What People Say: Tarot Pick a Card
How we view ourselves can be very different from how other people view us. But we can go our entire lives without learning how we’re perceived by others. This can cause problems for you. People take this perception and share it with others – sometimes without you ever hearing about it!
Want to discover that truth for yourself? You can with this tarot pick a card.
It’s easy. All you have to do is select one of the piles of cards above. Think about which speech bubble calls to you most. That’s the message provided for you by the universe.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Everyday Tarot and Moonology oracle decks (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Now let’s find out what people are saying about you.
Pile 1: Pink

You’re Too Serious
I almost took another photograph of this spread, but I think the slanted picture serves as a perfect message for your reading. Here, your first card is the Three of Cups, Reversed. This is a card of what happens when friendship and frivolity are not a priority.
Because of your next card, I don’t necessarily think that you’re anti-social. Some of you may be introverted or even shy, but you can communicate effectively and form close relationships when you want to.
However, it’s not your current focus in life. I sense that other people are unhappy with this decision. Someone close to you feels like you’ve abandoned them for work or that you don’t show enough emotion. Slowly, their friendly feelings for you are starting to change.
Are you not being invited to hang out anymore? Perhaps people aren’t chatting with you as much on social media? That’s because you’re perceived as someone who isn’t interested in socializing for the fun of it. People think you’re too serious to be around for more casual situations.
Wanting to Do a Good Job
Your second card, the Three of Pentacles, serves as an interesting contrast to the first card. Here the number three and that friendly, collaborative energy is translated into a work or spiritual setting.
Some of you are going to be more concerned with work or a life passion, while others are caught up in their spiritual journey. The result is that the only relationships you put a priority on are those who are connected to those areas of life.
These relationships may not even be a living person, but someone intangible like a future customer you’ll never meet in person or a spirit guide!
It’s up to you whether or not this focus is worthwhile. Just know that the people in your real life are feeling left behind. And chances are, any interaction you have with them is so serious and focused on work that you’re bothered by anything which interrupts you.
If the picture of your reading is driving you crazy, perhaps interruptions to your “work,” like friendship, might be doing the same thing and you react negatively to them because of it.
But the Results Are Manifesting
Whether or not you choose to modify your behavior in the social sense, your efforts are paying off for your personal projects. That’s because your third card, the New Moon in Capricorn, embodies an ambitious energy.
The wisdom message here is straightforward: “Your hard work is paying off.” Because this is still a new moon card, you’re in the early stages. That said, you’re on the right track and you should consider any life changes very carefully. It may cost you a little bit if you begin to reprioritize relationships.
Some of you will consider that a worthwhile sacrifice, while others will continue putting their efforts in on their projects – at least for now.
Did your reading resonate? Let me know! And don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter and receive e-mails when new tarot pick a cards are published.
Pile 2: Blue

You’re Visibly Failing
The first card in your spread, the Ten of Wands, Reversed, tells me that you’ve become overwhelmed with responsibilities or burdens, and you’ve begun to drop them. You may or may not be aware of this, but the people around you are perceiving this as a monumental failure.
Yes, they recognize that you’re overwhelmed. They may even think you’re not entirely at fault. However, the overall perception is that you’re not capable at whatever it is you’re doing and their opinion of you has suffered as a result.
Ask yourself: is there anything in your life that seems to take too much effort to do or which you make a lot of mistakes at? There’s a good chance this is in areas of creativity or passions. A few of you may even be juggling too many relationships, friendly or romantic.
Something in your life has to give – or you’ll break before you bend.
The Problem Is Your Lack of Intuition
You may be a spiritual person with a gift of intuition. But we don’t always use our intuitive gifts in all areas of our lives. Sometimes, we even find ourselves blocked without realizing it.
Your second card, The Moon, Reversed, indicates that your ability to see beyond the obvious is lacking. This is the reason why you’re struggling so much: you unable to see the threads which connect cause and effect for the areas of your life that you’re having problems with.
We use our intuition when the obvious is no longer enough. It helps us bridge the gaps in our knowledge. Sometimes this intuition is an act of mental intelligence, and other times we tap into the unconscious to divine truths that would otherwise be held from us.
Depending on the area of concern for you, this could be one or both, but I lean more on the mental side.
Don’t be embarrassed. Everyone pigeonholes their thinking and narrows their perspective of the world around them.
It’s Time to Try Something New
Your last card, Full Moon in Sagittarius, has the wisdom message of “Look at the bigger picture.” As a zodiac sign, Sagittarius is known for being adventurous and hungry to know the true depths of knowledge. Unlike Gemini, their intellectual side is less broad and more specialized – but also like Gemini, they’ll experiment.
Channel that energy now. You’re blind to the truth and unable to make connections, so expand your knowledge of the situation or go all-in on one thing. Not sure what story idea to pursue as a writer? Research more on an area of interest or choose one at random and commit to it until the end.
The point is that you make a decision and stick to it, but once you make a decision you don’t block out additional information. I sense you get overwhelmed and start blocking thoughts to cope, but this only paralyzes you. Stop allowing this waterfall of burdens to be your reality.
Did your reading resonate? Let me know! And don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter and receive e-mails when new tarot pick a cards are published.
Pile 3: Orange

Can You Be Trusted?
Your first card is the Seven of Swords. This card is known for being the thief of the tarot, so I interpret it in two ways here: the first is that you are thought of as a thief and the second is that you come off as so strategic that you lack sincerity.
This may or may not be a fair assessment of your character. Those who are serious or introverted are often perceived this way even when it’s far from the truth.
But why are you being perceived this way?
People believe that you’re only taking and not giving back. Perhaps you interrupt a lot, don’t like hearing people talk about themselves, or you aren’t giving others enough of your time.
The result is that those you encounter begin to question whether you can be trusted. Of all the piles today, yours is the most damaging because it leads to the most negative gossip.
You Plan Ahead
But there’s an element here which I think complicates your situation further. Your second card, the Two of Wands, features a woman looking at a globe. This is a card of planning, and when paired with the Seven of Swords, people perceive your actions as intentional and long-term.
They think you have some grand plan and you’ll use them to your advantage. For example, a person who only socializes with someone when their other options go through. Or perhaps networking with no intention to return the favor.
Seemingly harmless acts can be perceived as the opposite. And sometimes, you may be doing the same thing as other people, but the way you do it is considered more self-serving than everyone else.
One way to prevent this is to take your focus away from yourself and put it on the people you encounter. Talk less and listen more. It may take some practice, but you’ll find a balance you’re happy with over time and enjoy future social encounters more.
Don’t Neglect a Change
Your last card comes as a warning. The New Moon in Aries has the wisdom message of “It’s time to take action.” While I love Aries, other zodiac signs can find them frustrating. They ram through life and sometimes don’t consider the effects of their actions.
However, as they mature and better understand that their go-getter attitude can be used for mutual good, an Aries becomes an amazing person to have in life.
I sense that the Aries conundrum is happening to you too. The way you communicate and act isn’t all bad, but it needs an adjustment that’s friendlier for the people around you.
Note that if you fail to make this change, you may lose valued relationships.
You may find it beneficial to reach out to someone you trust for advice on how to improve your communication. They’ve probably wanted to tell you for a while and this will allow them to do so without feeling like they’re openly insulting you or looking for an argument.
Did your reading resonate? Let me know! And don’t forget to subscribe to my newsletter and receive e-mails when new tarot pick a cards are published.