Where You’re Numb: Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! If you were attracted to this reading then it means the universe detects that you’re numb to something in life.
This is either causing you not to experience the happiness you deserve or fleeing from the obstacles you need to confront to make your life better. But you can change that!
All you have to do is pick the pile that sticks out to you the most. Which animal inspires your intuition? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Queen of the Moon Oracle deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to help you feel again.
Pile 1: Hippo

Treat Yourself
From this spread, it seems like you’re stuck when it comes to personal development. The origin of this is in your first card, Nourishment.
Everyone needs to refuel. Although most people recommend against mindless activities like television, I find that is exactly what rejuvenates me. Apparently, I’m someone who needs a mindless activity to let my mind rest.
What I’ve learned from this is that everyone is an individual when it comes to the activity that will help renew their bodies. Although you should seriously consider normal advice, it may not be working for you in this case.
Reframe how you participate in leisure. What makes you feel good, without judging yourself, when you’re at your worst? Think back to the past if you have to. You might need to do more of that even if it’s not the typical recommendation somebody would give.
Decouple Yourself from Time
Once you’ve nourished yourself some more, have Patience. It takes time to destress and refuel. You may be suffering from burnout and that rarely resolves overnight.
But this card is a reminder once your burnout is resolved. The reason you’re numb when it comes to personal development is that you’re trying too hard to make progress happen too quickly.
Sometimes, what you’re trying to achieve will take a while. And often, it’s not going to go according to the timeframe you’re hoping.
That means you may miss milestones. Don’t be discouraged by this and push yourself so hard that you burn out. Have patience and look at your life to consider if you need to make changes. If nothing is wrong, the only thing you may have been mistaken about was the arbitrary deadline you assigned to it.
Growing Strong
The final card is Growth. This is a sweet acknowledgment and blessing from the universe letting you know that you will eventually succeed in personal development.
It may seem like your progress is stalled now, but either something is happening in the background you’re not aware of or the pace of your growth will pick up again soon.
Your job is simply to maintain this pace by managing your burnout. It’s always harder to get started again after a full stop from burnout than to manage your energy beforehand and remain consistent.
Don’t look at your nourishing leisure activities as taking you away from productivity. Instead, see it as the fuel you need to keep moving forward.
Notice also the tree on this card. You are building roots in your personal development that will have a strong foundation in your life. The stronger these roots get, the easier it’s going to seem when it comes to personal development in the future.
It’s not always going to be as hard in the future as it is now to improve your life.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Unicorn

Not Making Decisions
It seems like you’re numb to reality. Your first card, Discernment, indicates you struggle to make sense of what’s in front of you.
Let’s look at this word closely. This means having a narrow and clear judgment. You’ll often hear it about spirituality and that’s because people are trying to make a judgment when the world around them is cloudy.
You often have to make discernments when there’s no clear answer, so you need to use your personal morality or education to make the final call.
It seems like you’re numb to this process. Perhaps you make important decisions impulsively or the decisions you make are done without enthusiasm. The reason you do this is that you don’t believe either outcome matters.
I usually see this life philosophy when it comes to people who are discouraged by the political system. Everyone is the same, they think, so it doesn’t matter.
Instead of focusing on the outcome and how the world responds, choose what you value and would like to see in the world instead. Don’t expect other people to be perfect, but hold yourself to the standard you want to see in the world. It’s what you do control.
Set Your Sights on What Matters to You
This life philosophy is going to cause you to Focus. This is something you’re not doing (at least in some areas of your life).
There’s an American historical musical called Hamilton which deals with two characters, Hamilton and Burr, who have different approaches in life. Hamilton focuses on his values whereas Burr focuses on social success. Watch the musical or listen to the soundtrack to appreciate how this dynamic plays out.
For you not to be numb in life with discernment will require you to pay attention to what matters to you.
Let’s use an example: perhaps you have a value of family. It’s not enough to take care of their physical needs, you should be interested in their emotional lives too. Ask your parents how they’re doing, your spouse what they feel about things in your lives, and your children about their day. Stuff like that.
Listening to other people, yourself, or a particular area of life is how you focus. It’s not merely an action but a choice of what you pay attention to. You can’t be numb and truly observe at the same time.
Don’t Be an Icarus
There’s a polarity in your life as we can see in the last card Extremes. Sometimes the extremes in life can be fun, but they can also be scary. Imagine there not being nuance or details, just intensity.
I do think you’re at risk of falling into this. In Hamilton, the main character threw himself so fully into his career that he made serious blunders with his family. While he was eventually reconciled, this wasn’t until he confronted his naturally polar nature.
It’s important to have values, but you should let yourself have a complex life with many interests too. If you burn too hot in one area, you may find yourself getting too close to the sun even if you do succeed.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Snake

It’s Okay to Like Stuff
It seems like you’re numb to Abundance. Perhaps you’ve taken minimalism too far or you’re skeptical about the material world.
The problem with this mindset is that you do live in a physical world and many wonderful things can be enjoyed. Not allowing that materialism to expand and grow means you’ll have a very narrow experience.
Let’s use an example: an abundance of money isn’t a bad thing. While it may not make you directly happy, it does give you options.
Where it goes wrong and where numbness normally sets in is when someone cares so much about money that they spend all their time and effort to get it. Then they have no time elsewhere in their life to enjoy it. And eventually, it seems like life doesn’t matter anymore.
The point behind abundance is to enjoy what you have and to let it grow. You may be the type of person who can enjoy a large wardrobe, or maybe not. Perhaps you’d rather enjoy the abundance of food or space in a home.
Know that your preference for abundance will be particular for you. Even minimalists tend to have a few areas of their life where they choose to be materialistic (often with technology!).
Don’t Tie Your Worth to Things
I think you may be self-loathing. There’s an interesting dynamic in culture where you’re encouraged to be materialistic, but you’re also judged as being a bad person at the same time.
This dynamic is causing you not to have the Self-Love you deserve. There’s something in life you want in abundance, but you feel seeking it out would be morally wrong. And because you secretly desire it, you feel as if you might be a bad person.
Stop thinking this way. The universe is abundant and there’s often a way to get what you want without hurting other people. A person who wants to invest in the stock market can choose to invest in companies they want to see succeed and not short (bet against) a company just to make a dollar.
When it comes to the material world, don’t value things above yourself. When you self-loathe yourself and judge yourself for your materialistic connections, good or bad, you’re connecting your value as a person to the value of things you own.
Abundance isn’t monetary hoarding. It’s optimism about the material world and enjoying it in all its complimentary largesse.
You’re a Creator
Finally, we have the card Faith. Notice how the woman is pregnant with a world here? The numbness you feel towards abundance is compromising your ability to look within to see what you can give back to the world.
You have so much value and ability. That competency can manifest and create what no one else can provide. But by choosing not to be numb to abundance, you’re allowing yourself to see the possibility that more can always be created.
And you’re part of that creation. You not only enjoy abundance, but you also manifest it for you and others to enjoy too.
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