situations and believe you can handle almost anything.
Whether or not this is true is irrelevant, but there are some things you need to know about this perception as it may explain some difficulties in your life.
People like to rely on those they think are stronger than them. This card indicates that people think you have all the support you need to succeed, so they may not provide any help. This can be a problem if that perception of you is incorrect with the current issue you’re facing.
You may also find in work that bosses and coworkers give you responsibilities beyond what a normal person would be able to do. This causes you to be exhausted and you may feel as if other people have no concern for your wellbeing.
Rest In Private
The next card is the Four of Swords. This is a card of rest. On one hand, other people may feel as if you make things look easy. Some will be impressed by this, but others will be jealous and even angry.
Another meaning here is that others think you’re taking it too easy and that you’re being lazy. Since they also think you’re very capable, they’re going to believe this laziness is a choice rather than you just resting your weary head because you’re given way too much work for one person.
You may be able to share how you’re overwhelmed to someone who loves you, but most of the time people will think you’re just trying to escape work.
I strongly suggest taking your breaks in private as much as possible. But this problem is likely to be the worst at home. You’ll think you can take a break in between chores to recharge, but a family member might just see you as giving up instead of catching your breath!
Everyone’s Always Trying to Parent You
I see that your last card is the Seven of Cups, Reversed. People think you make decisions quickly and efficiently. This is great when they perceive that you have made the right decision and is likely to cause them to ask you for help when they want something done quickly.
However, you may also be seen as impulsive and don’t think things through. Any time you make a mistake, they’re going to use it as proof you have poor judgment.
Many who pick this pile may feel as if they aren’t allowed to have control of their lives. People will try to make decisions for you and then justify their “charity” as an excuse to ask you for a favor.
Narrate your decision-making or provide examples of why you’re making the decisions you do. This, at least, will cause others to think you thought about it seriously before acting.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Pig

You’re Seen as Reliable
People find you easy-going or at least that you’re able to go smoothly through life. The first card, the Six of Swords, Reversed, indicates that you’re seen as loyal and trustworthy. You can be relied upon to return to issues that matter the most even when it’s difficult for you to do so.
This perception can make it easier for you to build relationships, but you may also be targeted by people who want others to work harder than themselves. You may also find yourself overhearing a lot of juicy gossip… but sometimes there are things you wish you could unhear!
There may have been times in your life when you also abused this perceived loyalty and really regret it. But know that people have unfair expectations and probably hold you to an unreasonable standard. It’s not always your fault you come up short.
Other people in your life will recognize that you’ve made important sacrifices. They’re likely to respect and even admire your decision, but feel like you’re throwing yourself out of the pan and into the fryer.
If you feel like someone is particularly sympathetic in your life, you can probably share your struggles with them and finally feel as if you’re being treated with the compassion your loyalty deserves.
Attractive Shallows
The second card in your spread is the Knight of Cups. This is a romantic card. You may either be seen as very attractive in relationships or that you live as if you were the main character in a story.
Notice how the knight in this card appears to be gallivanting around. This perception of you is only useful in limited circumstances, such as in romance or friendship. Unless you happen to be in a creative career, this easygoing perception is likely to hurt you.
People may think you’re not serious even when you’re very serious! You may be trustworthy, but they aren’t going to give you important tasks that you want to do. They trust your character, not your ability.
So even though you’re seen as reliable, people may feel as if you don’t have the ability to do things that matter. If you ever feel like you missed out on an opportunity, that’s why.
Until the other person gets to know you or you have some way to provide evidence of your competence, be prepared to fight an uphill battle to prove your worth.
Living Without Meaning
The third card in your spread is the Ten of Wands, Reversed. Other people don’t think you’ve taken on a responsibility that matters.
If you’re very vocal about your interests, then this means they think what you’re doing is superficial or that it’s “fun” but not necessary. Artists often run into this problem, but sharing how their art has changed other people’s lives can go a long way in making others treat their work with respect.
You’ll likely have to justify your life decisions in the same way. People will judge who you date, who your friends with, and what you do.
On the flip side, if you’re someone who isn’t vocal about your interests and is very private, you may benefit from being more open and letting people know what you’re up to. They may just not realize you have your own life and are doing so much with it because they haven’t had the opportunity to see it.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Great and on point reading
Thanks, Wueen! I hope that you’re blessed in your relationships. 🙂