Self-Care You Need — Tarot Pick a Card
Hello, my soul friends! Today I have a psychic tarot reading on self-care you can use to feel better in life.
All you have to do to receive this message is pick one of the piles above using your intuition.
After you select your cards, scroll down to your pile or choose below.
For this reading, I’ve chosen the Sacred Self-Care Oracle deck (this is an affiliate link that supports me if you make a purchase). Remember that you have free will. That means you can manifest the positive and avoid the negative of any reading.
Now let’s see how you should indulge yourself.
Pile 1: Flamingo

Make Your Environment Nice
I see a strong indication of spiritual interaction. The first card, Clear Your Energy Field, is about setting the tone for your immediate environment.
I don’t necessarily sense anything specifically negative directly around you, but I do think you’ll benefit by clearing your energy field to boost your well-being.
There are a few ways to do this. The one on the card, smudging or saging, is one of the most common. You could also light a candle, turn on an oil diffuser, use sound healing, or even simply clean your space.
This will help dissipate some lingering negative or unproductive energy and get you in the right frame of mind.
Improve Your Intuition
Because of your other cards, I interpret the Build Strength card psychically. You’ll notice that the woman on this card has a third eye which symbolically represents a person’s intuitive ability.
You’ll benefit by practicing and upgrading your psychic ability. Everyone has this to some extent naturally, and even if you don’t want to be a professional psychic, improving your intuition will help you to make better decisions.
The material facts aren’t the only evidence you can use to make a decision: your feelings or intuitive sense about a situation can provide excellent support too.
To improve your psychic ability, you can use things like divination, automatic writing, and meditation. However, a more productive and direct method would probably be journaling – it will let you use your intuition to analyze your life and work through decisions on paper.
It’s Time to Turtle
The final card in your spread is Alone Time. This compliments your other cards and that connection is easy to see. But let’s get a bit deeper into this card itself. Notice the woman is standing on an ocean by the sea, naked to the world, with planets orbiting around her waist.
I see this as a sign of being alone and letting you be yourself. We often perform for others when we’re around them and this can cause us to get lost in an artificial identity.
By spending time alone, you can get more comfortable with the idea of who you really are so you can match your inner self to your behavior around others.
Alone time also gives you permission to focus on yourself. I think you’re either doing too much for other people or focusing your attention on others. This is causing you to feel small or insignificant.
Yes, it’s true that the entire universe doesn’t orbit around you, but it’s okay to put yourself first and focus on your needs in a lot of circumstances. You need to be the main character in your life, and within reason, you deserve to be seen and paid attention to by those around you.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 2: Sheep

Burn, Baby, Burn
There’s a lot of creativity and inspirational energy in your spread. It’s a very extroverted energy, and while you may not think that at first, you’ll be practicing tangible manifestation.
The first card, Burning Bowl Ritual, is about making your anxieties and worries physical. Writing them on a piece of paper and then burning them symbolically and psychologically helps you to process your feelings and transition to the next chapter of your life.
Some people believe it also has magical connotations, which I agree with, but the primary effect is empowering you to take charge of your life.
If you’re like me and you don’t like setting things on fire in your home, any ritual where you make your anxieties physical and destroy them will work. Perhaps it’s simply tearing up the pieces of paper and throwing them away or letting them disintegrate in water. It’s your choice.
Show Your Creative Side
Your next card is Create Art. Now this art can be something you show to other people and you should consider it. When I say show, it could mean putting it up on your wall, showing it to people in your life, selling it, or even putting it online anonymously.
However, the main purpose is the physical act of creation. I once heard the reason why writing is so important is that it teaches people to organize their thoughts. Art, and any other creative act, helps you to organize your ideas too.
Right now, what you’re inspired by needs to manifest but you aren’t letting it manifest. To do that, you need to manifest it using the right method to do so. It’s okay if it’s your specialty or a random art project you suddenly feel inspired to try just once in your life.
Art is about seeing, but it’s also about the experience of making it too. And that has healing properties for you.
Be Fully Engaged
I believe that your final card, Use Your Hands, can reference making art but it can be about anything really. I like to do jigsaw puzzles and that’s something that requires fine motor skills. Perhaps you’ll use your hands to wash dishes.
The point is that using your hands is often a mindfulness activity in which you’re engaged mind and body. Any physical activity is good, but an activity that requires the use of your hands tends to require deeper thought to do so.
The reason using your hands is self-care is that it will connect you to the physical world in a meaningful way. So either do something creative that’s hands-on or do things the slower, more intentional way by hand – like cooking.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.
Pile 3: Giraffe

Move Your Body
No doubt about it – your spread is spicy. The first card, Dance, can be interpreted literally as having a dance or dancing with someone else.
I’m reminded of the purpose of dancing a few hundred years ago in the West. It was the only way young couples could touch and it be socially appropriate. In other words, it could help you determine chemistry with another person.
Dancing with someone you’re interested in will ignite passion. If you’re struggling with passion, learning to dance together will help you to work together and build chemistry.
But let’s take this card to its symbolic conclusion. The point of dancing is to lose yourself to the music and enjoy the experience. It’s temporary and it can be healing. I’m sure we’ve all danced in a really silly way when nobody was looking.
So if you don’t have a dancing partner, it’s okay to dance by yourself when nobody is looking.
Use Your Body
With a card like Pleasure, I could use a lot of euphemisms, so let’s get the obvious out of the way: yes this has sexual connotations and it being about self-pleasure. A lot of people consider that self-care.
But if you don’t, the symbolism behind this is doing something for yourself, only for yourself, and it not being for someone else.
A lot of our hobbies these days have an ambitious goal to them. It’s not enough to like writing, you have to want to become a professional author. It’s not enough to like jogging, you need to run weekend races.
I want you to find something fun you enjoy doing that can never be something you do for the public or for status. You need to just be able to enjoy it.
Touch Other Bodies
Your final card is Sex. In Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs, sex is considered one of the foundational needs a person has. And judging by the emphasis sex has in popular culture, that makes sense.
If it’s an option for you, have sex and as much of it as you and your partner desire. If it’s not currently available, consider getting back into the dating world. In the meantime, you can self-pleasure.
But there’s more to it with this card than just having sex. There are a lot of feel-good chemicals released when you have sex with someone and that can bond you. Developing a relationship with someone can be an intense intimacy with another person. It expands what you think is possible.
And that’s the wisdom of this card: self-care isn’t just about doing things by yourself – it’s about feeling confident and comfortable because of your relationships with other people. Attend to those, and it’ll be its own self-care. Happy relationships build happy lives.
I loved reading for you! If it resonated, let me know. You can also leave a tip on ko-fi to support future readings and subscribe to my newsletter for alerts on new pick a cards.