What Your Priority Should Be: Tarot Pick a Card
If you’ve found yourself attracted to this tarot reading, then the universe has a message about what you should be prioritizing right now.
All you have to do is look at the piles of cards above. Which animal stands out to you the most? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading!
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Kawaii Tarot and the Work Your Light Oracle decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to figure out what your priority should be.
Pile 1: Frog

Seek a Higher Aim
The first card in your spread is The Age of Light with the wisdom message of “You’ve been training for this for lifetimes.” Right now your priority should be your higher purpose. But what does that mean? A large part of your focused attention, the “deep work” you do each week, should be towards your calling or dream.
If you’ve yet to figure out what your higher purpose is (and your spread indicates at least some of you fall under this), then you should go on a personal quest to uncover it. Traditional activities like writing down your hobbies and interests, taking personality tests, and talking with your loved ones are all valid – the universe tends to do what it can to align your life with your higher purpose.
But you may find it helpful to do guided meditations or journaling too. Any spiritual practice may yield results.
As for those who already know their higher purpose or are pursuing a potential one, make sure that it’s at the top of your to-do list each day. The last thing you want to do is pursue your higher purpose as an afterthought in the evening when you’re already exhausted (unless you’re a night owl, of course!).
Whatever it looks like to you, devote focused and intentional time to your higher purpose.
Your Fire Needs to Burn Bright
The next card is the King of Wands, Reversed. There’s some trouble when it comes to your higher purpose.
For those who are still uncertain about what it is, this indicates that you can’t decide what you should be doing. As you go about your personal quest, be aware that your higher purpose is something you either enjoy, or if you don’t enjoy it, fills you with intense fulfillment through the pursuit.
A good example of this is parenting a toddler. Often an unenjoyable experience during the terrible-twos, but immensely fulfilling. Be aware that a passion for some is pure bliss and for others is difficult, but a challenge personally worthy of pursuit.
For those who are aware of your higher purpose, you aren’t feeling as passionate about it as you used to. There are always ups and downs when you pursue what you care about, but if you think yours is turning sourer than it should, it’s time to change things up.
You’ve either gotten into a routine where nothing is exciting or you’ve established habits or additional activities which detract rather than enhance the pursuit of your higher purpose.
Slow, Then Fast
The final card is Queen of Pentacles. This is a happy card and promises material success and intrinsic fulfillment. You’re going to nurture your higher purpose and see it manifest in a tangible way around you.
Be aware that this may take time and patience, but as it blooms you’ll be quite happy with the results. The plus side is that despite its slow blooming, I suspect things will really pick up speed once you establish and maintain a happy routine around your higher purpose.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Alpaca

Enjoy Life
With your first card being Play and the wisdom message of “Have fun. Celebrate. Don’t be so serious,” the meaning is obvious: you need to let go, at least temporarily.
This could mean taking a vacation, long or short, but it could also indicate a need for being more intentional with your daily leisure time. So making sure you have a few hours each day to just relax.
Every day we have some sort of work to do or we direct our attention to something that requires focus. Even if this is fulfilling, it drains our batteries. Your battery is being drained more than it needs to be and now you need to change that. Otherwise, you’re on a long road to major burnout.
Understand that life isn’t just about what you have to do, but what you want to do purely for the satisfaction and thrill of it. This will take different forms for every person, such as watching television after a long day at work or going on a backpacking trip with friends.
You need something in your life to help you unwind and feel like a kid again when you didn’t have as many responsibilities as you do now.
Don’t Professionalize Play
Your second card is Lovers, Reversed. While I do sense a bit of a social element here, I’m primarily picking up the lack of commitment. And when I say lack of commitment, I’m sensing that you shouldn’t be professionalizing your play.
The best example of this I’ve ever seen is readers. They sometimes create extensive lists of books they should read to be “educated” and then spend hours of their leisure time each week doing something they don’t even like, or if they like it, it’s not refreshing and recharging their batteries. It’s work.
Your play is not something you do to improve yourself. It’s something you do to just be yourself. The difference can be blurry at times, but your goal should be to just unwind, rather than wind yourself up and create tension to push you to “be a better person.” Play isn’t about that.
Play Is Essential
The last card in your spread is Star, Reversed. This is a reminder from the universe that your play isn’t related to the pursuit of your higher purpose. It has no real effect on your karma or destiny. It’s just something you do for yourself in the moment.
Sometimes there are things we enjoy doing, like our jobs, but it’s so important that we approach them with the mind of play, not with precision and intention. Play isn’t intentional. It’s free-form and lacks boundaries.
You can’t feel restricted when you play or unwind. You shouldn’t feel as if every moment of your day should serve a higher purpose or somehow be “earned.” You always have the right to play.
Certainly we should do our work when we’re most attentive, but play is something we naturally do as children and should continue into our adult lives by default.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Maneki-Neko

You’ve Found Destiny
Your first card is You’re Already Doing It with the wisdom message of “Stop overthinking. Keep facing your true north.” You’re either doing exactly what you’re supposed to be doing or enough of it that any radical change would alter the right path you’re already on.
Take a good look at your life right now. If you need to, write your answer to these questions down: what do you enjoy? What seems to be working? What excites you the most?
These are messages from your intuition related to your higher purpose and other happy areas of your life. You’re bound to see something in what you list which aligns with your higher purpose or something else important in your life.
We naturally gravitate towards our destinies, though we use our free will to adjust that destiny. Your lived experience has changed that carefully written plan to fit your preferences.
What seems to be good in your life probably shouldn’t be changed right now. Do what you can to preserve what’s positive. It’s going to expand somehow in the future and manifest into a greater form of itself.
Maybe you don’t have it exactly right, but you have the foundation of it!
The Universe Will Provide
Your next card is The Emperor. You’re coming into control of your destiny and charting a path for yourself. For you, priority means being the authority in your own life. It’s nobody’s business to make important decisions for you. When it comes to living, you should be wearing the crown.
This card has a zodiac equivalent of Aries and we see the ram energy present in this card. That’s masculine, cardinal, fire energy, which means externally focused, initiating, and passionate. It gets things done – or at least starts them.
Make sure that you’re starting and pursuing projects you really care about. It’s okay if you don’t have all the tools you need: I always think of the ram here in the story of Abraham and Isaac: God stopped Abraham from sacrificing his son and provided a ram in his place. The universe will provide for you. Just start.
That doesn’t mean it won’t be scary and you have to be patient with messing up in the meantime. When you’re in control of your life, you’re also responsible for missteps along the way.
But you’re going to find your footing. Even if you don’t know the destination, you’re on the right path!
The Purge
The final card is the Five of Cups, Reversed. I think you’re starting to be aware or you will be aware of soon how certain things in your life will need to fall away. People tend to keep things they no longer need. These may be objects, but they can also be relationships, habits, or goals too.
As you blaze the path ahead, don’t look back. You can’t change the past, you can only write your future. As you do that, make sure you’re only carrying what you need. If there’s something in your life weighing you down, it’s time to let it go.
The good news is that letting go won’t be as painful as you think it is at first. Think of the person who has a lot of clutter in their home. They may be afraid of getting rid of something and think they’ll need it later… but haven’t touched it in years! As soon as their house is cleared, their spirits lift.
That’ll be you when it comes to letting go of your past too.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.