Can You Trust Them?: Tarot Pick a Card
If you were drawn to this tarot pick a card, then that means there’s someone suspicious in your life. This could be because they’re not someone you can trust, or it could be because their motives are uncertain to you. Either way, your soul is not at ease.
But with this tarot pick a card, you can get to the bottom of this mystery. All you have to do is select one of the piles of cards above that sticks out to you the most.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Here I’m using the Rider-Waite tarot and the Moonology oracle decks. Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to find out who this person is and what they’re up to.
Pile 1: Starry-Eyed Cat

Failed Expectations
Your first card is the Four of Wands, Reversed. Many consider this a card of happiness and can potentially indicate a wedding. Because of these joyful and domestic connections, the reversal of this card points to instability in your home or personal life.
Someone close to you isn’t as trustworthy as you would like. Because of the other cards here, I think this is because they’ve failed to live up to expectations in the past. This led to a lot of disappointment and frustration. You just aren’t sure you can rely on this person in general, but especially in tough situations.
For most who pick this pile, it could be a significant other or a family member. However, I do think a small minority of you may see this as a childhood friend or mentor.
In other words, the person you should be on the lookout for is someone with an influence on how fulfilled you can be in life. This is possibly someone you would like to trust or someone you have to rely on.
Note, however, that this is not someone so far gone you want to sever contact or cut out of your life. This person has likely hurt you, but not ruined you.
The good news is this: your mistrust of them is real and deserved, but the rest of the spread indicates a happy resolution to this relationship conflict.
Turning Around
The second card in your spread is the Page of Pentacles. I believe this person is going to make a favorable career or financial decision. If this person is unemployed, they will find a good job. If this person is in debt, they’ll start budgeting and paying it down.
But more than just orienting their life in a financially positive direction, I also sense that this person will have a perspective similar to the page’s expression. Do you see how positive and hopeful he is? This change of circumstances is going to transform them in a powerful way. They will now have better control over their own life and are less likely to make destructive decisions.
Chances are, this person lost your trust because of poor decisions they made in the past. I think they may have regretted it but didn’t know how to turn their life around. Perhaps they had even tried to do so many times but failed.
The reason this person seems mistrustful to you right now is that they’re keeping this change to themselves. They aren’t certain it’s going to last and are afraid of letting the people in their life down again.
But know this: they have fundamentally changed. Don’t see their change in behavior as nefarious. Instead, look for clues that they’re in a good place and respond positively so they’ll be encouraged to continue on the right path.
A Better Person
Your last card here is the Gibbous Moon with the wisdom message of “You’re very close to your goal.” For the most part, I read this as a sign your person is almost ready to reveal their evolution to you.
But I also read it as a sign that your relationship with this person is being repaired, bit by bit, and this reveal will seal the deal. You will soon be able to rely upon and trust this person more than you ever have before.
Of course, have reasonable expectations: a lot of what they’re doing is new, so be careful with any requests or responsibilities you send their way. However, gradual displays of trust by giving them new tasks can be a powerful way to signal your approval and joy over their change. They’ll want to live up to your expectations. So let them.
Did your reading resonate? Let me know! And don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter to receive e-mails when new tarot pick a cards are published. You can also check out my new YouTube channel here.
Pile 2: Pouting Cat

