What You Need to Hear Right Now: Tarot Pick a Card
If you were drawn to this tarot reading, then the universe has a message for you!
All you have to do is pick the pile that sticks out to you the most. Which animal inspires your intuition? That’s your pile and that’s your tarot reading.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
Today I’m using the Keepers of the Light Oracle and the animal illustrations are from a Benresive Sticker Pack (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Let’s find out what you need to hear right now.
Pile 1: Deer

The Universe Is On Your Side
Your first card is The Divine Director: Intervention and Purpose with the wisdom message of “Divine intervention is occurring. Know that you are being guided. Happiness is your purpose.” This means that the universe is going to directly intervene on your behalf in a positive way.
Some who chose this pile may be going through a hard time right now and need this break. Others are going to be put on a more narrow road to manifest their life purpose.
Either way, know that something which is meant to be is going to occur and that’s going to push out what’s not meant to be.
At times, you may be disappointed by what falls away, but look towards the glimmering brilliance in your life. Things are just going to get better for you.
Love Holistically and Love in Wholeness
The next card in your spread is The Myriam: Sacred Vision with the wisdom message of “Choose to forgive in order to heal. See the light in all. Remember that love has no boundaries.” Yes, the universe is asking a lot from you right now.
For some who chose this pile, you may be initially annoyed or even disappointed in the next chapter of your life. Why is the universe asking you to do a particular thing or be near a particular person?
Sometimes what fate has for us is mysterious, but know that what the universe is trying to do for you is bring more love into your life. Love is also a two-sided street. You need to have strong opinions to love (or hate) someone or something.
The universe is triggering your emotions to help you find your values. Trust your response to situations and people so that you can organize your life to be one of love and purpose.
And sometimes, you’re going to find that you need to learn how to love yourself and other people – which means forgiveness.
Embrace Your Story
The final card is Freya: Phases and Cycles with the wisdom message of “There is a beginning within every ending. Illusions are revealed and released.” Wow, it seems like you’re going to be on an emotional roller coaster.
But that’s a good thing. I think the universe fears that you’re either numb or at risk of being numb. This would lead to a life without enthusiasm and you simply deserve better.
Know that the universe is trying to put you closer to your life purpose to have that enthusiasm. But something about your current place means you’ll need to experience some intense moments coming soon to emotionally process that.
It’s not all or even mostly bad, however, but you are going to end negative cycles and begin positive ones. Expect quite a journey ahead of you. Your true life is about to be revealed and it’s beautiful. What you’re meant to be is beautiful.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Cat

Finding the One
I see that the first card in your spread is Radha: Soul Flame with the wisdom message of “Rediscover a lost part of yourself. Experience relationship harmony and healing.” This is a sign of a possible twin flame or soulmate connection.
A twin flame is your other half and a soulmate is someone you can grow with. Although both can be romantic, that’s not always the case. A family member, friend, or even someone you meet once in your life can be this connection. And a person has multiple soulmates (though just one twin flame).
This meeting with your soul flame will have you connect with some part of yourself you didn’t realize was missing. It’s going to heal you and make your life better.
Trust In Others
Your second card is Faith: Humanity and Benevolence with the wisdom message of “Stay calm. Trust the good in yourself and others. See the light in the world.” This means that your soul flame connection is a good person.
Not every twin flame or soulmate meeting goes well. Sometimes, growth comes from conflict – but that doesn’t always have to be the case. This time, your soul flame connection is going to fill you with optimism and hope for the world.
This will raise your vibration and likely help you attract better things into your life and manifest your dreams. The only thing the universe is asking you to do is not be a cynic: sometimes people can seem rough around the edges, but they really are amazing.
Look for the good and you’ll find it. People often try to hide that part of themselves because of the nihilistic bent of modern society. Don’t hide yours – especially when you meet your soul flame. They very much want to show their heart to you, but only if they know you’ll accept it.
Letting Love In
The third card in your spread is Paul the Venetian: Experiencing Grace with the wisdom message of “Share your gifts with grace. Waves of inspiration and love are coming to you.” Here we see why that previous trust is so beneficial.
Your soul flame is going to bring out the best in you. Some of what’s going to come to the surface are something you didn’t realize you were capable of or something that you repressed.
I also think that you’ll feel a lot of love from this person. Yes, that could include romantic love, but platonic love or even the compassion of a stranger you meet in passing that changes your life counts.
It’s not often that we meet someone who radically transforms us. But that’s going to happen to you.
And for some who chose this pile, this person is already in your life! Let them show the best of themselves and you too will shine.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Alpaca

You’re Going to Learn Something
Your first card is Lady Portia: Divine Order with the wisdom message of “Do what you feel is right. An important lesson is unfolding.” This is a time to trust your intuition.
Our intuition isn’t always right, but it usually aligns with our moral center and things will average out in the end. That’s why using your intuition is so effective when you’re reacting to things in the world.
Something big is going to happen in your life soon and the point is for you to learn from it. This may be a bad thing, but I don’t necessarily sense that in the rest of your spread. Not all lessons come with wounds.
But the universe wants you to listen to your intuition because it will spiritually connect you to the universe. It serves as a bridge between you and higher planes of consciousness. And that’s going to make whatever lesson comes your way more effective.
It’s Okay to Want
The next card is Charity: Prayer and Contemplation with the wisdom message of “Connect with heaven. Ask and you shall receive.” I believe that you’re going to be more intimately connected to the universe during this time and you should use that to your advantage.
Yes, this is likely going to be an amazing time to use the Law of Attraction and manifest, but I also the lesson you’re going to experience is going to result in a huge wish on your part.
If you were to know what you’re going to wish for then right now, you’d probably think that you’re wishing for the impossible. However, the soul lesson you’re going to experience is likely going to reveal truths about the universe and your future that will give you hope.
So when you do have that lesson, accept your desire for something as not necessarily an impossibility. Go ahead and ask the universe for what you want – but leave the universe some room in how it will deliver it to you.
Speak Up, But Don’t Shout
I see that your final card is Mercury: Open Communication with the wisdom message of “Get a weight off your chest. Speak up with love, and be heard.” Be mindful of how you communicate with the universe or any other spirits.
I know that life can seem unfair sometimes, but life in the material world has free will and tends to upend the best intentions of the spiritual realm. That’s why fate is more a co-creation than a prescription.
You should be open and receptive to the universe’s plans, but the universe also wants your opinion. There are many ways to communicate with the spiritual realm. Spirit guides or religious practices are probably the most common in the modern era.
Whatever method you choose to use, communicate with love. Don’t fight the spiritual realm – work with it. If you do that, you’ll be quite happy with the way your lesson unfolds and what comes after.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
I really appreciate your interpretation and most of what you said is exactly what I am under going through and I believe going by what you recommend my life will change for the better
I’m glad it could help, Otwikende! I hope that you’re blessed and happy in the coming days. 🙂
Thanks again. My trust and confidence in you. Keep in touch and guide me till my FULL TRANSFORMATION
Kind regards