Your Spiritual Path — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on your spiritual path, specifically the karmic lessons you need to learn along the way.
All you have to do to receive this message is pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Soul’s Journey Lesson Oracle deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to find your spiritual path.
Pile 1: Dog

You’re meant to have a faith-filled life. The first card, Gratitude, has the wisdom message of “I am thankful for this life and the opportunities that it presents.” This is a clear sign that you’ll be gifted by the universe in a way most aren’t.
That will fill you with gratitude for the possibilities and eagerness to see more of what the universe has to offer.
But this card also indicates an active perspective rather than a passive one. Gratitude is a psychologically useful practice according to research, but I think it helps send the message to the divine that you’re a participant in destiny’s plans.
If you choose gratitude, you’re telling the universe that you want more of the good things in life so the universe will know how to best match your circumstances to a positive future.
Start small now, but it will snowball into something wonderful.
Not everyone has a clear mission in this life. Sometimes the ambiguity is by design. But for you, the second card, Purpose, has the wisdom message of “I know what I am here to do.” Deep down, you already know what you’re meant for.
It’s easy for someone to get confused, but there’s a deep yearning inside of you begging for your purpose. Spirituality will help you match with that if you haven’t already and continue on if you have.
Purpose is a spiritual trait and I believe that with the gifts the universe will send your way, you’re also being gifted with a reason to keep living.
Embrace this purpose and its alignment with your spiritual life.
There’s a part of you that wants to be in control. But the final card in your spread, Surrender, has the wisdom message of “I can release my need to control.” This means you need to accept fate.
That’s not to say you need to accept the bad things that come your way, but that it’s time to stop being in resistance to your faith and your alignment to what’s good.
Part of your spiritual path is letting go of your need to be in the mundane world all the time. A spiritual practice will help you ascend on a soul level.
There are a lot of ways to do this, so know you have options. Perhaps it’s meditation, prayer, rituals, accepting signs, and so on.
The point is that you let the universe intervene and be present in your life.
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Pile 2: Fish

It’s important to pay attention to your body if you want to have spiritual growth. The first card, Health, has the wisdom message of “I will honor the physical vessel that enshrines my soul.” You are the mind, body, and spirit of your being.
Some who chose this pile may be earth signs so it makes sense that there would be an emphasis on the body. However, this could also be a sign that your body is necessary to achieve your spiritual growth or life purpose.
For example, some people experience spirituality as a mental thing, while others want to do something active like yoga or digestive like diet. Perhaps you have values that require you to be artistic, so caring for your body is it’s own expression.
Either way, you can’t neglect your physical vessel. It’s important.
The second card, Happiness, has the wisdom message of “I am aware that being happy means that I am on the right path.” Know that this happiness isn’t just personal fulfillment, but in the moment joy.
When you experience joy, you’re raising your vibration and attracting better things to you. It opens your mind and elevates your spiritual experience.
You need to rearrange your life or your perspective about things in order to make the most of your everyday moments. Whenever something is making you happy, if you can change it and still meet your longterm personal fulfillment goals, do it.
Happiness is important to spiritual growth because it’s your fuel.
We live in a world of extremes. Your third card, Balance, has the wisdom message of “I bring a state of perfect harmony into my world, and I do so without judgment.” You need to let go of something that’s causing you distress in an extreme way.
Common examples include anger management issues, politics, or a binging hobby. You’ll know it’s an extreme, rather than a healthy interest, if you feel bad by partaking in it. Not everyone feels miserable reading the news, but if you do, it’s become an extreme that needs to be balanced.
Part of your spiritual path is understanding the parts of your life that are pulling you away from peace and tending to them. When you do that, you’ll radiate a goodness into the world too.
But you may feel pressured not to do this. After all, you were inducted into this extreme for one reason or another, so have patience for the personal journey it will require to overcome that extremity.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Pig

It seems like you’re either recovering from a hard period or going through one right now. This is going to affect your spiritual path, but you can use it to your advantage and get something positive from your suffering.
The first card, Grief, has the wisdom message of “I understand that loving something is an opportunity to appreciate it.” Even with reincarnation and afterlives, who you are now and who everyone is happens to be a temporary state. Everything you lose is a reminder that the version of you now can only exist in this time and space.
That’s not to say you won’t meet people again or experience amazing things in the future, but that every moment is significant on its own and letting yourself mourn that passage of time is beneficial because you acknowledge how special it really was.
The second card, Blame, has the wisdom message of “I accept responsibility for my well-being.” The thing about blame is that it’s so easy to see something negative in your life as a permenant judgment. But just like good things are temporary, so are the bad.
Anytime you feel yourself down and angry about the decisions you’ve made or situations you found yourself in, know that you don’t have to live in stasis. You can accept responsibility for your hopes and dreams and start manifesting them.
It won’t always be easy, but you always have the right to pursue them, even if you think you’re guilty of something in the past. The only true guilt that lasts is regret without action.
Your final card is the most important spiritual lesson of all: Worry with the wisdom message of “I am learning that worry doesn’t change an outcome.” In psychology, this is called rumination and it’s where people lose themselves in negative thought patterns.
The reason why that affects your spiritual path is that worrying isn’t about manifesting your dreams, but about manifesting your nightmares. Worry never comes with practical problem-solving, but instead, a chaotic despair.
Your goal in your spiritual path is to learn to push past that inclination and lean towards manifesting your dreams. And because you may have trouble doing that at first, I find it helpful to think like this, “If BLANK happens, then I’ll do BLANK.”
There’s always an option available to you and an action you can take. Don’t assume that you’re at the end of the road just because you’re worried. You can pave that road in front of you.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.