A Person Who Hurts You
I find your overall spread complex and with a lot of potential meanings, but one stands out to me the most. This first card, Two of Pentacles, Reversed, suggests that the suspicious person in your life is no longer able to handle their responsibilities. With it being a pentacles card, I’m strongly inclined to see this as a coworker or non-friendly peer.
Your relationship with them has either been competitive or at the very least negative. Perhaps this person has been oppressive, exploitive, or somehow obstructive to your success. I believe they used to have a lot of influence over others because of this, but their change in fortunes has upended their ability to hurt you.
That said, they don’t want to let on that this has happened. Instead, this person is trying to make a clean getaway.
I believe you may be tempted to strike at them when they’re weak. They might even deserve it. However, I think this would be a mistake for one reason: their failure isn’t an opportunity for revenge, but an opportunity to ascend.
Because this person is no longer in control of the world around them and can’t manage their responsibilities, then someone will need to replace them. That can be you.
Moving On
The next card in your spread is the Six of Swords. This is the card that presents a lot of complexities and I think it covers different potential futures depending on how you deal with your situation with this person.
Right now, I think this person is trying to find a new position elsewhere. They want to escape the fallout of their bad decisions before it hits them in the face. Be mindful that you don’t take on responsibility for their failures.
However, I can also see this card as representing you. If you’re careful, you’ll avoid any bad consequences of their actions and move on. This will help you to leave everything you’ve experienced behind and start anew, possibly on an exciting project or even a promotion.
Know this, though: this suspicious person is likely to “get away” with everything they’ve done. Yes, you’ll likely be able to complain about them, but it won’t hurt them in any way. Instead of despairing that they won’t receive justice, take comfort in that they’ll be separating from you forever. Sometimes that has to be victory enough.
New Opportunities Arise
The last card in your spread, the Blue Moon, has the wisdom message of “Believe in the impossible.” One reason I don’t want you to lean into revenge is that this person’s breaking away creates an opportunity for you to move up.
Their obstruction of your success will no longer be there, which means someone will see your potential and reward you. This may take some time, however, but just because it’s not instant doesn’t mean it won’t start happening within the next few months. It takes time to emotionally recover from someone keeping you down.
Make sure that you push the suspicious person out of your thoughts and focus on doing a good job, having a positive relationship with your peers, and pushing forward. This is the time to show the world what you’re capable of so those who have power will use it to your advantage.
You may not think this could happen after such a terrible relationship with the suspicious person in the past, but I sense your future is bright. Something good is going to befall you and give you confidence in other people again.
Did your reading resonate? Let me know! And don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter to receive e-mails when new tarot pick a cards are published. You can also check out my new YouTube channel here.
Pile 3: Surprised Cat

A Logical Woman
I’m going to begin with your second card, the Queen of Swords. Your suspicious person is likely a mature woman or at least someone with a lot of feminine energy. She’s not overly emotional, at least not right now, and prides herself on making logical decisions.
She believes that what she’s doing is the right thing. To her, the skies are clear. But do you see how on this card a storm is brewing in the distance? While this person believes she’s making the right decision, the truth is not what she thinks at all.
Your relationship with this person may be negative, but I doubt it. The rest of the cards here suggest a close relationship or at least one where this person has a generally positive influence on you. Even if you don’t like her, you don’t have any reason to hate or even doubt her.
This comes from her seemingly logical thinking. Not only has she fooled herself, but she fooled you too. Both of you are going to be surprised and it’s not going to be pleasant when it happens.
The Pain Is Coming
So what is this surprise? Your next card, the Four of Swords, indicates that she’s withholding a secret from you. This card appears peaceful. The man in the tomb is at rest. However, do you see how the swords are pointing down at his face?
You don’t realize the dangers coming your way. And neither does the Queen of Swords. Unfortunately, the secret or white lie or whatever she has done will cause great harm when it reveals itself to you. It will destabilize your life and possibly result in you having to make a hasty and misinformed decision just to survive the fallout. And no doubt it will harm your relationship with this woman.
But again, I don’t believe this woman’s intentions are bad. Perhaps she’s simply full of herself and believes too highly that she can never be wrong. She believes what she’s doing is not only factually right, but morally right.
That’s the mistake. Withholding this secret is only going to hurt you more in the long run. She’s only causing the potential fallout to simmer and explode.
Demanding the Truth
The difficult part of your reading is that there are so many possibilities on what secret could be withheld from you. I believe determining who the Queen of Swords is in your life will give you a clue as to what the secret might be.
Your last card, the Waning Moon, has the wisdom message of “What do you need to release?” I see this as the Queen of Swords being truthful. I find this card very peaceful looking, but also cold, like the Queen of Swords and her non-emotional decision-making.
The suspicious woman may be a lover who is hiding cheating, losing a job, or some other major life event. If she’s not a lover, it could be withholding a secret about another friend or something that happened.
The point isn’t to hide what she has personally done, even if she did do something bad herself, but to keep the peace. However, peace can be dangerous in a relationship if it’s not based on reality. Someone unprepared for the quiet of winter may go mad with nothing to do. Or starve to death.
Ironically, this secret is likely weighing on her mind. She’s made a “logical decision” but it’s probably hurting her emotionally to lie to you. The longer this lie continues, the worst your relationship will be and it will break.
What you can do is to confront this woman directly if you suspect she’s hiding something and to come clean. Be clear that you want to work on your relationship, and if it’s possible to forgive, you will. But lying, even a white lie, is only going to hurt both of you in the long run. Which is something she doesn’t want.
Appeal to her “rationality” to inspire her heart. Then decide if this relationship is worth continuing.
Did your reading resonate? Let me know! And don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter to receive e-mails when new tarot pick a cards are published. You can also check out my new YouTube channel here.