September 2024 — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on September 2024. Because my birthday is this month, it’s my favorite time of the year. Fun fact: I was born on 9-9-90. It’s fun to say whenever I’m asked.
To see what is likely to happen to you this month so you can use it to your advantage, pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen two of my favorite decks, the Moonology Oracle and the Witches Tarot (these are affiliate links that support me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now it’s time to glimpse into the next month!
Pile 1: Rose

Oracle Cards
What an exciting month! That excitement will be very good for your soul.
The first card, Gibbous Moon, has the wisdom message of “You’re very close to achieving your goal.” Take a moment to consider a project that you’re in the middle of that really matters to you – you’re either going to cross the finish line this month or only need a few more touches.
The second card, Cardinal Moon, has the wisdom message of “Be bold and make the first move.” I see this in relation to your current project, or rather, what happens next. Be prepared to make your transition into the next thing. It’ll motivate you to finish what you’re in the middle of now.
The third card, Balsamic Moon, has the wisdom message of “A time for healing.” Achievement is good for the ego and seeing your success this month will instill a lot of faith and hope for your future within you.
There’s a strong connection to the spiritual realm with the Queen of Cups card. Your intuition is high, signifying you’re either in alignment with your higher purpose or your vibration is high.
This is a good thing because it increases your likelihood of success as well as your productivity. A good life doesn’t start with the body, but the soul after all. And you’re doing a lot of the right things either in your spiritual practice or in your approach to general living.
With the Seven of Cups, Reversed I can’t help but think you may have some jealous people in your sphere. They’re a witness to your success and don’t know how to handle it.
Your loved ones may be wary that you aren’t spending enough time with them while your enemies, if you have them, simply want to see you fail. I suggest you set aside quality, but not quantity of time for those you cherish and don’t put your projects on the back burner.
The productive energy is too good to waste. It may feel like you’re doing the wrong thing by paying attention to your goals, but you’re allowed to prioritize them now and again.
I love seeing The World card with any career reading because it shows that your environment is wonderful and abundant. Expect your coworker or client relationships to be more pleasant, even if you have a challenging profession.
There’s also a good chance that you’ll make some extra money. Not a surprise since most projects indicated in this pile are career-related. But even if your project is not, know your career is going great this month.
Personal Development
You may be tempted to take on too much. The Two of Pentacles, Reversed usually shows up when people are taking on too many projects. This could be a sign that you’re so encouraged by your success on the project in question that you decide to do more.
My recommendation is to consider all projects other than your main project as hobbies or only to be attended to if you finish your main goal this month. That’ll help you keep your sanity.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Castle

Oracle Cards
I sense an inner struggle within you happening this month that you’re going to conquer. Then you’re going to express yourself more candidly and truly to what you did before.
The Full Moon in Aquarius has the wisdom message of “Show the world the real you.” The universe wants to see you reject artifice in your presentation to the world. The act is too difficult for you to keep up and is likely causing you psychological distress.
If you’re not used to showing others the real you, make it a gradual process. This month, pick just one thing you’re going to be more open about.
The Full Moon in Pisces has the wisdom message of “Balance spirituality and practicality.” Because of your other cards, I think you’re putting too much weight on your inner self to provide a landscape of experience. This may result in daydreaming a false reality instead of living in the real one. It’s okay to dream, but it’s not a replacement for manifesting the life you want.
The final oracle card, Full Moon in Scorpio, has the wisdom message of “It’s time to release negativity.” There’s something in your life that you’re holding onto that you don’t have to. Perhaps it’s tied to your artifice. You need to let it go so the negativity that’s constricting you will go with it.
I see the Three of Wands, Reversed card and this is an indication of not expanding your spiritual horizons. There’s some irony in that, but I think it’s because you’re trying to create a walled garden with your inner self that represents the life you want to live.
Do a spiritual or self-care practice you don’t normally do this month. It’ll open up spiritual and emotional doors that were previously closed.
There’s someone in your life that’s embracing the Page of Wands, Reversed energy. It could be you, because of your other cards, but I suspect there’s someone who’s being difficult and even aggressive towards the things you want.
It could even be something as simple as a friend who tells you your favorite movie is stupid, so you’ve stopped talking about movies altogether. This example I gave is perhaps relatable to your own experiences in a different form. You retreat into your inner self for a reason and you need to learn to stop giving their silly and mean words such weight.
There’s either going to be a good authority figure this month or your environment will be very positive at work. The King of Swords is a rational and intelligent figure. It’s a possibility that someone will see the real you and put value in that.
There’s also the potential that things will just seem more straightforward or easier to navigate when it comes to work-related issues.
Personal Development
It may seem like you’re having a difficult month, but The Empress implies a lot of abundance and joy. I think that’s because you’ll be taking the right actions to improve your circumstances and grow into the person you’ve always wanted to be.
I read a book as a child titled Bloomability and I think that’s a wonderful way to describe your experience this month. You’re blooming into the beautiful flower you were always meant to be.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Teacup

Oracle Cards
I think you’re going to feel stuck this month, but that’s not a bad thing. The universe needs you to stop and consider something important before you take action. This will facilitate your future joy.
The first card, Full Moon in Sagittarius, is the universe calling you to “Look at the bigger picture.” You’re thinking too small and not putting your dreams into their bigger context. Take some time to brainstorm about how you can make your goals bigger and more meaningful to you and the world than they already are.
Your second card, Full Moon in Taurus, has the wisdom message of “Your dreams need a practical plan.” Once you have the bigger picture in mind, devise a plan of action. It doesn’t need to be perfect or followed perfectly in the moment, but it should be a guideline on how to act and what you need to do next.
The third oracle card, Waxing Moon, has the wisdom message of “The energy is gaining momentum.” Don’t fear that you’ll be stuck all month. Once you think about things and then create a plan of action, you’ll be able to get started and make progress.
With the Eight of Pentacles, Reversed, I think you don’t have a tangible connection between your spiritual life and your physical life. It’s difficult for everyone to bridge this gap and most of the time people just pick tokens (crystals, crosses, and et cetera) as mere decoration. That doesn’t count unless it means something significant.
Instead, consider how you can manifest your spirituality into the world. How does it escape your head and become tangible proof of your connection to the divine?
A good sign with the Three of Swords, Reversed showing up in your spread. This is overcoming or avoiding heartbreak. For some of you, this means reconciling with a romantic partner or ex after a difficult time. Or even a non-romantic relationship.
But it could also be a sign that you’re healing from a broken social situation. Although the relationship isn’t repaired, it hurts less than it did. But you can see now why, socially, things are looking up for you in general, though perhaps with some bittersweet memories.
Be wary on the career front with the Five of Pentacles involved. This is a card of temporary poverty or being so focused on money that you’re blind to the other areas of your life that matter. Help is closer than you think, though.
You’re probably not looking at your career situation objectively and it’s either causing you to make a mistake or stay in bad circumstances. Broaden your perspective and the truth will reveal itself.
Personal Development
Your final card is The Chariot, Reversed. In general, it’ll seem like your life is on pause and you’re bound to feel frustrated because of that.
But you can use this time to your advantage in other ways than just thinking about it. Use this lull to relax or tamper down the extremism that often follows more energetic periods. Perhaps a staycation or mini-vacation is in order to decompress. It’s time to treat yourself.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Resonance. Option 1. Thank you!
I hope your September will turn out wonderful! 🙂